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#1. 修思英文俱樂部/pec - [實用片語] canary in a coal mine = 煤礦 ...
這是什麼意思呢? 原來以前礦工是會帶著金絲雀下礦坑的,因為礦坑裡可能會積有有毒的一氧化碳,而金絲雀對它的耐受力比人類低得多,所以只要看到金絲雀死亡礦工再撤退都還 ...
#2. 學英文網站推薦1:climate canary氣候金絲雀 - 里茲螞蟻
要知道它們的關係,就要從 canary in a coal mine(煤礦坑裡的金絲雀)的典故講起。原來 canary(金絲雀)對瓦斯十分敏感,只要礦坑內稍有一絲絲瓦斯,牠 ...
#3. 新闻中的成语:矿井中的金丝雀 - ShareAmerica
所以我们让吉姆去问,他就像矿井中的金丝雀。) The melting glacier is a canary in the coal mine for global warming. (冰川融化是全球变暖的警告标志 ...
#4. canary in a coal mine 中文 - 查查綫上辭典
canary in a coal mine中文:[網絡] 金絲雀;危險的預兆…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋canary in a coal mine的中文翻譯,canary in a coal mine的發音,音標, ...
#5. CANARY IN A COALMINE在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
canary in a coalmine的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. something that gives an early warning of danger or failure, in the way that, in the past, a…
#6. 一分钟美语Canary in a coal mine - 美国之音
Canary in a coal mine 矿井中的金丝雀,指危险的先兆。金丝雀对有害气体的敏感度超过人体,所以金丝雀就成了矿工们的警报器,矿工下井带着金丝雀, ...
#7. climate canary-氣候金絲雀;grief tourism-悲傷旅行。 - 隨意窩
要知道它們的關係,就要從canary in a coal mine(煤礦坑裡的金絲雀)的典故講起。原來金絲雀對瓦斯十分敏感,只要礦坑內稍有一絲絲瓦斯,牠便會焦躁不安 ...
#9. canary in a coal mine在線翻譯- 英語 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供canary in a coal mine的在線翻譯,canary in a coal mine是什麼意思,canary in a coal mine的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#10. A Canary in a Coal Mine|礦井中的金絲雀——記紐約大學冤案 ...
Our friends at Taiwan Innocence Project recently shared with their followers about their experiences at the U.S.-Asia Law Institute's ...
#11. "canary in a coal mine"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)的問題
This saying now refers to the feeling of someone being used by others to see if a situation is unpleasant or dangerous. In the past, coal miners ...
#12. 矿井中的金丝雀(canary in the coal mine) - 澳微帮
【英语学习】新闻中的成语:矿井中的金丝雀(canary in the coal mine) · Meaning Someone/something that is an early warning of danger. · Examples.
#13. TED-Ed】為什麼北極是氣候變化的煤礦中的金絲雀--威廉-查普 ...
#14. [76/365] 英文課− 煤礦坑裡的金絲雀a canary in a coal mine
canary in the coal mine中文 ,你想知道的解答。偶爾說句俚語,是可以讓人眼睛為之一亮的,就像是老外說話說到一半迸出「對呀,等著看,路遙知馬力。」旁邊的人也一定 ...
#15. 貨幣礦坑裡的金絲雀(canary in the monetary coal mine)
鯰魚效應、羊群效應、礦坑裡的金絲雀…金融詞彙常常看得霧煞煞?央行臉書來幫你解惑2020-01-19 07:30:01.
#16. Canary in the Coal Mine - 博客來
Bitty is a canary whose courage more than makes up for his diminutive size. Of course, as a miner bird who detects deadly gas leaks in a West Virginia coal mine ...
#17. Canary in a Coal Mine Funny Bird & Miner Hard Hat Sweatshirt
提供翻譯服務。 查看English問與答的繁體中文翻譯版本。
#18. 英文词典| canary in the coal mine 意思、解释
在中文里面,我们如何解释canary in the coal mine这个英文词呢? canary in the coal mine这个英文词,中文意思如下:金丝雀在煤矿。 Meaning of canary in the coal ...
#19. Canary in a Coal Mine - From "Lockdown Experience" - KKBOX
Black Lilys的專輯「Canary in a Coal Mine - From "Lockdown Experience"」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。
#20. A canary in the coalmine definition and meaning - Collins ...
A canary in the coalmine definition: something that acts as an early warning of a problem or danger | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
#21. canary翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
英漢詞典提供【canary】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... like the proverbial canary in a coal mine, the nearly 10, 000 known bird species act as ...
#22. canary-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: canary islands, canary wharf, canary yellow,在英语-中文情境中翻译"canary"
#23. Canary in a coal mine——煤礦坑裏的金絲雀? - 雪花新闻
今天小恰给大家继续讲解走进VOA栏目之--canary in a coal mine.煤矿里为什么有金丝雀呢? 一起来看看吧! Canaries are little yellow birds.
#24. Canary in the Coal Mine 電子書by Madelyn Rosenberg - Kobo ...
在Kobo 閱讀Madelyn Rosenberg 的《Canary in the Coal Mine》。Bitty is a canary whose courage more than makes up for his diminutive size.
#25. Caging the coughing canary in the global lung health coal ...
Caging the coughing canary in the global lung health coal mine ... Peter G. Gibson. See related article 中文翻译: ...
#26. The Canary in the Coal Mine - LinkedIn
The expression, "Canary in the Coal Mine" originated when miners would carry caged Canaries while at work; if there was any methane or ...
#27. The Canary in the Coal Mine: Taiwan's Vital R...
Path: Home > News > Announcements. "The Canary in the Coal Mine: Taiwan's Vital Role in the International Order" on YouTube. Post Date:2018-11-13 ...
#28. Canary in a coal mine - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Refers to the former practice of taking caged canaries into coal mines. The birds would die if methane gas became present and thereby alert miners to the ...
#29. CANARY BIRDS 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
Birds are like the proverbial canaries in the coal mine because of their sensitivity to environmental changes that cause extinction. 鸟类 ...
#30. Canary in the coal mine | Times Higher Education (THE)
Canary in the coal mine. Why has the idea of publicly funded higher education crumbled so quickly in England? James Vernon explores the ...
#31. What does canary in a coal mine mean? - Definitions.net
Etymology: An allusion to caged canaries mining workers would carry down into the tunnels with them. If dangerous gases such as methane or carbon monoxide ...
#32. canary - WordReference.com 英汉词典
canary - WordReference.com 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文. canary nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, ... the canary in the coal mine - English Only forum
#33. 12月30日,32年前,金丝雀不再被用于煤矿预警 - 搜狐
这种特性甚至引出了英语中的一个短语:canary in a coal mine(煤矿里的金丝雀),类似于中文里的“警钟”或者“晴雨表”。 随着现代技术的出现,金丝雀迎 ...
#34. canary in a coal mine - Wiktionary
A canary cage for use in mines. The handle is an oxygen cylinder that can be used to revive the canary. Alternative formsEdit.
#35. The canary in the coal mine - Document - Gale
More specifically, this allusion refers to information that was common knowledge for earlier generations. The History of Gas Detection in Coal Mines. Coal is ...
#36. Canaries in the coal mine? North Atlantic right whale use of ...
Scientists say that behavioral changes observed in North Atlantic right whales should be considered a “canary in the coal mine” scenario.
#37. Antisemitism the 'canary in the coalmine of global hatred', UN ...
Mr. Shaheed began by confirming that the global rise in antisemitic violence is significant and worrying. Audio Credit: Conor Lennon/ UN News.
#38. The Overused Metaphor of the Coal-Mine Canary - WSJ
Canaries really were once sent down into coal mines to test for gas leaks. The Scottish physiologist John Scott Haldane pioneered the use of " ...
#39. canary in a coal mine - Sesli Sözlük
canary in a coal mine çevirisi anlamı nedir nasıl telaffuz ediliz. ... () An allusion to caged canaries mining workers would carry down into the tunnels ...
#40. Elop: a canary in a coal mine? - Counterpoint Research
Elop: a canary in a coal mine? June 17, 2015. |In Blogs. |By Peter Richardson. Microsoft announced a reorganization on 17th June that will see Stephen Elop ...
#41. Idiom - Canary in the coal mine - Funky English
Idiom – Canary in the coal mine or Canary in a coal mine. Meaning – Someone or something that is an early warning for trouble or danger.
#42. 【双语汇】煤矿里的金丝雀 - 参考消息
英文里也有一句相近的习惯用语:the canary in the coal mine——煤矿里的金丝雀。 最近,比特币价格再创新高。美国知名投资人、亿万富翁彼得·蒂尔在 ...
#43. Hollywood Bets Big on the Bad Entrepreneur - The New York ...
... women are “the canary in the coal mine” of corporate dysfunction. While “The Social Network” argues that Zuckerberg started Facebook in ...
#44. canary in a coal mine 相關報導- Yahoo奇摩新聞
最新最豐富的canary in a coal mine 相關新聞就在Yahoo奇摩新聞,讓你快速掌握世界大事、財經動態、體育賽事結果、影劇圈內幕、社會萬象、台灣在地訊息。
#45. Canary in a Coal Mine - Apple Music
在Apple Music 聆聽Tomato/Tomato的《Canary in a Coal Mine》。串流〈Take It on the Road〉、〈Gotta Get Up〉等歌曲。
#46. Canary in the Coal Mine - William Ryan Fritch - LINE MUSIC
Canary in the Coal Mine 歌詞- William Ryan Fritch.
#47. The Canary in the Coal Mine - PubMed
The Canary in the Coal Mine. J Avian Med Surg. 2016 Dec;30(4):386-391. doi: 10.1647/1082-6742-30.4.386. Author. Christal Pollock.
#48. The Story of the Real Canary in the Coal Mine | Smart News
On this day in 1986, a mining tradition dating back to 1911 ended: the use of canaries in coal mines to detect carbon monoxide and other ...
#49. Canary in the Coal Mine - Google 圖書結果
ISBN 978-0-8234-2600-3 (hardcover) [1. Coal mines and mining—Fiction. 2. Canaries—Fiction. 3. Working animals—Fiction. 4. Voyages and travels— Fiction. 5.
#50. Canary in the Coal Mine: A Forgotten Rural Community, a ...
We know this because he reassured his other son, “All that is mine is yours” (Luke 15:31, esv). But the father never withheld his love from his hurting son.
#51. Canary In a Coal Mine: A Tale of the Sovereign Era - Google 圖書結果
"You live your life like a canary in a coal mine..." "Billy, why that song?" I asked. "SCET scat, I smell a rat!" Billy was out the.
#52. Home Is Where the Hurt Is: Media Depictions of Wives and Mothers
Smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/storyreal-canary-coal-mine-180961570/. “Exciting and New.” Transparent, created by Jill Soloway, Amazon Studios, 25 September ...
canary in the coal mine中文 在 修思英文俱樂部/pec - [實用片語] canary in a coal mine = 煤礦 ... 的推薦與評價
這是什麼意思呢? 原來以前礦工是會帶著金絲雀下礦坑的,因為礦坑裡可能會積有有毒的一氧化碳,而金絲雀對它的耐受力比人類低得多,所以只要看到金絲雀死亡礦工再撤退都還 ... ... <看更多>