在 Okinawa, Tokashiki 真的非常难找素食
希望可以帮助到大家还没去的时候能够得到更多去日本Okinawa, Tokashik旅行的分享~
What i EAT in Okinawa as a Vegetarian
Well, I would say it's pretty har to find a vegetarian or a vegan place in Japan.
So i had no choice to order any food that does not contain any meat in it.
But I would say i LOVE JAPAN!
Hope this video helps and if you have any more suggestions. PLEASE COMMENT! That would help a lot for others too
Follow my facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kennytanoffi...
For my daily Vegetarian meal:
Follow my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kennytan_of...
My friends Instagram:
Judit: https://www.instagram.com/juditarmero/?hl=en
Annika: https://www.instagram.com/annika831/?hl=en
Daniel: https://www.instagram.com/dan_koh/?hl=en