1. 沸騰したタピオカの5倍以上の量のお湯に、タピオカを加える
2. はじめタピオカ同士がくっつくのでほぐして、弱火にして時々混ぜながら20分ほど煮る
3. 火を止めて蓋をして、25~40分、お好みのかたさになるまで蒸らす
4. 1粒食べてみて好みのかたさになったら、冷水で冷やす(冷水はぬるくなってくるので、何度か水を変えながら冷やす)
5. はちみつやシロップに浸して保存する(フリーザーバッグで冷凍可、冷蔵庫なら1週間程度)
・水 125g
・茶葉 6g
・牛乳 225g
・砂糖 20gくらい(お好み)
1. 水を沸騰させ、茶葉を入れてごく弱火で2~3分煮出す
2. 茶葉がしっかり開いたら、牛乳を入れて沸騰直前まで温め、茶漉しで濾す
3. 砂糖を溶かして氷水に当てて冷やし、容器でタピオカと合わせて出来上がり
・水 300ml
・茶葉 10g
・砂糖 30gくらい(お好み)
・低温殺菌牛乳 容器で半々で割る
1. 温めたティーポットに茶葉を入れ、沸騰したてのお湯を注ぐ
2. 蓋をして保温し、数分待つ(茶葉の推奨抽出時間より長めでOK)
3. 十分抽出されたら茶漉しで濾し、砂糖を溶かして氷水にあてて冷やす
4. 容器にタピオカ・紅茶を入れ、低温殺菌牛乳で割って出来上がり
↓using translation software.
Depending on the tapioca you use, there are many types, such as those that you boil after soaking in water, or those that you boil as they are, so follow the instructions on your tapioca!
Also, tapioca that has already been boiled and can be used after reheating for a few minutes are sold, so I recommend this if you want to make it more easily (Frozen tapioca from a supermarket is this type.).
I used black tapioca from a place called Chinjuo Koen this time, and this one crumbles when it's submerged, so I add it to boiling water and boil it!
[How to boil tapioca.]
1.Add tapioca to more than 5 times the amount of boiled tapioca.
2.At first, the tapioca will stick together so loosen it. Turn it to low-heat and simmer it for around 20 minutes while mixing it from time to time.
3.Turn the heat off and cover the lid. Steam it for 40 to 25 minutes until it becomes your preferred hardness.
4.Once you've eaten 1 tablet and it has reached your desired hardness, chill in cold water (The cold water will become lukewarm, so change the water several times while cooling it.).
5.soak in honey or syrup to preserve (It can be frozen in a freezer bag. It will take around 1 week in the fridge.)
[When the texture is gone.]
After a few hours, it becomes hard and the texture becomes bad. If you're making and storing it, boil it in boiling water for a few minutes before you eat it, then cool it down in cold water to restore the chewy texture. You can also warm it up in the microwave and chill it (However, it tends to be uneven in the microwave, so I recommend boiling it.).
[How to defrost frozen tapioca]
If you freeze tapioca in a Ziploc freezer bag, you can boil it in boiling water for a few minutes and then cool it in cold water. If you freeze it, you can keep it for a long time, so if you can't finish it, quickly freeze it.
[Royal Milk Tea Chi Base Milk Tea]
~ Ingredients ~
*Water 125 g
*Tea leaves 6g
*225 g of milk
*about 20 g sugar (To taste)
How to make it.
1.Bring water to a boil, add the tea leaves and simmer over a very low heat for 2-3 minutes.
2.When the tea leaves are well opened, add milk and heat it until just before it boils. Strain it with a tea strainer.
3.Melt the sugar and cool it in ice water. Mix it with tapioca in a container and it will be complete.
[milk tea with strongly brewed tea mixed with milk]
~ Ingredients ~
*Water 300 ml
*Tea leaves 10 g
*about 30 g sugar (To taste)
*Crack it half and half in a pasteurized milk container.
How to make it.
1.Put tea leaves in a warmed teapot and pour hot water just boiled.
2.Cover with a lid to keep warm and wait for a few minutes (It is OK if it is longer than the recommended extraction time of tea leaves.).
3.Once it has extracted enough, strain it with a tea strainer, dissolve the sugar and cool it in ice water.
4.Add tapioca and black tea in a container. Mix it with low-temperature pasteurized milk and it will be complete.