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創作曲:離開你的森林 作詞:四枝筆樂團 作曲:四枝筆樂團
看著你的小眼睛 好像看著我自己
走進你的小森林 身邊都是做夢的精靈
也許我應該回去 不該呆在這禁忌園地
但我開始沒聲音 然後就突然變成你
變成你的小眼睛 變成看著我自己
我們交換了身體 怎麼回事我竟然很高興
拋開了所有壓力 走過新的小旅行
但 我怎麼能
拋開所有的一切 從此消失不見
Oh 新的生活 這樣就夠 我有我的世界
我常常在羨慕嫉妒別人擁有的 總是懷疑自己是不是被遺忘了
我怎麼不能 為什麼不能 好多好多願望掛在許願樹上了
但當願望一一成真了 回頭看看自己早已不像我自己
怎麼能忘記 怎麼能放棄 怎麼能夠忘掉丟掉甩掉我自己
Four Pens -- Leaving the Forest 英文版歌詞
Looking at your little eyes, Seems like I'm looking at myself.
I enter your little forest, Fairies from a dreamland are all around me.
Maybe I should go back, I shouldn't stay in this forbidden garden.
But I went silent, Then suddenly became you.
I became your little eyes, changed into watching myself.
We swapped bodies, How can it be that I'm actually happy?
Free of all the pressure, I take this small journey,
And I feel great here.
But how can I
Cast everything aside, And fade away entirely?
Where are you?
Come find me quick, Let me become myself again.
Oh, new life, This is enough, I have my own world.
That's why I already left your little forest,
I had the courage, too.
I often envy other people's possessions, I always wonder if I'm forgotten.
How can I not, Why can I not? There are lots of hopes hanging on a wishing tree.
But when a wish comes true, I look around to see that I am not myself anymore.
How can I forget, How can I abandon, How can I forget, lose, abandon myself?
And around the corner, I see you again.
特別感謝(Channel Support By):
『Urbanears Taiwan』: http://www.urbanears.com.tw
『彩虹人 aNueNue 烏克麗麗』:http://www.anuenue-uke.com