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Red sea bream is a name given to at least two species of fish of the family Sparidae, Pagrus major and Pagellus bogaraveo. Pagellus bogaraveo is also known as blackspot sea bream.
In Japan, Pagrus major is known as madai (真鯛, or "genuine tai") and is prized both for its flavor and for its traditional use as an auspicious food often served at New Year's and festive occasions such as weddings. In Korea, it is known as Ch'amdom (참돔). Pagrus major is also the most commonly eaten fish in Taiwan. This fish is grilled over charcoal or wood fire in Spain and known as "besugo". It can also be served with buckwheat groats. Also a closely related fish known as Pandora in the eastern Mediterranean.
英文名:Red seabream
學名:Pagrus major
嘉鱲魚體型為側扁的橢圓形,頭部比例較大,背部稍微隆起,野生魚體色呈淡紅色,而養殖的體色較黑。 生活的地區主要以砂泥底質海域及礁石區。食性為肉食性,以底棲生物為食。產卵期在4-6月,此時會遷移到較淺水域產卵。通常為群棲性,隨季節改變成群洄游,變換其棲所。台灣則分布於南部、西部、北部、東北部及澎湖海域。 基隆白燈每年冬天都有機會釣到。

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