I trained speaking. Dont hit me! : ( :::MORE INFO:::
One lovely summer morning, i decided to bake my favourite cake, the honey pie! So I checked the old recipe of my grandma and then gave my best at mixing everything together.
While mixing the cake, i got the idea of putting the cake dough on my face.
What we are going to do now, is not putting cake dough on the face.
We will mix a face mask called The Honey Pie mask.
It removes black roots and pimples. Makes a smoother and clearer skin. You can see the big difference right after washing the honey pie mask off I apply the mask once times a week.
First of all, i recommend to take the hair back. If you dont, it could be difficult getting it off the hair. dont you think?
Now get a recipient. Mine is a transparent mug cup, in which ill fill some flour.
add five tablespoons of simple whole wheat fluor.
Lets add 3 tablespoons of natural honey without any conservant nor chemcials.
be carfeul and dont drop the honey aside
it might be hard, but if you havent got a lemon squeezer like me, just use your hands.
Mix the lemon juice and the dough together.
Get a brush. I use silicon brush, which is more skin friendly and just perfect for applying facial masks.
After youve applied the honey pie mask, wait 30 minutes. I think imgoing to read a book or something.
Wash the mask off with warm water and dry the face with a clean towel.
Your skin should be smoother, cleaner and most notably just like porcelain.
I wish you a lot of fun trying out the honey pie mask.
Thank you for watching
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