【何謂臍帶膜(Umbilical Cord Lining Membrane)】
17世紀英國醫學家Thomas Wharton發現臍帶組織(Stroma)含有一種啫喱狀的物質,將其命名為Wharton's jelly。這層啫喱的作用為防止臍帶血管(靜脈和動脈)交叉(clumping)和提供臍帶的彈性。1991年科學家McElreavey從Wharton's jelly中分離出類似纖維母細胞的細胞(Fibroblast-like cells)[1],而這些Fibroblast-like cells在2004年被發現是幹細胞的一種 - 間質幹細胞(Mesenchymal Stem Cells MSCs) [2]。自此臍帶不同的組織便成為科學家的研究對象。
隨著臍帶研究的發展,近年科學家發現能夠利用CellOptimaTM 技術從臍帶外層的組織(臍帶膜)裡提取更多的幹細胞 - 除了間質幹細胞(Mesenchymal Stem Cells MSCs)外,還可提取上皮幹細胞(Epthelial Stem Cells EpSCs)[3]。
那麼,這些EpSCs和MSCs幹細胞跟臍帶血的造血幹細胞(Hematopoietic Stem Cells HSCs)有什麼分別呢?
EpSCs幹細胞則可生成為一些組成皮膚或空心(Hollow Structure)的器官如腸臟、氣管、膀胱和子宮等等的細胞。
1. 心血管疾病如心肌梗塞和心肌無力症
2. 腦神經系統疾病如腦退化症、多發性硬化症和脊柱神經受傷等等
3. 自體免疫系統疾病如一型糖尿病、自體免疫性肝炎、潰瘍性結腸炎、紅斑狼瘡和類風濕性關節炎等等
令人鼓舞的是,根據目前的臨床試驗公怖結果,在自體免疫系統疾病和內分泌疾病方面,移植MSCs幹細胞後,病情有顯著的改善。同時有研究亦發現MSCs幹細胞有較低的免疫原性(Immunogenicity)、相當較能避開人體免疫系統的識別,減低移植排斥反應。現時不少的臨床研究制用此特性,探討將MSCs幹細胞用作異體移植(Allogeneic Transplantation)例如近親甚至免疫不相容(HLA-Mismatch)的外人等[8], MSCs幹細胞的移植技術的研究開始了二十多年,目前的研究成果相當正面,其低免疫原性的特質在未來能夠怎樣應用在免疫不相容的病人身上實在值得我們期待。[2][5][8]
而EpSCs幹細胞方面,研究發現或許有以下潛在臨床應用 [6][7]
1. 燒傷治療和傷口癒合
2. 一型糖尿病
3. 肝臟衰竭
正在考慮儲存臍帶血或膜的孕婦宜先充分調查不同臍帶生物科技公司的背景、財政狀況、過去的移植紀錄、使用的儲存技術等等。同時,如有任何疑問務必諮詢專家或醫生意見以作informed decision。
[1] Isolation, Culture and Characterisation of Fibroblast-Like Cells Derived From the Wharton's Jelly Portion of Human Umbilical Cord. Stem Cell Biochemical Society Transaction. https://portlandpress.com/biochemsoctrans/article/19/1/29S/81930/Isolation-culture-and-characterisation-of
[2] The Therapeutic Potential, Challenges and Future Clinical Directions of Stem Cells From the Wharton's Jelly of the Human Umbilical Cord. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12015-012-9418-z
[3] Epithelial and Mesenchymal Stem Cells From the Umbilical Cord Lining Membrane. Cell Transplant.
[4] Umbilical Cord as Prospective Source for Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Therapy. Stem Cells international. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5019943/
[5]Immunogenicity and Immunomodulatory Properties of Umbilical Cord Lining Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Cell Transplant. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21054940/
[6] Short review on human umbilical cord lining epithelial cells and their potential clinical applications. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5634865/#CR40
[7] Longitudinal In-Vivo Volumetry Study for Porcine Liver Regeneration From CT Data. 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6944684
[8] The Importance of HLA Assessment in “Off-the-Shelf” Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells Based-Therapies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6888380/
Photo: Internet Photo
#研究分析 #科普系列 #臍帶膜 #上皮幹細胞 #間質幹細胞 #CellOptima #MesenchymalStemCells #EpthelialStemCells
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molecular biology of the cell 在 中央研究院 Academia Sinica Facebook 的最讚貼文
‼本院最新研究:臺灣有一半以上的肺癌病患並不吸菸,超過 9 成得肺癌的女性也都不抽菸,與 #體內酵素突變 大有關係,而且近十年有年輕化的趨勢,研究成果發表在🌏國際期刊《細胞》《Cell》上,並榮登本期封面‼
本院化學所陳玉如特聘研究員、臺大醫學院內科教授楊泮池(本院院士)與跨單位研究團隊以 #蛋白基因體技術 建立東亞第一套結合深度多體學大數據及完整臨床資料,深度解析 #不吸菸肺癌患者 可能的致病機制,研究有三個重要發現⭐⭐⭐
✅肺癌與人體內酵素APOBEC 突變特徵的高低有關
罹肺癌患者中,74%從未吸菸年輕女性(小於60歲)和所有無肺癌表皮生長因子受體(EGFR) 突變的女性患者的APOBEC突變特徵程度較高,可能為女性早期肺癌的驅動因素,可能成為早期診斷和免疫治療的潛在生物標誌物。
臺灣肺癌患者在EGFR基因上會發生Del19和L858R二種突變,若發生L858R突變,存活率較低。此次將肺腺癌分為五個亞型,其中有一個從未被發現的「類晚期」亞型的早期肺癌。此亞型可區分二種突變的的 #惡性特徵 差異。因此,臨床醫師未來有機會可藉判斷有無此類惡性特徵,發現早期肺癌患者,提供密集觀察和選擇適合佐劑加以治療。
此次成果為臺美合作「癌症登月計畫」的重要里程碑,是美國臨床蛋白基因體學腫瘤分析聯盟(CPTAC)#首次 和國際聯盟團隊(臺灣)攜手合作發表研究成果。透過跨國族群癌症病人的大數據分享及比較,可更精確探討亞洲非抽菸族群致癌機制、檢測及治療的線索,加速癌症精準醫療的實現。除中研院之外,由臺灣大學、臺北醫學大學、臺中榮總提供病人檢體、臨床數據及檢測技術等。研究經費主要來自科技部、中研院及臺灣大學。
#中研院 #化學所 #陳玉如 #癌症登月計畫
#肺癌 #蛋白基因體 #APOBEC #Cell #封面
Two new studies released July 9th, 2020 in Cell unravel the biology of lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) using a suite of molecular techniques that, combined, provide a more complete picture of the disease than ever before. Using a diverse cohort of smokers and non-smokers, male and female, from around the world, researchers from the Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) and the International Cancer Proteogenome Consortium (ICPC) draw out a clearer understanding of LUAD tumor progression, identify biomarkers, and propose alternative therapeutic targets.
Although strongly associated with smoking, significant populations of never-smokers also develop lung cancer. While never-smokers account for approximately 20% of lung cancer patients in the United States, in Taiwan more than 50% of patients are never-smokers, and many with early onset of the disease. The high number of East Asian LUAD never-smokers presented an opportunity for the ICPC-Taiwan team, led by Drs. Yu-Ju Chen and Pan-Chyr Yang with colleagues from Academia Sinica, National Taiwan University, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan and The Institute of Cancer Research, UK, to take a closer look at the mechanisms of this disease in 103 East Asian patients with a focus on early stage.
🔺More: https://reurl.cc/0o3aAA
#lungadenocarcinoma #LUAD #CPTAC #ICPC #AcademiaSinica #AS #Lungcancer
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[Tổng hợp] 4 học bổng dành cho sinh viên quốc tế ở Canada
Schofans ơi nếu đang cân nhắc chọn Canada làm điểm đến du học cho năm sau thì xem ngay list học bổng ở dưới đây nha. Chỉ mong lúc đó mọi thứ quay trở lại bình thường - đường bay được mở - vắc xin Covid-19 sẵn sàng thôi, còn các bạn hãy cứ tiếp tục tìm kiếm và apply khi có cơ hội nhé. Học bổng khá đa dạng, có loại cover học phí và cả tiền nhà và phí sinh hoạt nữa. Mong là sẽ giúp được cho bạn nào muốn đi du học ở Canada, và đừng quên tiếp tục follow page để theo dõi các thông tin học bổng tiếp theo nhé.
1. International Undergraduate Student Bursary at University of Manitoba
- Bậc học: đại học
- Ngành học: tất cả các ngành
- Học bổng: $240,000/năm (được chia đều cho tất cả các ứng viên, tùy vào số lượng sinh viên nhận học bổng)
- Deadline: 01.10 hàng năm
2. Concordia International Tuition Award of Excellence
- Bậc học: đại học
- Ngành học: tất cả các ngành
- Học bổng: $39,280
- Deadline: 01.09.2020
3. SCIENCE & SCILIFELAB PRIZE FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS at the University of British Columbia
- Bậc học: tiến sỹ
- Ngành học: Cell and Molecular Biology, Genomics and Proteomics, Ecology and Environment, Translational Medicine.
- Học bổng: USD$10,0000 – $30,000
- Deadline: 15.07.2020
4. Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships
- Ngành học: tiến sỹ
- Ngành học: liên quan đến Health; Natural sciences and/or engineering; Social sciences and humanities
- Học bổng: $50,000/năm (hb trong 3 năm, cover tiền học phí, nhà ở, chi phí sinh hoạt)
- Deadline: 06.11.2020
Link: https://hannahed.co/4-hoc-bong-o-canada/
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Molecular Biology of the Cell. 1717 likes · 3 talking about this. "The classic in-depth text reference in Cell Biology." 5th Edition published by... ... <看更多>
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This is the MBoC YouTube Channel. Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBoC) is an online journal published twice monthly and owned by the American Society for ... ... <看更多>