Johnson and Johnson deny vaccine will be available privately in Switzerland
23 March 2021 瑞士在地新聞
Johnson and Johnson have denied claims by Swiss public broadcaster SRF that the company's Janssen Vaccine would be available to private companies in Switzerland.
The Covid-19 Vaccine Janssen, produced by American pharmaceutical company Johnson and Johnson, was approved by Swissmedic on Monday March 22nd.
However, as the government has declined to purchase the vaccine to incorporate it into its vaccine scheme, it is not expected to be publicly available.
On Tuesday, Switzerland’s public broadcaster SRF claimed the vaccine would however be available for private companies to vaccinate their employees.
Johnson and Johnson have denied this, saying their vaccine will not be made available to private entities.
While Swissmedic has approved the vaccine for use in Switzerland, the Swiss government is yet to sign a vaccine supply contract with the manufacturer.
As The Local Switzerland reported yesterday, this is primarily because it would only be delivered in the summer “and that is too late for us”, said Nora Kronig, vice president of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).
However, Thomas Moser, the Head of External Communications with Johnson and Johnson in Switzerland, told The Local Switzerland on Tuesday afternoon that the report was “incorrect” and as yet the vaccine would not be available to private entities.
“In the current situation, J&J works exclusively with national and supranational authorities as well as international organisations such as COVAX to make our vaccine available,” he said,
“This means that even with Swissmedic approval, direct orders will not be possible for the time being.”
incorporate公司 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
告個急先:Ivan已被炒,已成失業人士。未訂嘅記得訂Patreon,積小成多呀。訂咗嘅可以考慮加碼(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。 一星期至少出返六篇文.月頭訂最抵!月費80
1. 有人問,出完業績,都跌咗兩日(第一日11%,第二日5%)先嚟講,做乜?唔見你之前講?事後孔明。差矣,首先,點解唔之前在FB出Post?因為忙,同埋第一日插完11%,咁驚第二日彈返嘛,到時篇文又 「過時」。到跌完兩日,就放長週末,咁唔使趕啦,都未開市。
2. 最重要係,邊有馬後炮?有圖為證,一出業績嗰晚我就在Patreon講啦。咁當然係嗰邊啲讀者優先。寫明估大插的,有冇點你?
3. 但,除咗用嚟鳩威,亦都有其他嘢。至少呢個例子好見到啲股票嘅基本嘢,示範下初級嘢畀你睇,順手等你訂Patreon學埋中級班。
4. 首先費事啲盲人唔知,本人稱得上係王維基嘅瘋狂fans,舊文寫過我20年前去佢公司見工之類。然後,我亦曾經好睇好呢隻股票,Exactly 一年之前嘅4月6日,我在明報寫過《匯控已死 維基當立》(不過匯控冇死到,所以都係唔好短倉,後話),當時疫情已「遍地開花」,HKTV(下稱1137)已炒咗轉,仲趁高批埋股(醒目!),網友係咁鬧,明顯連公司上司係為乜,股市係用嚟做乜都未知。而當時本人力推公司,當時股價係5蚊,之後見過17蚊,而家都仲有11蚊。但,我有碗話碗,出完業績,覺得唔得,咪話唔得。唔通死頂?因為鍾意佢所以係咪都會話會升?因為覺得佢掂所以係咪都會話升?咁寫嚟把撚咩。我錄段音畀你每日聽得啦。
5. 咁但,業務不等於佢個人(雖然好大程度都一樣),股價亦不等於業務。冇錯股民係短視的—但,可以一秒N咁多個交易,梗係短視啦。你有冇買其他嘢會一秒鐘個價變咁多次?記住,股價唔得又未必等於業務唔得,業務唔得又唔等於CEO唔得(你睇Jack Dorsey同時做Twitter同Square CEO ,股價爭幾咁遠)。最重要係,你地做呢啲比較時,要搞清楚個time horizon。股價反映乜?視乎你講幾耐嘅股價啦,呀畢菲特師傅話齋,短期係 Voting Machine(即係你啲識兩句網友講嘅「供求」,講咗等於冇講,點解升?因為升咯),長期係 Weighing Machines -(拿,「供求」呀。但點解長期有需求?)。
6. 順帶一提,嗰啲成Q日講咩「股市同實體經濟表現脫節有問題」嘅,亦係犯呢種錯誤。已經寫過十幾廿篇文恥笑。我好奇怪,2020年後仲有人可以拎呢句嘢出嚟講。股價每秒鐘咁變,你啲乜七經濟數據N咁耐先出嚟,我使唔使等2010年9月NBER出嚟宣佈衰退結束,然後大家先好似香港重光咁爭相通報「嘩衰退結束啦」然後股票先升?你覺得個世界係咁運作嘅?
7. 但由呢點去開始討論都可以,股價反映嘅係乜?經常我都講一句(實情好多人都講,對行家嚟講呢啲真係常識),股票係炒將來炒前景嘛。但,真係要做哲學家,咩叫「將來」?冇你諗咁簡單
8. 上星期在小炒王嘅節目講開,好多觀眾奇怪,點解好多時啲業績好反而股價跌,業績差反而升。咁除咗股票有時就唔講道理,或者有啲人都識講嘅「好消息出貨」外,有冇諗過,咩叫「業績好」,咩叫「業績差」?
9. 有啲人以為,哦,盈利升100倍就係業績好,轉蝕錢就係差。真係?不如諗下,好多公司(例如國泰),係咪出業績嗰日先知轉蝕錢?如果一早知道蝕嘅,點會出業績先插?一早就大插啦。
10. 你見鬼佬台(叫你睇少啲垃圾評論架啦)報業績,都必要會講收入升幾多,同埋,分析員預期幾多。呢樣先緊要嘛!另一金句:只有好過同差過預期,冇好壞。但1137可能都冇乜分析員跟,不過冇所謂,照解。
11. 嚟啦喎,我見1137出業績,有啲仲喺度飛機,包括飛機王維基親自寫嘅主席感受(係好睇,可惜,無助股價嘅,除非佢開個Patreon寫文),或者飛機公司改名(同上)
12. 但最不知所謂,莫過於飛機公司「轉虧為盈」,修成正果。好啦,要爆粗啦,我仆你個街,早兩日偷渡落嚟的(歧視是不對的,我阿爺都係偷渡)?人地半年己經一早轉虧為盈啦,鳩唔知全年賺錢咩!除非你覺得下半年會輸錢,仲要輸突(咁就多災多難)。
13. 實情,即使係舊年上半年,都唔使去到出業績先「發現」,因為公司一早出咗盈富。拿,炒將來呀。到出業績時,已經人人都知。(又話實,做乜今年全年業績冇出盈喜?)
14. 頭先講個,股價係反映將來。正式啲講,係反映「未知嘅嘢」。股價,就係incorporate 所有人人已知嘅information,同埋所有人嘅期望(當然有唔同權重,你以為公司賺100億最後佢冇,係唔會影響股價,除非你係大基金),亦即係類似「人類智慧總和」 嘅概念。
15. 你話,扯,「未知嘅嘢」,咪即係「將來」。差矣。以前講過,鬼頭老細對於某啲用字好執著。例如我地報告寫2021嘅純利(預估),咁就2021F啦,forecast。但例如2021年2月,我估間公司嚟緊出業績,2020呢,就不能F,要E,係Estimate.因為當時2020年已過去,只係你未知盤數
16. 我要講明,呢個係佢個人嘅強迫症,我見好多其他行都唔會咁。但呢個例子話你知,「未知嘅嘢」同「將來」未必係同一回事。例如港交所咁,日日你睇到有幾多成交,根本佢啲收入就冇咩好大秘密。又或者,1137咁,個個月都話你知啲生意數,咁生意一差,股價即插,唔使等開業績先知。
17. 但同樣地,所以你話「股價炒來將來」,「點解出啲舊績績又會影響股價?」。就係以上嘅原因。因為「業績」雖然係舊嘢,但真係未知嘅嘢。
18. 好啦,哲學咗一輪(但很重要),講實際嘢啦,反正呢啲好簡單。上半年公司賺1.1億,全年轉虧為盈,多撚謝喎,但邊個唔知?全年純利1.8億喎,即係下半年純利7000萬。
19. 用你嘅常識,覺得呢個業績得唔得?仲唔明嘅,話多兩句你知。Suppose呢隻係疫情受惠股,咁疫情都叫做2月先全面爆發。正常期望,都覺得公司下半年好過上半年吧。再加埋,公司會有自然成長嘛,仲要cap咗舊錢嘛。(再講盡啲?我話你知,下半年日數係多過上半年的!7月大8月大!)。
20. 點知,上半年賺1.1億,下半年先賺7000萬。其實成個Post幾千字,講呢句已經講完啦。你飛機嘅,係「全年轉虧為盈」,但現實係「下半年盈利大跌」,你話觀點與角度半杯水?Nonononono,你「全年轉虧為盈」呢個資料係廢嘅(除非係全年賺10億),完全零價值。咪講撚咗半年賺錢咯。
21. 唔止,細心啲睇,睇埋政府補貼(希望我冇睇錯),上半年佢收咗1630萬,下半年就收咗5460萬。好啦,當然不能就咁減,但大約,扣走呢舊。上半年就賺9370萬,下半年就賺1540萬,你覺得點?
22. 所以,你飛機「全年轉虧為盈」,我就話「下半年唔計政府補貼近乎冇錢賺」。是有點偏頗,但肯定呢個先係有用嘅資訊。(同樣地,寫TVB我都寫過,佢全年蝕錢唔係重點,下半年轉賺先係)
23. 細節可以好多講,但個業績真係唔多掂,其實你睇舊年下半年啲訂單數字都麻麻地,甚至今年出嘅數都麻麻地,要達到佢地自己嘅目標,都有啲難度(舊年就輕易達到,仲中途上調的,時勢做英雄)
24. 業績最大亮點就係公司財政好穩健,唔好再以為咩「爭人好多錢」,如果我冇睇錯,銀行貸款係……零。Net cash 9億幾!唔怪得王維基都吹話有機會派息。拿,咁又唔同講法。9億net cash,一股派1蚊呀!十厘息呀!(但當然唔會發生)
25. 好,講到呢度,真係要講返,呢啲只係case study,同公司嘅前景,可以係全無關係。首先公司總會有順境逆境,另外,就算公司一路都順境,股價都可以大上大落,咁而家呢兩日,就反映個業績啫,咪話股價炒前景,好快就會睇另一啲嘢。例如乜?例如公司3月嘅數,應該呢幾日會出。亞馬遜2000年都高位跌九成幾啦,然後咪又升返幾百倍!王維基當然係有計之人,一次業績唔掂,唔等於公司之後都唔掂。但都係嗰句,有碗話碗嘛,咁呢兩日,個股價當然係睇你業績啦。唔明嘅,將呢篇文由頭睇多次啦,time horizon嘛。
26. 最後一個可能好多人睇到四份一已經想問嘅問題:喂,咁知呢啲嚟,有乜意思呢?又唔係有錢賺到。
27. 的確,正常呢啲,係唔會賺到錢嘅。冇錯,我係業績後已經話大插,但已收市嘛。第二朝就即時低開架啦。等於你睇完個業績知道勁,多數都賺唔到錢,因為第二日已經大高開啦。你估得你一個知咩(但,如果啲股票冇乜人睇,個股東/莊家又唔太狗嘅,就有機會)。你話除非我業績前兩日就知,就有用啦(好似犯法的說)— 不過即使係咁,都未必有用,好消息都話可以入定貨。壞消息呢?散戶好難做沽空喎。
28. 咁但,仲知嚟做乜呢?就真係都有用嘅。首先,你會知道個世界係點運作的。行家當然恥笑我咁嘅嘢都寫幾千字,但,大佬,有好多人真係唔知架。證據?咪就係仲有好多人出嚟問「點解個業績咁勁都會跌」(唔止呢個case)。咁你至少,而家知道咩叫好嘅業績,咩叫差嘅業績,同埋股價反映緊啲乜。
29. 第二,有時真係有用的。因為可能隻股票真係冇乜人睇,或者明明個業績好但因為其他嘢忽然無啦啦跌,咁你咪可以有信心買。但如果你連業績好定差都唔識分嘅,邊敢買?你仲以為因為業績差而跌添
30. 不過啦喎,中級班話你知,有時呢啲嘢真亦假時假亦真。真的,股票可以升/跌到你Literally懷疑人性。就舉一個例,你以為個業績好勁,點知出嚟股價勁插,開頭你可能諗其他原因,「個market 睇錯」,你仲係咁叫人買(做分析員的話),甚至自己係咁買(做基金經理的話)—然後隊多幾日,我包你懷疑人生,一定覺得自己最初分析錯,或者有啲嘢係其他人知你唔知。See?就係咁矛盾,同一單嘢上面,幾日前你覺得「個market 睇錯」。但隊多幾日你就覺得「個market 唔會死錯人」。情況同人生好多嘢都相似的,好似避開人群行捷徑咁,開頭你梗係爽,見到少人更加爽 —但,如果一個人都見唔到,你反而驚,係咪自己先係錯嗰個?
31. 仲有,都未講另一樣重嘅嘢(留返下次講):你個股價在咩位,都影響股價反應。殘到仆街嘅,往往百毒不侵,出點爛(真爛)嘅業績都冇事甚至升,貴嘅就相反,明明業績勁,都頂唔住。現成例子兩個,首先,一樣係嗰日出業績嘅中銀香港2388,我一樣話大插,原因亦差不多,但留意中銀香港股價都在高位,更加脆弱。例子二?過去兩三季堆大型科企,FAANG 同阿里巴巴騰訊都係,明明業績好過預期,股價都照跌的,因為炒得太衡了。
32. 拿,咁又醒咗4000字畀你,抵訂Patreon啦。我啲讀者當晚就已經知呢啲嘢。我仲寫埋中銀香港.,仲寫埋其他嘢。
33.搵日得閒寫埋王維基啲option,但會唔會too personal?
2021比別人知得多。subscribe now。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費80,半年已1400人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。 年費仲有85折
incorporate公司 在 鲍一凡风水 Master Paw Feng Shui Facebook 的最佳解答
国际风水名师鲍一凡老师,原名鲍珊吏(Paw Sandy),祖籍中国福建永春,出生于马来西亚柔佛皇城——麻坡,是马来西亚这片国土上赫赫有名的风水师。她出生于农历九月初七,恰逢阴年阴月阴日阴时,属于八字罕见的纯阴命格,加上女儿身属阴体,故为“纯阴之人”。这一个特征仿佛是上天赐予鲍一凡老师的天赋,风水师就是她此生的天职,她的天命。同时,她也可以说是全马玄学界里唯一一位拥有“真纯阴八字”的风水师。
鲍一凡老师坚信:“风水是中华古老的生活哲学,是老祖宗智慧的传承,是易经思想最具体的实践。风水虽是古老的行业,却是永不老的行业。”为此,她致力于弘扬正统风水文化以及灌输正确的风水观念,绝不鼓吹迷信。她更是在一众风水师中,率先发起“华夏寻根” 祭祖之旅,积极参与华人传统习俗和祭祀活动,同时她也为发扬佛教和道教而作出不少的努力与贡献,是大马风水界里少有的杰出女性风水师。
鲍一凡老师的雄心万志也并不局限于国内,拥有大格局观的她放眼中国,决心开辟海外市场,并将目标锁定在了全中国最大的水晶市场。于2019年,鲍一凡老师在素有“中国水晶之都” 美誉的东海,设立了属于自己的水晶工厂——“睿凡水晶珠宝有限公司”。“睿凡水晶珠宝”所出品的水晶产品,基本都以质地纯正的东海天然水晶作为原料,每一个水晶都聚集了满满的天然纯净能量。
Master Paw Yi Fan (鲍一凡), whose real name is Paw Sandy (鲍珊吏), is a well-known international Feng Shui master in Malaysia. She was born in Muar, Johor, Malaysia, while her ancestral home is Yong Chun in Fujian, China. Master Paw’s birthday is on 7th day of the 9th lunar month, which coincides with the Yin year, Yin month, Yin day and Yin hour. In addition to the rare state of pure Yin in Master Paw’s Bazi, the feminine is also characterised as Yin energy, all of this contributed to a pure Yin body for Master Paw. This unique feature is a gift from the heaven, she is destined to be a Feng Shui master in her life. On top of that, Master Paw is the only Feng Shui master who has the ‘Pure Yin Bazi’ in Malaysian metaphysical field.
After exposed to Feng Shui knowledge, Master Paw holds the belief that people can control their own destiny, even the “Innate Destiny” can be improved through efforts. As a theory that integrates astronomy, geography and astrology, Feng Shui is one of the keys to change our destiny and luck. Therefore, Master Paw studies thoroughly on the Feng Shui Astrology and devotes herself in academic and metaphysical, and has accumulated a wealth of experience in Feng Shui through many years of practice.
Master Paw firmly believes that, “Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy of life, heritage of ancestral wisdom, and the most concrete practice of the ideas of I Ching (易经). Feng Shui may be an ancient industry, yet it never grows old.” For that reason, Master Paw strives for promoting the Feng Shui culture and instilling the correct concept of Feng Shui, and will never endorse any superstitions. Besides, she is also the very first Feng Shui master who initiate the “Journey of Seeking Roots to China” to worship our Chinese ancestors. Master Paw also an active participant in Chinese traditional customs and ritual activities, and contributed heavily to the promotion of Buddhism and Taoism with her relentless efforts. Master Paw is a prominent female Feng Shui master, which is rare, in the Malaysian Feng Shui community.
Master Paw aspires to guide people to use the ancestral wisdom of Chinese to change their own destiny and luck. In order to achieve this business philosophy, she has been continuously expanding and corporatizing her Feng Shui business for the sake of the public. At last, Master Paw has founded My Feng Shui Holdings in 2019 after years of efforts. At the same time, the companies previously established by Master Paw in Malaysia, Singapore and China has been incorporated into My Feng Shui Holdings as subsidiaries.
Under the guidance of Master Paw, My Fengshui Holdings uphold the missions to “unite and forge ahead, share Feng Shui information, create values, and promote harmony and prosperity”. It provides professional and precise services which includes different aspects in life such as Feng Shui, Naming, Chinese Astrology, Date Selection, in order to improve the life quality of customers and achieve a perfect life.
Master Paw, who is well up in Feng Shui knowledge, has extended her career to the crystal which also known as the “Feng Shui Stone”. Since the natural crystals condense the aura of heaven and earth for millions or even billions years, each of them contain spiritual and magical effects. As a Feng Shui master, Master Paw knows that crystals can improve the magnetic field and fortune of the residences and people themselves. Therefore, she established her own crystal brand, Dynasty Power Crystal, in 2017. In order to offer high quality of crystals to the public, Master Paw visits other countries and do a rigorous screening, cleansing and blessing for the crystals by her own to ensure every product of Dynasty Power Crystal is full of positive energy and can bring good luck.
Apart from a good brand, Master Paw tries every means to utilise the natural energy of crystals to improve people’s luck. So, Master Paw who has a discerning eye spent a lot of thought, money, and time on conceiving a great way to improve luck. In 2018, Master Paw established the world’s first crystal energy field with natural crystals, and named it “Dynasty Crystal Energy Field”. On top of that, the Dynasty Crystal Energy Field has been open to the public for free since established. Everyone is welcomed to sit or lie on different crystals to cleanse the negative energy of the body and improve luck.
Paw’s ambitions are not limited to the domestic market. She sets her mind on the international expansion with global vision, and took aim at the largest crystal market in China. In 2019, Master Paw established her own crystal factory in, The Crystal City, Donghai. The crystal products produced by her factory are basically made of Donghai natural crystals, every of them is full of the pure nature energy.
Not only that, as a Feng Shui master, Master Paw steeps herself in Chinese culture and conceptualise ways to boost people’s luck from it. On the basis of the 24 solar terms, Master Paw has shared the “Way of Boosting Luck on Li Chun” since 2010. This is because Li Chun, the first solar eclipse in the 24 solar term, is a significant moment for the awakening of the cosmic energy. Therefore, it’s when magnetic field of universe reaches its peak and a great chance of getting good luck. After actively promoted for several years, the “Way of Boosting Luck on Li Chun” is now getting positive feedback. The “Boosting Luck on Li Chun Activity” initiated by Master Paw, which is one of the most popular events in Malaysia, has gathers thousands of Chinese using the “Way of Boosting Luck on Li Chun” to absorb the heaven and earth aura and cosmic energy, hence changing and improving luck.
Master Paw, who always strive for continuous innovation and improvement, has tried to incorporate the blessings of the ancestors to strengthen the benefits of the “Way of Boosting Luck on Li Chun”. She has produced the “Lucky Li Chun T-Shirt” which has received the blessing of Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor with their imperial seals stamped on it. With the power of the ancestors, it can strengthen the “Way of Boosting Luck on Li Chun” and provide infinite power.
At the same time, Master Paw is often invited to give talk regarding Feng Shui for many large international institutions and home Feng Shui lecture all over the country and neighbouring countries as she has solid foundation and unique perspectives on Feng Shui. Besides, Master Paw is also enthusiastic about charity and religious activities, hence many temples had appointed her as their Feng Shui consultants, meanwhile, she is also the Chinese Cultural Ambassador.
The various achievements and experiences of Master Paw has won a good reputation in industry and made her one of the most influential Feng Shui masters in Malaysia.
#Masterpaw #鲍一凡老师 #风水师 #马来西亚
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