Pai ayam ni sebenarnya senang je nak buat tau, bahan-bahan dia pun senang nak cari. Kalau nak tahu kesedapan pai ayam ni, haaaa korang kena la cuba resepi ni kat rumah. Happy cooking semua!
Resepi Pai Ayam Lazat | Scrumptious Chicken Pot Pie Recipe
//Bahasa Melayu
Resepi Pai Ayam Lazat
Bahan-bahan (Doh)
2 1/2 cwn tepung gandum
1 sb gula aising
200 gm mentega (disejukkan)
1 biji telur
2-3 sb air sejuk
Bahan-bahan (Inti)
3 sb mentega
1 cwn dada ayam (dipotong dadu)
1/2 biji bawang merah (dicincang)
3 ulas bawang putih (dicincang)
3 sb tepung gandum
2 cwn sayuran campur
1 sk parsli kering
1 sk lada hitam
1 sk garam
1/2 cwn susu segar
1 cwn air
Cara memasak (Pai Ayam)
1. Campurkan mentega sejuk serta tepung gandum. Ramaskan bersama sehingga teksturnya kelihatan seperti serbuk roti.
2. Masukkan gula aising, telur yang dikacau rata dan air sejuk sedikit demi sedikit lalu uli hingga menjadi doh.
3. Balut doh dengan menggunakan baking paper dan sejukkan di dalam peti ais selama 30 minit.
4. Sementara itu, sediakan bahan-bahan inti pula.
5. Panaskan mentega sehingga cair. Tumiskan bawang putih dan bawang merah sehingga naik bau.
6. Masukkan tepung gandum dan gaul sehingga sebati.
7. Masukkan lada hitam, parsli kering dan susu segar. Masak sebentar dan tambahkan dada ayam dipotong dadu. Kacau rata.
8. Masukkan air dan biarkan ayam masak seketika. Tambahkan pula sayuran campur dan masak sehingga mendidih.
9. Perasakan dengan garam secukup rasa. Masak sehingga reneh dan pekat.
10. Keluarkan doh dari peti sejuk dan potong kepada empat bahagian. Satu bahagian doh bersamaan dengan satu acuan pai.
11. Canaikan satu bahagian doh. Pastikan tidak terlalu tebal dan tidak terlalu nipis.
12. Bentukkan doh yang dicanai mengikut acuan pai. Potong lebihan doh dan letak di tepi.
13. Lakukan perkara yang sama kepada tiga lagi bahagian doh.
14. Masukkan inti ke dalam acuan pai.
15. Bulatkan kesemua lebihan doh bersama dan canaikan. Kemudian, potong memanjang.
16. Tutup bahagian atas pai dengan jalur-jalur doh. Anyam jalur-jalur doh secara berselang-seli. Potong dan buang bahagian tepi supaya kemas.
17. Sapukan kuning telur pada permukaan atas pai dan bakar pada suhu 180°C selama 30-35 minit.
18. Pai ayam siap untuk dihidangkan.
Scrumptious Chicken Pot Pie Recipe
Ingredients (Dough)
2 1/2 cups of wheat flour
1 tbsp of icing sugar
200 gm butter (chilled)
1 nos egg
2-3 tbsp of cold water
Ingredients (Filling)
3 tbsp of butter
1 cup of chicken breast (diced)
1/2 red onion (minced)
3 cloves garlic (minced)
3 tbsp of wheat flour
2 cups of mixed vegetables
1 tsp of dried parsley
1 tsp of black pepper
1 tsp of salt
1/2 cup of fresh milk
1 cup of water
Cooking methods (Chicken Pot Pie)
1. Mix chilled butter with wheat flour and cut in butter until mixture resembles crumbs.
2. Add in icing sugar, lightly beaten egg, and cold water bit by bit. Knead to form a dough.
3. Wrap the dough using baking paper and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
4. Meanwhile, prepare ingredients needed for the chicken pie filling.
5. Heat butter until fully melted. Saute garlic and red onion until fragrant.
6. Add in wheat flour and mix well.
7. Add in black pepper, dried parsley and fresh milk. Cook for a while and add in diced chicken breast. Mix well.
8. Put in water and let the chicken cook for a while. Add in mixed vegetables and bring to a boil.
9. Then, season with salt to taste and cook until bubbling and thick.
10. Remove dough from the refrigerator and cut dough into four parts. One part of dough is an equivalent of one ramekin.
11. Roll one part of dough. Ensure not too thick and not too thin.
12. Place the dough inside a ramekin and press firmly against bottom and sides. Trim excess dough from edge of ramekin and set it aside.
13. Do the same thing on another three parts of dough.
14. Fill up crust-lined ramekin with creamy filling.
15. Round the excess dough together and roll it. Then, cut the dough into even strips.
16. Lay out each strips on top of the filling. Weave the strips over and under one another forming a beautiful woven pattern. Trim the edges to make it looks neat.
17. Brush the top surface with egg yolk and bake at 180°C for 30-35 minutes.
18. Chicken pie is ready to be served.
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