attorney general meaning 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

#1. Attorney general - Wikipedia
In most common law jurisdictions, the attorney general or attorney-general is the main legal advisor to the government. The plural is attorneys general.
#2. ATTORNEY GENERAL在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
attorney general 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. the top legal officer in some countries, whose job is to provide legal advice to the government…。了解更多。
#3. Attorney general Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ATTORNEY GENERAL is the chief law officer of a nation or state who represents the government in litigation and serves as its principal legal ...
#4. Attorney General definition and meaning | Collins English ...
Attorney General definition : A country's Attorney General is its chief law officer, who advises its government or... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations ...
#5. Attorney general Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Attorney general definition, the chief law officer of a country or state and head of its legal department. Abbreviation: att. gen. See more.
#6. ATTORNEY GENERAL | Meaning & Definition for UK English
nounplural noun attorneys general ... 1The principal legal officer who represents the Crown or a state in legal proceedings and gives legal advice to the ...
#7. attorney-general noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and ...
. Attorney General. the most senior legal officer in some countries or states, for example the UK or Canada, who advises the government or head of state on ...
#8. Attorney-general Meaning - YourDictionary
Attorney -general meaning · The chief law officer and legal counsel of the government of a state or nation. · The head of the US Department of Justice and a member ...
#9. attorney general Definitions and Synonyms - Macmillan ...
Definition of ATTORNEY GENERAL (noun): most senior lawyer in a country; head of the US Department of Justice.
#10. Attorney-general - The Free Dictionary
Define Attorney-general. Attorney-general synonyms, Attorney-general pronunciation, Attorney-general translation, English dictionary definition of ...
#11. Attorney general - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms
attorney general Add to list Share. Definitions of attorney general. noun. the chief law officer of a country or state. see moresee less.
#12. attorney general - Encyclopedia Britannica
attorney general, the chief law officer of a state or nation and the legal adviser to the chief executive. The office is common in almost ...
#13. What Attorneys General Do
As chief legal officers of the states, commonwealths, District of Columbia, and territories of the United States, the role of an attorney general is to ...
#14. attorney general - Longman Dictionary
attorney general meaning, definition, what is attorney general: the lawyer with the highest rank in some...: Learn more.
#15. attorney general | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
The attorney general is the chief law enforcement officer of the federal or a state government. The plural form is attorneys general.
#16. Functions, Powers and Duties - Office of the Attorney General
The Attorney General is legal adviser to each Government Department and certain public bodies. The Attorney General is the representative of the public in all ...
#17. About us - Attorney General's Office - GOV.UK
The Attorney General's Office (AGO) provides legal advice and support to the Attorney General and the Solicitor General (the Law Officers) who give legal ...
#18. Duties & Responsibilities | Office of the Attorney General
The Attorney General Ken Paxton is the State of Texas's chief legal officer. As provided by the Texas Constitution and statutes, the main responsibilities of ...
#19. Attorney General-翻译为中文-例句英语
Attorney General Edmund Randolph from Virginia felt that the bill was unconstitutional. 来自弗吉尼亚州的司法部长埃德蒙·伦道夫认为该法案违宪。
#20. State Attorneys General | USAGov
Attorneys general are the top legal officers of their state or territory. They advise and represent their legislature and state agencies and act as the ...
#21. attorney general - Meaning in Hindi - मतलब हिंदी में - Shabdkosh
Attorney General noun · the position of the head of the Justice Department and the chief law enforcement officer of the United States Synonyms : Attorney General ...
#22. 美國總檢察長,Attorney General of the United States,元照英美 ...
聯邦政府的首席法律官員,同時是司法部的首長,由總統任命而產生。該職位最初由1789年《司法法》〔Judiciary Act〕設立,但直到1814年方成為內閣成員之一。其職權主要是應 ...
#23. Attorney General's Department
The Attorney General is the Chief Legal Advisor to the Government. In that capacity he advises the Government, Government Departments, Statutory Boards and ...
#24. About Us - Illinois Attorney General
The Attorney General is the state's chief legal officer and is responsible for protecting the public interest of the state and its people.
#25. synonyms for attorney general - Thesaurus.com
Find 5 ways to say ATTORNEY GENERAL, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at ... See definition of attorney general on Dictionary.com.
#26. Department of the Attorney General
Aloha From the Department of the Attorney General. Our mission is to provide excellent legal and public services in a timely manner.
#27. Attorney general meaning in Hindi - अटॉर्नी मतलब हिंदी में
Definition of Attorney general · the chief law officer of a country or state · the person who holds the position of secretary of the Justice Department; "Edmund ...
#28. Attorney General and Minister responsible for Housing
The Attorney General administers the justice system and provides legal advice to government. It is also responsible for providing British Columbians access ...
#29. Role and Function of the Attorney General
The Attorney General is the statewide elected official directed by the Florida Constitution to serve as the chief legal officer for the State of Florida.
#30. AG Opinions | Wisconsin Department of Justice
Opinions of the Attorney General (OAG) typically provide guidance when confusion exists about the meaning of a statute and Wisconsin appellate courts have ...
#31. About DOJ
About the Department. The Office of the Attorney General was created by the Judiciary Act of 1789 (ch. 20, sec. 35, 1 ...
#32. The Attorney General | Ontario.ca
As chief law officer, the Attorney General provides independent legal advice to the Government. The Attorney General has a special role to play in advising ...
#33. Special assistant Attorney General Definition | Law Insider
Attorney General means the chief legal officer of a state. State Plan for Medical Assistance or "the Plan" means the document containing the covered groups, ...
#34. AGO Opinions | Washington State
The most appropriate use for an Attorney General Opinion is to clarify the interpretation of statutes whose meaning is in dispute or doubt, or which appear ...
#35. Definition of Crown, Prosecutor and Attorney General
Contents. 1 Crown; 2 Prosecutor. 2.1 The Crown Attorney. 3 The Attorney General. 3.1 Delegating Authority; 3.2 Attorney General of Canada ...
#36. attorney general - definition and meaning - Wordnik
attorney general : The chief law officer and legal counsel of the government of a state or nation.
#37. About the Office of the Attorney General - California ...
The Attorney General is the state's top lawyer and law enforcement official, protecting and serving the people and interests of California through a broad ...
#38. About Our Office - Maryland Attorney General
The Attorney General is the chief legal officer of the State. The Attorney General's Office has general charge, supervision and direction of the legal business ...
#39. NRS: CHAPTER 228 - ATTORNEY GENERAL - Nevada ...
NRS 228.165 Office of Attorney General to provide Legislative Counsel with ... As used in this section, “regulatory body” has the meaning ascribed to it in ...
#40. Requests for the intervention of the Attorney General in court ...
The NSW Attorney General is the legal advisor to ... The Attorney General also has a range of ... The meaning of 'no proper contradictor' is that.
#41. Our ministers – Attorney-General's portfolio
The Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations leads the Attorney-General's and Industrial Relations portfolios with the Assistant Minister.
#42. Attorney-General's Chambers: AGC
Opening of the Legal Year 2022 - Speech by the Attorney-General Lucien Wong, S.C.. We have been learning to cope and live with COVID-19 over the past year.
#43. Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Department of Justice and Attorney-General · Carousel content with 1 slides. · Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission Inquiry · Media contacts · Right to ...
#44. Attorney General (state executive office) - Ballotpedia
In most states, the attorney general has a substantial influence on a state's approach to law enforcement. Attorneys general often set particular law ...
#45. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General - Government of ...
The Ministry of Justice and Attorney General provides a fair justice system that upholds the law and protects the rights of all individuals in Saskatchewan.
#46. What is the proper role of the Attorney General in Australia?
The Attorney-General of Australia is our nation's First Law Officer. The primary responsibility of this role is to protect the rule of law ...
#47. Accelerating Access to the Justice System - Ministry of the ...
Ministry of the Attorney General. COVID 19: Courts are not operating as usual. Do not go to court unless you have been told to attend.
#48. [USC02] 28 USC Ch. 31: THE ATTORNEY GENERAL - U.S. ...
"(1) serve as legal and policy advisor to the Attorney General on the ... the Department of Justice are also included in this definition, ...
#49. Attorney General | Encyclopedia.com
ATTORNEY GENERALThe chief law enforcement officer of the United States [1] or of a state government, typically serving in anexecutive branchposition.
#50. 2021 Ohio Sunshine Laws Manual
Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost Ohio Sunshine Laws 2021: An Open ... Statutory definition – R.C. 149.43(A)(1): “Public record” means records kept.
#51. Oregon Department of Justice: Attorney General
العربية zh-CN 简体中文 en English ko 한국어 ru Русский so Afsoomaali es Español vi Tiếng Việt. Select Language, Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic ...
#52. New York State Attorney General
NYS Attorney GeneralMenu. Our Office · Bio of the Attorney General · Year in Review · Divisions and Bureaus · Regional Offices.
#53. attorney general - Wiktionary
... (modern French avocat général or procureur général), hence the unusual order of adjective following noun, instead of idiomatic English *general attorney ...
#54. Attorney general Meaning - YouTube
#55. What does attorney general mean? - Definitions.net
Definition of attorney general in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of attorney general. What does attorney general mean? Information and translations ...
#56. Etymology, origin and meaning of attorney-general by ...
ATTORNEY -GENERAL Meaning: "first ministerial law-officer of a state," 1530s (late 13c. in Anglo-French); see attorney + general…
#57. Official Opinions of the Indiana Attorney General - IN.gov
2020-3 RE: Senate Bill 74 and Definition of Gender Under Indiana Code. 2020-4 RE: Local Government Restriction of Firearms During Emergencies.
#58. Attorney General's Office
Latest News · Laws Presented by the Attorney General · AGO LOSAF · Download Forms · Quick Links.
#59. The Attorney General's Office - University of Washington
The University of Washington Division of the Attorney General's Office. This division of the Washington State Attorney General's Office provides legal ...
#60. Office of Attorney-General of Pakistan (AGFP)
The Attorney-General for Pakistan is the Chief Legal Advisor to the Government of Pakistan, and its primary lawyer in the Supreme Court of Pakistan.
#61. Attorney General - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"Attorney General" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#62. What Does an Attorney General Do? - People | HowStuffWorks
As the chief officer of the Department of Justice, the attorney general enforces federal laws, provides legal counsel in federal cases, interprets the laws that ...
#63. Attorney general meaning in kannada - KitkatWords
Attorney general Definitions and meaning in English. noun: the chief law officer of a country or state; the person who holds the position of secretary of the ...
#64. Department of Justice Canada Minister's Transition Book
The Attorney General of Canada provides legal services to the Government. The Attorney General also oversees federal prosecutions within the ...
#65. What is a Deputy Attorney General? | Study.com
The Deputy Attorney General works under the guidance and direction of the Attorney General. The Attorney General's office plays a vital role in our countries ...
#66. About the Office - Attorney General of Virginia
The Office of the Attorney General is the Commonwealth's law firm. In addition to representing the interests of the people of Virginia, our clients are Virginia ...
#67. ORS 180.060 (Powers and duties of Attorney General)
180.210 Department of Justice; Attorney General head and chief law officer ... (6) “Master Settlement Agreement” has the meaning given that term in ORS ...
#68. state attorney general 中文 - 綫上翻譯
state attorney general中文:州檢察官…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋state attorney general的中文翻譯,state attorney general的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#69. Attorney General - Dr Derrick McKoy - Government of Jamaica
Attorney General - Dr Derrick McKoy. Balancing Rights & Responsibilities, The Judiciary, The Executive, The Legislature, Other Related Government Links.
#70. About the Department | Department of Legal Affairs, MoL &J, GoI
Attorney General of India, Solicitor General of India, and other Central ... within the meaning of Order-XXVII Rule 8B(a) of the Code of Civil Procedure, ...
#71. Who Can Serve as Acting Attorney General
§ 508 designates specific government officials to perform the AG's duties if the office becomes vacant, meaning that the Vacancies Act is not ...
#72. Attorney General of India: Appointment, duties and special rights
Being the highest law officer of the country, it is the duty of the attorney general to advise the government on legal matters that are referred ...
#73. District Attorneys - FindLaw
The Attorney General of a state typically represents the state in civil cases, but in some states the Attorney General prosecutes all criminal cases.
#74. attorney general - 詞典釋義與在線翻譯 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供attorney general的在線翻譯,attorney general是什麼意思,attorney general的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#75. Home - Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice
Office of the Attorney General. Providing public legal services and promoting a just, democratic and corruption-free nation.
#76. Attorney General Karl A. Racine | Attorney General ... - DC.gov
for the District of Columbia. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) is the chief legal office of the District of Columbia. OAG enforces the District's laws, ...
#77. Consumer Protection | Arizona Attorney General
The Arizona Attorney General has the authority to bring actions alleging violations of the Consumer Fraud Act and other state and federal consumer ...
#78. The Attorney General's Non-Profit Organizations/Public Charities
Office of the Attorney General, Non-Profit Organizations/Public Charities Division. One Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108.
#79. Unduly Lenient Sentences | The Crown Prosecution Service
This legal guidance deals with referrals to the Attorney General of sentences considered to be unduly ... Meaning of 'Unduly Lenient'.
#80. Office of Attorney General - Nepal Government
+ A; A. A. Login | Nepali | English. Toggle navigation. The Official Portal of Government of Nepal nepal.gov.np. Home; About Nepal.
#81. Justice and Solicitor General | Alberta.ca
Leads a fair and innovative justice system, ensures effective policing and supports victims of crime.
#82. 114-2. Duties. Pursuant to Section 7(2) of Article III of the North ...
with those powers of the Attorney General that existed at the common law, ... public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes.
#83. Law officers | The Institute for Government
Who are the law officers? There are three UK government law officers: the attorney general, the solicitor general and the advocate general.
#84. About Us | Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
The Office is under the control of the Director, who is appointed for a term of up to seven years. The CDPP is within the Commonwealth Attorney-General's ...
#85. Review of the Roles of the Minister of Justice and Attorney ...
The Office of Attorney General can be defined ... in determining the definition of the Office in ...
#86. Department of Justice - WA Government
Jury Duty. Dollar sign. Enduring power of attorney ... Attorney General; Minister for Electoral Affairs ... Dr Adam Tomison - Director General.
#87. Quebec (Attorney General) v. A - SCC Cases
The scheme enhances the freedom of choice and autonomy of many spouses as well as their ability to give personal meaning to their relationship. Having regard to ...
#88. Juvenile Justice Reform Directive - State of New Jersey
ATTORNEY GENERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT DIRECTIVE NO. 2020-12. TO: ... When the juvenile was recently adjudicated, meaning within the past twelve.
#89. 1.1 Relationship between the Attorney General and the ...
1)-(g) of the definition of “Attorney General” in the Criminal Code give concurrent jurisdiction to the Attorney General of Canada to prosecute ...
#90. GRAMA - Utah Attorney General
The Attorney General's Office is not a statewide clearinghouse for GRAMA requests for other state agencies. Anyone seeking records prepared, owned or retained ...
#91. Office of the Attorney-General & Commissioner For Justice
The office of the Attorney-General & Commissioner for Justice, Lagos State was established in 1968 after the creation of the State pursuant ...
#92. KORA FAQ - Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt
What is a public record? Public records are records made, maintained, created or possessed by a public agency - that is to say some branch of the state or local ...
#93. Attorney-General's Fiat - Legalpedia Qld
The Attorney-General (AG) is the legal representative of the Crown and a member of parliament. He or she has several powers including the power ...
#94. Role of the Attorney General | C-SPAN.org
#95. Attorney General's References - Sentencing Academy
Where offenders have been sentenced for certain offences in the Crown Court and the Attorney General considers that the sentence imposed was too low, ...
#96. Attorney General of India - Drishti IAS
The Attorney General (AG) of India is a part of the Union Executive. AG is the highest law officer in the country.
#97. Attorney General's Guidelines on Disclosure - GOV.UK
The definition of relevant material . ... These Guidelines are issued by the Attorney General for investigators, prosecutors and.
#98. Attorney General of India:Power and Functions - Jagran Josh
The President appoints the Attorney General (AG). The person who is appointed should be qualified to be appointed a judge of the Supreme Court.
attorney general meaning 在 Attorney general Meaning - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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