“Online Cooking”, as the name implies, is a video website where I give advices on how to cook.
◆Fried eggplant and mushroom with Chinese chili sauce.
Ingredient ( servings 2 )
100g ground pork
3 eggplant
1/2 bag mushroom
2 teaspoon sesame oil
200ml chicken broth
proper amount of dissolved starch in water
proper amount of spring onion
A 2 cloves (15g) garlic (minced)
A 15g ginger (minced)
B 2tablespoons cooking sake
B 1 tablespoon Chili bean paste
B 1 tablespoon sweet soybean paste
B 1 tablespoon soysource
Cut off the tip of eggplant and halve lengthwise.Then slice quarter. Cut off the hard tip of mushroom and loosen.
1 Depp fry eggplant in warmed frying pan with 1cm of oil over medium-high heat for 20~30 sec. Drain eggplant on kitchen paper. ( Remained oil can be reused )
2 Clean off the oil in the frying pan, then add sesame oil. Stir fry garlic and ginger in the frying pan until fragrant, add ground pork and fry over medium heat until half of the pork is cooked.
3 Add egg plant and mushroom in the frying pan and toss. Pour soy source, like drawing circles, from the edge of the pan,
4 Add chicken broth and cook until it brings to boil. Add dissolved starch( dissolve starch in the same amount of water) over high heat. Serve with chopped spring onion, sprinkle chili oil or Japanese pepper, if desired.
Cooking tips!
If sweet soy bean paste is not available, substitute miso.
Egg plant is easily changed surface color, fry immediately after egg plant is cut.
Any kind of mushroom can be used,
◆Yoshiro Takahashi HP│http://yoshiro-takahashi.com/
◯燃やすおかず つくりおき(学研)│https://goo.gl/zMRoCb
◯100万人のお墨付き(主婦の友社)│https://goo.gl/oqPdze 他
◆Back number
鶏むね肉となすの冷しゃぶサラダ【#56】│ Healthy chicken salad with eggplant
ステーキサラダ エスニック風【#57】│ Steak salad in ethnic style
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海鮮丼【#60】│ Assorted raw seafood dish
油淋鶏(ユーリンチー)【#59】│ Chinese fried chicken with special sauce
海鮮丼【#60】│ Assorted raw seafood dish
なすのはさみ焼き【#61】│ Grilled slices of eggplant with a filling
クリスピーチキン ごまみそ味【#62】│ Crispy chicken with sesame miso flavor
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バターチキンカレー【#64】│ Butter chicken curry
キャベツと豚バラ肉の甘辛炒め【#65】│ stir-fried pork and cabbages with sweet and hot sauce