in favour of造句 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“FAVOUR” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。favour的柯林斯釋義· N-UNCOUNT贊同;支援;喜愛· N-COUNT恩惠;幫忙· N-PLURAL與人發生性 ... ... <看更多>
#1. Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| in favor of 例句
所有附屬組織都贊成這個計劃。 She is all in favor of my suggestion. 她完全贊同我的建議。 They were in favor of the Democratic candidate for President. 他們支持 ...
造句 與例句 手機版 · Some are in favour of it , some are against it . · He discriminates in favour of his relatives . · One point in favour of her plan is its ...
#3. in favour of-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
His Government was therefore in favour of continuing negotiations on both conventions. 也正因为如此,瑞士政府支持继续就这两份公约进行谈判。
It's been so exciting watching American attitudes shift in favor of marriage equality. 看著美國的態度轉往支持婚姻平權,真的很令人興奮。
例句. 用作形容詞 (adj.) We favor a sporting solution of the problem. 我們贊成堂堂正正解決這個問題。
#6. in favour of是什么意思 - 单词大全- 新华字典
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#7. in favour of是什么意思 - 英语翻译在线翻译
in favour of 是什么意思 · 1. 赞成 · 2. 赞成,支持,有利于 · 3. 赞成,主张 · 4. 支持,赞同 · 5. 支持,赞成 · 6. 以^为受益人 · 7. 有利于.
favour noun (KIND ACT) ... She called to ask me a favour. 她打電話來請我幫個忙。 Could you do me a favour - would you feed my cat this weekend? 你能幫我個忙——這 ...
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In favour of 释义: If one thing is rejected in favour of another, the second thing is done or chosen instead... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
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2. Do you mean each party open a letter of credit In favor of the other party ? 您的意思是不是双方各自开出一张以另一方为受益人的信用证呢? 3. This weight ...
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#15. in favour of翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
in favour of 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:支持,贊成。英漢詞典提供【in favour of】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
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#18. in favor of造句 - 搜狗搜索
我们的老板做了一个有利于年轻员工的决定。 影视原声 ...ht their way ...
#19. in favour of造句- 芭蕉百科网
33、Go for the thoughtful option, as simple as a framed photo of the two of you,in favour ofan over-priced bottle of perfume. 34、But the intellectua.
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#21. 「favor」可以用來表達「幫助」;也能表示「對某人有利」
尋求幫助時 ,英文常用「Could you do me a favor? 」,當中的「favor」有「幫助、支持」的意思......
#22. biased in favor of造句- 飞文屋
in favor造句. 3、be biasedin favorof a person 4、He arguedin favorof a strike. 5、discriminationin favorof the able-bodied. 6、A checkin favorof a charity.
#23. in favour of 用法
in favor of (【片語】贊同. )意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words. find favor with [in the eyes of] sb. 得某人的寵愛[歡心]。. heap favors upon 給予許多幫忙[好處]。.
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这一对介词短语形似而神不同,它们不是同义语。具体用法如下:. In favour of的意思有三个:“赞成” ...
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be in favor of 英美有利于; 支持be in favor of的用法和样例: 例句The judge decided in favor of the plaintiff. 法官作出了有利于原告的裁决。
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1. 赞成,支持2. 有利于3. 付与例句释义: 全部,赞成,有利于,付与更多例句筛选1. Trade between these Asia-Pacific partners is now worth $60 billion ...
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Could you do me a huge favour?的意思And most likely something that will be fairly inconvenient. |do something that will really help you/me| ...
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in favour 是什么意思favour的中文意思用法同义词反义词例句英语... · 沪江网 2017年10月31日 ; in favour是什么意思favour在线翻译英语读音用法例句海词词典 · dict.cn 2003年 ...
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单词:in favour of音标:[ɪn 'feɪvə ɒv] 读音in favour of的发音: 单词解释同意;支持与in favour of 相关的例句Itstrikes methatnobodyisinfavourofthe changes. 我留.
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#35. threshold的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
N-COUNT門檻;門口. The threshold of a building or room is the floor in the doorway, or the doorway itself. He stopped at the threshold of the bedroom.
#36. Favor 意思
同义词: favour, an inclination to approve; "that style is in favor this season". 同义词: favour, a feeling of favorable regard. favor的意思、解釋及翻譯:1 ...
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20、That was why he isfavourof manned space flight, he said. 21、The Morgans used to bask in thefavourof the king. 22、Italiansfavourwell-tailored cu.
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24、If you see the shadow in front of you, don't be afraid, it is because there is sunshinebehind you. 25、Avoid gossip.You don't want anyone talking.
#42. 受寵若驚意思 - Corpoamar
受宠若惊shòuchǒng-ruòjīng [feel extremely flattered;be surprised at the unexpected honour;receive favour with awed excitement] 因受到过分的 ...
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FAVOUR ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“FAVOUR” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。favor的解释是:好感, 宠爱, 关切, 欢心, ...
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英美语的区别英favour (美favor). to do还是favor doing - …… favor 是及物动词不与to搭配,所以选C. 谁能帮我讲讲in favor of的意思和用法-
#49. in favor of翻译,万事如意英文翻译 - 翻译知识网
in favor of :英[ɪn ˈfeɪvə ɒv]、美[ɪn ˈfeɪvər əv];意思:有利于,交付给,以…为受益人,赞同,支持. [例句]Today's election will skew the results in ...
#50. To、For、以及Of 的用法與分別-三個最容易混淆的介系詞- Kaftin
to的不定詞用法的連結片語與例句:. To begin/start with, I'd like to thank my mother for supporting me. 這個片語的意思是– ...
#51. 英语造句I was done a big favour对吗? - 知乎
虽然语法上没问题,但不建议这样使用。 源自do somebody a favor, 但几乎不曾见过用被动语态来说。 如果表达类似的意思,你可以说I owe you a big favor.
#52. 搞定辦公室英文:Could You Do Me a Favor? - 登峰美語
接到有人打錯電話,或是自己不小心打錯電話時該怎麼辦?首先不要慌張,用幾句簡單的英語就能有禮貌地應對。 照樣造句→.
#53. Favor 意思
Favor 意思. 2017年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读Section B. 同义词: favour, consider as the favorite; "The local team was favored". 2022-09-14.
#54. Favour 中文\ micro bit 離線版 - 你妈妈也一样youtube
以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“FAVOUR” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。favour的柯林斯釋義· N-UNCOUNT贊同;支援;喜愛· N-COUNT恩惠;幫忙· N-PLURAL與人發生性 ...
#55. beg a favour of 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
beg a favour of 中文意思是什麼 · beg: vt ( gg )1 乞求,請求;懇請。 · a: an 用在以母音音素開始的詞前〉 indefinite art 1 〈普通可數名詞第一次提到時,冠以不定冠詞 ...
#56. Favour 中文. 2048 情侶
favour 用作不可數名詞時的意思是「歡心」「好感」「偏袒」; 用作可數名詞時的意思是「恩惠」「善行」。 favour是英式英語的拼法, favor是美式英語的拼法。 v.
#57. Do me a favor意思 - 手機版rc 下載
Could You Do Me a Favor?3 дня назад ... 以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“WAS DOING ME A FAVOUR” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。主要翻译. 英语, ...
#58. 職場上如何用英文表達認同、附和?關於「同意」的各種用法
B:我懂你的立場,我認為你的計劃很棒。 I see what you mean 我了解你的意思. A: I think the main problem of our company is the lack of manpower.
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#60. 地道英语/ Spill the tea 的意思不是“把茶洒了” - BBC
An expression about reminding someone of something they'd rather forget. Smombie 手机僵尸. Episode 180403 / 03 Apr 2018. Smartphone zombie!
#61. to be in favor of是什么意思 - 玉麦资讯网
be in favor of的用法和样例: 例句The judge decided in favor of the plaintiff. 法官作出了有利于原告的裁决。 Olympics will be good for tourism.
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单词:in favour of音标:[ɪn 'feɪvə ɒv] 读音in favour of的发音: 单词解释同意;支持与in favour of 相关的例句Itstrikes ...
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in favor of 读音汉语翻译赞同, 有利于英语解释: 副词in favor of: favoring a proposition, opinion, etc.; 同义词:pro, in favor, in favour of, in favour 例句: In ...
#64. 请问in favor of在法律文件中怎样使用?怎样翻译? - 工地人
而in favor of的意思是“赞同;支持;为获得”,其表示支持某人,通常用于表 ... opinion, etc.; 同义词:pro, in favor, in favour of, in favour 例句: In thei.
#65. in support of造句- 松科分享网
The recent success of deep learning models in computer vision, natural language processing, and other domains (LeCun et al., 2015) have led ...
#66. _____,I am not in favour of your plan.-造句指南
希望对您有帮助! 你可能还会看. 寓言成语故事的意思与造句 · 领略的两 ...
#67. Favor 中文
同義詞: favour, an inclination to approve; "that style is in favor ... 漢語辭典造句法語翻譯韓語翻譯印尼語favor には名詞と動詞があります。
#68. 有利於英文
這段間歇對我們"有利于,有利的,顺利的"英文翻译in favour of "使对比 ... 用有利于造句: 1、The thing is to go say is that we have things to do ...
#69. 受寵若驚意思 - Rius camps
受宠若惊shòuchǒng-ruòjīng [feel extremely flattered;be surprised at the unexpected honour;receive favour with awed excitement] 因受到过分的 ...
#70. Cassell Guide to Written English - 第 254 頁 - Google 圖書結果
副詞短語副詞短語可以使我們能夠對簡單句中動詞的意義進行擴展,如: The editor publishes without fear or favour . ... 例如,某報記者在撰寫一篇關於 254 第六章造句.
#71. 話不投機半句多
这些例句有来自外部资源,因此可能并非完全准确。bab.la对内容免责。 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多. Drinking 1000 cups of wine with a buddy is not enough whereas ...
#72. The Examiner - 第 81 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... “ to favour our Lord Ashley has , with equal ability and good before in Les Fourberies de Scapin« Indian ... 但是有益西组造句 12 成的自制 mit to .
#73. 用in favor of…造一个句子…想知道它的用法…谢谢各位啦…
请所有赞成这项提议的人讲一声“赞成”。 2.以…取代 3.(支票)以某人〔某部门〕为受款人 其他意思没放例句 ...
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Marine Striped Dress: Marine stripes often find favour during the summer ... dress的中文翻譯,beautiful dress的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#75. in favor of 是赞成那么强烈赞成怎么说呢?还有哪些相关的词汇 ...
in favor of 是赞同,喜欢的意思,强烈赞成,可用:. strongly favor. cant agree with sb. more, 句子: I cant agree with you more.我对你的想法赞同得不得了.
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