#1. 醫學名詞解釋--血壓的收縮壓(systolic blood pressure-何一成
血壓的舒張壓(diastolic blood pressure). 舒張壓,是指心臟舒張時的血壓,也就是量血壓時,量到兩個數字裡比較低的那個,例如,血壓130/80mmHg,其中80就是舒張壓。
#2. 少鹽控制血壓減少中風機會 - El Camino Health
只要降低一點血壓,例如降低5到6毫米汞柱(mmHg)的舒張壓(diastolic blood pressure),就可以降低35到40%中風的機會。而減少鹽份的攝取,便是控制血壓最容易的方式之一 ...
... blood pressure, SBP);第二個也就是較低的數值70,則代表了心臟舒張接受血液回流時所測得的血壓,稱之為舒張壓(diastolic blood pressure, DBP)。
#4. 上壓升高下壓正常有問題嗎﹖(郭詠觀醫生) - 明醫網 - 明報
... 是「收縮壓」(systolic blood pressure),量度心臟收縮(systole)將血輸出時施加在動脈壁的壓力,而較小的數目是「舒張壓」(diastolic blood ...
#5. diastolic blood pressure - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"diastolic blood pressure" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#6. 舒张压_百度百科
低压≥90mmHg的称为高血压。其中,90~99属1级高血压,>100属2级高血压。 中文名: 舒张压; 外文名: diastolic blood pressure/DP. 正常值: 60-79; 适用范围: 临床医学 ...
高血壓(英語:Hypertension,high blood pressure)是動脈血壓持續偏高的慢性疾病。 ... 英语:diastole)時的測量值;收縮壓是血壓的最大值,舒張壓是血壓的最小值。
#8. 舒張壓diastolic blood pressure|疾病症狀與介紹
舒張壓diastolic blood pressure|疾病症狀與介紹,舒張壓即指通常所進的低壓,是心臟舒張時動脈內壓力降至最低點時的血壓值。...|KingNet國家網路醫藥.
diastolic. KK[͵daɪəsˋtɑlɪk]; DJ[͵daiəsˋtɔlik] ... 牛津中文字典 ... diastolic blood pressure. KK[͵daɪəsˋtɑlɪk blʌd ˋprɛʃɚ]; DJ[͵daiəsˋtɔlik blʌd ˋpreʃə].
#10. 血壓(blood pressure) - 小小整理網站Smallcollation
在心臟收縮時動脈內的血液量最多,此最大壓力即稱為收縮壓(Systolic pressure);而心臟舒張期動脈內的血液量最少,此時的最低壓力即稱為舒張壓(Diastolic pressure ...
#11. 血壓計使用教學 - 職安局
舒張壓(下壓). Diastolic B.P.. 低於80. 80-84. 85-89. 90或以上.
#12. diastolic pressure-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: diastolic blood pressure,在英语-中文情境中翻译"diastolic pressure"
#13. diastolic中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
diastolic 翻譯:(心臟的)舒張期的,心舒期的。了解更多。 ... diastolic 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. diastolic ... diastolic blood pressure 心舒期血壓.
#14. Diastolic Hypertension 舒張期高血壓
BACKGROUND Isolated diastolic hypertension (IDH) is defined as diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ≥80 mmHg and systolic blood pressure (SBP) <130 mmHg ...
#15. diastolic blood pressure 中文 - 查查詞典
diastolic blood pressure中文 意思::舒張壓…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋diastolic blood pressure的中文翻譯,diastolic blood pressure的發音,三態,音標, ...
#16. Blood pressure chart: What your reading means - Mayo Clinic
Systolic blood pressure, the top number, measures the force the heart exerts on the walls of the arteries each time it beats. · Diastolic blood pressure, the ...
#17. Effect of Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure on ...
Chinese Translation 中文翻译 ... A J-curve relation between diastolic blood pressure and outcomes was seen that was explained at least in ...
#18. 舒张压- diastolic blood pressure是什么意思 - 生物医药大词典
英文: Systolic blood pressure is the pressure found when the heart pumps, in contrast to diastolic blood pressure, the pressure between heart beats. 中文: 收缩 ...
#19. Physiology, Pulse Pressure - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressures.[1][2][3]
#20. 認識血壓:血壓標準、高血壓的症狀、原因和治療 - Hello醫師
長期的高血壓(Hypertension)會提高罹患心臟病、糖尿病、中風等疾病的風險,尤其 ... blood pressure monitoring,簡稱ABPM),或者在家自行量測血壓,製作血壓紀錄 ...
#21. 舒张压≧90mmHg 不良作息者居多 - 医识力
问:医生,你好,据我所知,大部分有血压高的患者在量血压时,其收缩压(systolic blood pressure)应该比舒张压(diastolic blood pressure)高,可是为何我的却是 ...
#22. High Blood Pressure/Hypertension - Cedars-Sinai
How is high blood pressure diagnosed? · Normal blood pressure is systolic of less than 120 and diastolic of less than 80 (120/80). · Elevated blood pressure is ...
#23. Facts About Hypertension |
Nearly half of adults in the United States (47%, or 116 million) have hypertension, defined as a systolic blood pressure greater than 130 mmHg or a diastolic ...
#24. 血液動力學與臨床應用~Hemodynamics in Clinical Use - TMU
非侵入性的偵測方式可以查到心臟收縮壓(systolic blood pressure), 心臟舒張壓. (diastolic blood pressure), 和平均血壓(mean blood pressure).
#25. Increased pulse pressure - UpToDate
Typical blood pressure measurements include a systolic and diastolic value, which represent the extremes of pressure fluctuation within the ...
#26. diastolic blood pressure 的中文含义-
舒张压(diastolic blood pressure):当心脏放松时所维持的血压,多是由周边血管阻抗来决定舒张压的数值。 压力称为舒张压. 心室舒张,动脉血管弹性回缩,血液仍慢慢接续 ...
#27. Doctors: Beware of Low Diastolic Blood Pressure When ...
Study adds to evidence that very low diastolic blood pressure is linked to heart damage. Release Date: September 1, 2016 ...
#28. High blood pressure (hypertension) - Healthdirect
It is given as 2 figures — highest (systolic) over lowest (diastolic). Systolic — pressure in the artery as the heart contracts. This is represented by the top, ...
#29. J-curve and hypertension management | IBPC
The diastolic blood pressure J curve in hypertension management: links and risk for cardiovascular disease.
#30. diastolic的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
英漢詞典提供【diastolic】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... a three to four point reduction in diastolic blood pressure would reduce the incidence of ...
#31. Current approach to isolated diastolic hypertension
Although Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) is more associated with adverse cardiovascular events, diastolic hypertension has also been found to affect adverse ...
#32. Achieved diastolic blood pressure and ... - Oxford Academic
Achieved diastolic blood pressure and pulse pressure at target systolic blood pressure (120–140 mmHg) and cardiovascular outcomes in ...
#33. Diastolic 中文 - 兆基社會住宅評價
使用Reverso Context: diastolic blood pressure,在英语-中文情境中翻译"diastolic pressure"diastolic中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典diastolic 在英语- ...
#34. Diastolic blood pressure definition and meaning
Diastolic blood pressure definition: the dilatation of the chambers of the heart that follows each contraction , during which... | Meaning, pronunciation ...
#35. Hypertension - Centre for Health Protection
But for an adult, if systolic blood pressure (SBP) is persistently ≥ 140 millimetres of mercury (mmHg) or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) is ...
#36. Reduction of diastolic blood pressure: Should hypertension ...
While systolic blood pressure has been proven to be the overriding risk factor in hypertensive patients over the age of 50 years, diastolic ...
#37. Hypertension - World Health Organization (WHO)
The first (systolic) number represents the pressure in blood vessels when the heart contracts or beats. The second (diastolic) number represents ...
#38. How Serious Is Your Hypertension? - Everyday Health
Hypertension can be classified by the severity of your systolic pressure or diastolic pressure. Learn what your numbers mean and how they ...
#39. High blood pressure symptoms and treatment
Diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) indicates how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls while the heart is resting between ...
#40. 血壓的定義以及血壓的正確觀念2012年 ... - 生命科學迷的浮生掠影
(Diastolic Pressure). 脈搏壓代表左心室的功能→脈博壓如太低,則可能是左心室衰竭。 (4) 平均動脈血壓(mean arterial Blood Pressure,MAP or maBP).
#41. Diastolic Dysfunction: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
High blood pressure. Coronary artery disease. Sleep apnea. How does diastolic dysfunction affect my body? As your top heart chambers continue to ...
#42. (高血壓1) 收縮壓偏高?降血壓的自然療法, 維他命D,鉀很重要.柏 ...
補充更多的鉀柏格醫生 中文 健康知識: 生酮飲食入門( ... 吃的內容( 中文 ): 斷食的方法( 中文 ): ...
#43. Blood Pressure Chart - Systolic & Diastolic ... - Medindia
Blood pressure (BP) chart calculates how age can affect systolic and diastolic pressures. As you get older the risk of hypertension (or high ...
#44. Diastolic Blood Pressure - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Diastolic Blood Pressure. Diastolic BP (DBP) is defined by disappearance of the fifth Korotkoff sound, or by the fourth sound if the fifth sound is persistent.
#45. Diastole vs. Systole: Know Your Blood Pressure Numbers
The diastolic reading, or the bottom number, is the pressure in the arteries when the heart rests between beats. This is the time when the heart ...
#46. Isolated Elevation of Diastolic Blood Pressure - AHA Journals
Abstract Not infrequently, blood pressure measurement by the standard auscultatory technique yields a normal systolic pressure with an elevated diastolic ...
#47. Understanding Blood Pressure Readings
Diastolic blood pressure (the second number) – indicates how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls while the heart is resting between ...
#48. Diastolic blood pressure: How low is too low? - News | UAB
Blood pressure consists of two numbers. Systolic pressure, the force exerted on blood vessels when the heart beats, is the upper number.
#49. How to Lower Diastolic Blood Pressure - Healthline
Diastolic blood pressure measures the pressure on the walls of your arteries between heartbeats. A normal diastolic blood pressure is less than 80 mmHg.
#50. Evaluation of Optimal Diastolic Blood Pressure Range Among ...
To avoid potential harm, the 2018 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Hypertension Guidelines have recommended an optimal DBP target of between ...
#51. Aeromedical Assessment of Human Systolic Diastolic ...
#52. Medical Physiology: Principles for Clinical Medicine
Pulse pressure increases around an unchanged mean arterial pressure , and systolic pressure is higher and diastolic pressure is lower than the control .
#53. A Method for Monitoring Systolic and Diastolic Blood ...
The intention is to measure the systolic or peak value of the blood pressure wave on every beat . The diagram shows the pressure wave being applied to a ...
#54. Pathology for the Physical Therapist Assistant - E-Book
Very little change in systolic blood pressure with excessive workload in an unfit or deconditioned person. • Progressive rise of diastolic blood pressure.
#55. Clinical Cardiology: Current Practice Guidelines
The terms high blood pressure (systolic BP 130–139 mmHg and/or diastolic BP85–89 mmHg) 1 and prehypertension (systolic BP120–139 mmHg, diastolic BP80–89 ...
#56. Implementatin of Alcoholism Act: Hearings Before the ...
Hg or more and the percentage of those whose diastolic blood pressure was 100 mm . Hg or more . Among the known cases and their controls , the percentage ...
#57. Epidemiology of Chronic Disease: Global Perspectives
As a part of the INTERSALT study, alcohol intake and blood pressure were ... mL of alcohol per week had average systolic and diastolic blood pressures that ...
diastolic blood pressure中文 在 (高血壓1) 收縮壓偏高?降血壓的自然療法, 維他命D,鉀很重要.柏 ... 的推薦與評價
補充更多的鉀柏格醫生 中文 健康知識: 生酮飲食入門( ... 吃的內容( 中文 ): 斷食的方法( 中文 ): ... ... <看更多>