sylvester stallone iq 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

Sep 6, 2012 - Dolph Lundgren – IQ 160. ... Famous people with the highest known IQs (17 Photos) ... Sylvester Stallone returns as Barney Ross. vanity_fair. ... <看更多>
IQ test 8 +11 answered#iqtestquestion. ... have a college degree is not...ft Sylvester Stallone best quotes #shortsfeed. ... <看更多>
#1. What is Sylvester Stallone IQ - Hollywood action heroism
According to multiple sources, Sylvester Stallone IQ is claimed to be at 160 IQ, which places him in the 0.1% of the population who are geniuses or nearly ...
#2. What is Sylvester Stallone IQ - Hollywood action movie Legend
Sylvester Stallone has IQ 165 - belongs to the group of genius or near genius people and accounts for 0.1% of the world. This stat shows that he has the ability ...
#3. Do you think that Sylvester Stallone is a genius? - Quora
Genius? It's hard to say but you can't deny his success with the Rocky syndication. He struck a nerve with the “Great White Hope” theme.
#4. Celebrities That Have A Much Higher IQ Than You Would ...
Geena Davis having an IQ of 140 doesn't seem nearly as shocking. Not only is she a talented actress but she also has an extensive academic ...
#5. Sylvester Stallone IQ Score: 160 - Celebrity IQs
Sylvester Stallone IQ Score: 160 | Celebrity IQs.
#6. Sylvester Stallone IQ - How intelligent is ... - Online IQ Test
However, given his success as an actor, writer and director, it is safe to say that his IQ is probably above average. Sylvester Stallone - family and life.
#7. Sylvester Stallone has the same... - Daily Mail Entertainment
Sylvester Stallone has the same IQ as Einstein?! DAILYMAIL.CO.UK. Who is the most intelligent actor in ...
#8. What is Sylvester Stallone's IQ? - Celebrity.fm
Sylvester Stallone – 160 IQ. Accordingly, Does Dolph Lundgren have a high IQ? Dolph Lundgren. With a reported IQ of 160, Lundgren attended MIT on a Fulbright ...
#9. What is Sylvester Stallone's IQ? - 2023 Calendar Canada
According to multiple sources, Sylvester Stallone IQ is claimed to be at 160, which places him in the 0.1% of the population who are geniuses or nearly ...
#10. Is Sylvester Stallone intelligent? - Old School Gamers
Mensan (plural Mensans) A member of Mensa, a society for people with a high IQ. https://en.wiktionary.org › wiki › Mensan. Mensan - Wiktionary.
#11. What is Sylvester Stallone's IQ? - Calendar UK
According to multiple sources, Sylvester Stallone IQ is claimed to be at 160, which places him in the 0.1% of the population who are geniuses or nearly ...
#12. 11 Famous Actors You Didn't Know Are Geniuses
Stallone surprises me, actually, anyone who claims to have an IQ over 150 as an adult meets with some incredulity from me. That's pretty rare, ...
#13. These celebrities are smarter than they look | news.com.au
Not the first person you would associate with the word genius, Sylvester Stallone is considered one of the smartest guys in Hollywood and, ...
#14. Poll: Celebrity Brainiacs Who Use Their Heads - IMDb
Intelligence Quotients (IQs) are a way to measure a part of one's intelligence, most of us score between 90 - 110. ... Sylvester Stallone. 160 IQ ...
#15. 15 Celebs Who Are Einstein-Level Geniuses - TheRichest
12 Sylvester Stallone - 160 IQ ... When one thinks of Sylvester Stallone one probably imagines Rocky getting beat senseless in a boxing ring while ...
#16. Celebrities You Probably Didn't Know Have Very High IQ's
The-now 44-year-old has an estimated IQ of 160, evident in his humanitarian work (he's assisted with the plight of child trafficking) and investment work. The ...
#17. Celebrity Geniuses – Who Knew?? - Graduation Source
But with an IQ of 160, he's gone on to make films like “Django Unchained,” “Pulp Fiction” and “Kill Bill,” proving that he has what it takes for ...
#18. Who is the most intelligent actor in Hollywood? - Daily Mail
Sylvester Stallone, 70, has a reported IQ of 160, the same as Albert Einstein. Stallone, pictured in the 1996 film Daylight, ...
#19. What is Sylvester Stallone's IQ? - Celebrity.tn
Sylvester Stallone – 160 IQ. Furthermore, Did Dolph Lundgren take steroids for Rocky IV? 5. Dolph Lundgren as Ivan Drago in Rocky IV.
#20. TIL Dolph Lundgren (Ivan Drago from Rocky IV) has an IQ of ...
Sylvester Stallone said in an interview: "During [the filming of] Rocky IV, Dolph had hit me so hard I had swelling around the heart and had to stay in ...
#21. Famous people's IQs - a test with a certificate
Do you want to find out the IQ of famous people? We prepared a clear table with names and IQ scores.
#22. What is sylvester stallone's middle name? - Alexa Answers
What is sylvester stallone's i. q.? Films et TV • 1 Answer. ANSWER · Parcourez plus ...
#23. IQ über 130: Das sind Hollywoods Intelligenzbestien - freenet.de
Action-Star Sylvester Stallone (73) zählt zu den klügsten Köpfen Hollywoods - mit einem IQ von 160. Damit ist auch der "Rocky"-Darsteller theoretisch so ...
#24. No te imaginas el cociente intelectual que tienen estas ...
... de procesamiento de la información", informa la IQ Test Academy. ... Puede que Sylvester Stallone sea una estrella del cine de acción, ...
54. Sylvester Stallone - IQ 54. Sylvester Stallone - American actor, screenwriter and director · 70. Paris Hilton - IQ 70 · 78. Muhammad Ali - IQ 78 · 92. Lindsay ...
#26. 7 Celebrities Who Have Einstein-Level Brains - Aubtu
Sylvester Stallone : 160 IQ ... When you think of Sylvester Stallone, you usually picture Rocky getting beaten senselessly while whimpering, “ ...
#27. Action star with 160 IQ, who punched Sylvester Stallone in ...
Action star with 160 IQ, who punched Sylvester Stallone in hospital. November 2, 2021. Getting to Hollywood is not easy, let alone leaving a mark or ...
#28. IQ 160. That's right, Ivan Drago is a genius. Dolph ... - Pinterest
Sep 6, 2012 - Dolph Lundgren – IQ 160. ... Famous people with the highest known IQs (17 Photos) ... Sylvester Stallone returns as Barney Ross. vanity_fair.
#29. 金牌拳手(2015) Full with English subtitle – iQIYI | iQ.com
Watch the latest full movie 金牌拳手(2015) Full with English subtitle on iQIYI | iQ.com. ... Michael B. Jordan, Sylvester Stallone,Sly, Tessa Thompson, ...
#30. The IQ Famous People - Navsi100.com
06 Sylvester Stallone, актор IQ=54. 07 Paris Hilton, actress, photo model IQ=70. 08 Muhammad Ali, boxer IQ=78. 09 Lindsay Lohan, actress, ...
#31. iq - Agro UBA - Universidad de Buenos Aires
... Cabo verde news, Viva las vegas rockabilly car show 2013, Bitbyte-iq? ... Intensive training centres swimming, #Sylvester stallone age 2015, ...
#32. Nejslavnější filmový záporák s IQ 160: Dolph Lundgren žije ve ...
Nejslavnější filmový záporák s IQ 160: Dolph Lundgren žije ve stínu Ivana Draga · Poslední akční mohykán: Proč je Sylvester Stallone miláčkem ...
#33. VIRAL IQ TEST 8 +11? ANSWERED! - YouTube
IQ test 8 +11 answered#iqtestquestion. ... have a college degree is not...ft Sylvester Stallone best quotes #shortsfeed.
#34. Is Dolph Lundgren Really a Genius? His IQ is ... - TheFactsCity
Sylvester Stallone is an actor, director, and producer who has an IQ of 160. He is best known for his roles in the Rocky and Rambo films.
#35. Gwiazdy z najwyższym IQ! | Galeria | AXN Polska
Dolph Lundgren należy do starej gwiazdy ikon kina akcji, razem z takimi gwiazdami jak Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, ...
#36. 猜一猜誰的IQ最高? - Jessica
Ashton Kutcher: IQ 160 不單止英俊,還擁有高達IQ 160的智商,現年39歲的Ashton Kutcher是演員、 ... Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone: IQ 160
#37. Stars with high IQs - CBS News
AP Photo Actress and former model Sharon Stone has a reported IQ of 154. The "Basic Instinct" star started college in her native ...
#38. Schlau wie Einstein: Quentin Tarantino, Sylvester Stallone ...
Sylvester Stallone – IQ 160 ... Wer hätte das gedacht: Auch „Rocky“- und „Rambo“-Darsteller Sylvester Stallone (69) ist so schlau wie Einstein!
#39. How tall is Sylvester Stallone? - Sportskeeda
Does Sylvester Stallone carry elevator shoes? Q. What is the IQ of Sylvester Stallone? Q. Has Sylvester Stallone had plastic surgery?
#40. 'Mr. Bean', Cindy Crawford và loạt sao quốc tế sở hữu IQ thiên ...
Nếu như chỉ số thông minh (IQ) từ 85 đến 115 là những người bình thường chiếm khoảng 68% dân số thế giới, ... Sylvester Stallone (IQ 160) ...
#41. Sylvester Stallone电视剧电影 - 爱奇艺
Sylvester Stallone 明星页热门动态,Sylvester Stallone明星资料大全,Sylvester Stallone热门电视剧、电影推荐,Sylvester Stallone相关泡泡粉丝 ...
#42. 7 vedete cu o inteligență de geniu. Cine are IQ-ul mai mare ...
Puțini sunt cei care știu că Sylvester Stallone are un IQ de 160, la fel ca al lui Albert Einstein. Pe lângă un actor de succes, Stallone este și un pictor ...
#43. Stars mit dem höchsten Intelligenzquotient | kurier.at
... seinen Gegner die Köpfe ein, dabei hat er in selbigem echt viel drin – denn US-Action-Held Sylvester Stallone (70) hat einen IQ von 160.
#44. 好莱坞巨星IQ曝光施瓦辛格135 史泰龙160(图)_影音娱乐 - 新浪
中新网12月27日电大明星智商数字会说话,阿诺德·施瓦辛格(施瓦辛格吧)(Arnold Schwarzeegger)、史泰龙(史泰龙吧)(Sylvester Stallone(Sylvester ...
#45. Híresek és okosok - 24.hu
... Sandler végzett képzőművész, és hogy Dolph Lundgrennek 160-as az IQ-ja? ... hogy olyan színészek, mint Sylvester Stallone vagy épp Dolph ...
#46. The rise and fall of IQ | Focus | The Observer - The Guardian
Her programme, Test the Nation: The National IQ Test, will run either ... Sylvester Stallone and the arithmetically-gifted Carol Vorderman.
#47. 21 Celebrities With Surprisingly High IQs - Hollywood.com
2/3 of the population has an IQ between 85-115. These 21 celebrities with surprisingly high IQs all have an IQ higher than 125!
#48. What Is the Highest IQ Ever Recorded? - Mental Floss
Her advanced cognitive abilities were apparent from a young age, and according to one IQ test, she already displayed adult intelligence levels ...
#49. Hollywood Stars With Sky-Scraping IQs
With an IQ test score of 185, it's no surprise she's been an unstoppable political powerhouse and inspiration ... 160 - Sylvester Stallone.
#50. Most Intelligent Actors- One's You Would Never Think Of | iHeart
SYLVESTER STALLONE : The action star has a reported IQ of 160 - the same as Albert Einstein - and in 1977 he was nominated for an Oscar for ...
#51. Diese zehn Stars haben einen richtig hohen IQ | krone.at
Sylvester Stallone hat mehr als nur Muskeln - IQ 160 · Sharon Stone gab MENSA-Mitgliedschaft vor - IQ 154 · Matt Damon schrieb einen Teil von " ...
#52. IQ Pohyb & CVIQ (@iqpohyb_cviq) • Instagram photos and ...
... 267 Following, 571 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from IQ Pohyb & CVIQ (@iqpohyb_cviq) ... Sylvester Stallone o nás řekl: „Rambo a pilates?
#53. 66 Smartest Celebrities That Are Not Only Talented, But Also ...
"Sylvester Stallone has an IQ of roughly 160. He has paralysis in his face, which affects his speech, so people think he's "dumb." People who judge for such ...
#54. IQ do beskonačno mnogo: Filmske zvijezde genijalci
Sylvester Stallone u svojim filmovima ubija tisuće zlih momaka ili ... Međutim, Rambo ima kvocijent inteligencije (IQ) 160 i nije bez neke ...
#55. Dolph Lundgren IQ, Childhood, Education and Career - MyIQio
The IQ test is one of the important measures of intelligence, ... fame from acting as a superstar next to Van Damm and Sylvester Stallone.
#56. Dolph Lundgren Facts That Prove He's a Badass - MovieWeb
Dolph Lundgren is Highly Educated With a High IQ, but No PhD ... Dolph Lundgren & Sylvester Stallone in Rocky IV MGM / UA.
#57. James Woods y Sylvester Stallone entre los más inteligentes ...
Sylvester Stallone ocupa la segunda posición con un IQ de 160, al igual que Dolph Lundgren, quien además tiene un máster en Ingeniería Química y ...
#58. Who has the highest IQ ever recorded? Here's what we know ...
Those with higher IQs in comparison with Einstein include William James Sidis, Leonardo Da Vinci and Marilyn vos Savant. Sidis was a child ...
#59. Which celebrities have an above-average IQ? - TerraYou
Interestingly, high IQ scores are not exclusive to scientists or university ... as did director Quentin Tarantino (160) and actor Sylvester Stallone (160).
#60. Iq 125 - EV Group Entertainment
The intelligence quotient or IQ is a standardized method to know the ... 140 Will Smith IQ 115 Ben Affleck IQ 154 Sylvester Stallone IQ 165 Lisa Kudrow IQ ...
#61. 7 Aktor Hollywood yang Ternyata Punya IQ Fantastis
7. Natalie Portman (IQ 140) · 6. Lisa Kudrow (IQ 154) · 5. Ashton Kutcher (IQ 160) · 4. Matt Damon (IQ 160) · 3. Sylvester Stallone (IQ 160) · 2.
#62. 160 IQ: Meaning, Percentile, & Career Path - LMS Hero
Want to know if an IQ of 160 is good and the kind of job that fits this IQ level? ... Juan Mata, Bill Gates, Ashton Kutcher, and Sylvester Stallone.
#63. Legends #1: Sylvester Stallone – A Modern Day Polymath
And if that wasn't evidence enough that the guy is something of a genius, Mensa lists his IQ as 160! Sylvester Stallone's Training. Sylvester ...
#64. IQ test results of famous people. How people with normal and ...
Sylvester Stallone is an American actor, screenwriter, and director with an IQ of 54. What dependencies have been revealed by psychological studies of ...
#65. IQ og baller, en god kombinasjon? - E24
Forskere har funnet en klar kobling mellom IQ og suksess i aksjemarkedet. ... BALLER OG IQ: Sylvester Stallone og Albert Einstein.
#66. George bush jr iq
유명 인사들의 아이큐(IQ) 실베스터 스탤론 (Sylvester Stallone) - 54 조지 부시 (George Bush (Jr. ”. Bush seemed destined to fulfill this leadership role ...
#67. Does Snoop have a high IQ? - Coalition Brewing
Rapper and media mogul Kanye West has claimed to have an IQ of 140. West even took a Mensa IQ test, which puts it at ... What is Sylvester Stallone's IQ?
#68. Body parts that reveal your intelligence - Mirror Online
#69. Sylvester Stallone's golden dating advice is what all daughters ...
Actor Sylvester Stallone is one respected man in Hollywood and some generations have grown up watching his hit films, taking inspiration.
#70. things to boost iq|TikTok Search
things to boost iq. 14.4M views. Discover videos related to things to boost iq on TikTok. Videos. mxrcmunoz. 7511. Become smarter, life longer.
#71. Wer Hat Den Höchsten Iq? - La Arboleda
Die intelligentesten Menschen der Welt mit dem höchsten IQ Sharon Stone ... Andrea Raffin / Shutterstock.com Action-Star Sylvester Stallone ...
#72. Top 7: Die hellsten Köpfe Hollywoods | weekend.at
Auch der Actionheld und Muskelprotz Sylvester Stallone, bekannt aus den Filmen "Rambo" und "Rocky Balboa", hat einiges mehr zu bieten als ...
#73. Why Donald Trump is so obsessed with IQ and genius.
Donald Trump with those whom he regards as fellow geniuses: romance novelist Judith Krantz, actor-filmmaker Sylvester Stallone, and the late ...
#74. Highest IQ people on the planet right now
Sylvester Stallone. I'm not sure if you're trying to be funny but he's quite brilliant. If he didn't have the speech impediment or wasn't jacked up on ...
#75. Gwiazdy kina z szokująco WYSOKIM ILORAZEM INTELIGENCJI
Można więc domniemywać, że jej wysokie IQ zostało w pewnym stopniu odziedziczone przez Kidman po rodzicach. Aktorka wciąż jednak ćwiczy swoją ...
#76. Interesting Question of the Day - 20 November 2017 - iQ Trivia
... new player to comment on the website with the correct answer wins a free drink at their next iQ Trivia show. ... sylvester stallone?
#77. 10 curiosità su Sylvester Stallone - Sky TG24
Il suo quoziente intellettivo è di 160. Ciò lo inserisce nel novero del 2% della popolazione mondiale ad alto QI. È inoltre membro del MENSA, l' ...
#78. Dolph Lundgren - Wikipedia
Upon learning that Sylvester Stallone was seeking an imposing fighter to play Ivan Drago in Rocky IV (1985), Lundgren sent videos and pictures of himself to ...
#79. 7 Seleb Jenius yang Pernah Jadi Dokter, Peneliti, Hingga ...
7 Seleb Jenius yang Pernah Jadi Dokter, Peneliti, Hingga Punya IQ Tinggi ; Lisa Kudrow · Foto: Getty Images ; Sylvester Stallone · Foto: Kevin ...
#80. The Incredible IQ of Dolph Lundgren - Opera News
Simply put, he belongs to a generation of film action heros such as "Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Steven Seagal, ...
#81. Poznati koji imaju visok kvocijent inteligencije | Celebrity
ZVIJEZDE S UVJERLJIVO NAJVEĆIM IQ-OM: Malo tko zna da je listi 'genijalnih Hrvata' i jedna poznata misica · Matt Damon - 160 · Sylvester Stallone ...
#82. Самые умные и не очень: IQ знаменитостей - ФОТО - Day.Az
Сильвестр Сталлоне (Sylvester Stallone) Американский актер, сценарист и режиссер IQ=54 · Пэрис Хилтон (Paris Hilton) Американская светская львица ...
#83. Sylvester Stallone: His fitness regime through the ages
Even at the age of 66, Stallone has a physique that can put many youngsters to shame. Read what he does to stay so fit. TheHealthSite.com.
#84. Is Dolph Lundgren Really a Genius? His IQ is ... - The Little Facts
Many people don't know this, but Dolph actually injured Stallone real bad during the filming of “Rocky IV”. During rehearsals, Sylvester ...
#85. New Instone products - Sylvester Stallone
The official website of actor, writer, director, Sylvester Stallone. ... are some fabulous new products available from Sly's Instone range.
#86. IQs von hochintelligenten Schauspielern und Filmcharakteren
Der Intelligenzquotient hat im Durchschnitt einen Mittelwert von 100. Menschen mit einem IQ von mindestens 130 gelten als hochintelligent.
#87. Product Review Tandem Diabetes Control IQ - 2023
Product Review: Tandem Diabetes Control-IQ Tandem Control IQ Automated Diabetes ... Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone In an Epic Action Adventure ...
#88. Will your IQ stand a fresh test? As the BBC gears up to ...
Now I discover that, in addition to being unaware of my IQ, ... say, Madonna (who has an IQ of 140, apparently), Sylvester Stallone (170), ...
#89. 4 szuperpasi átlagon felüli IQ-val - Life
Az igazi áttörést a Rocky IV. című film hozta meg számára, amelyben Sylvester Stallone ellenfelét alakította. 160-as az IQ-ja.
#90. 10 Awesome Things You Didn't Know About Dolph Lundgren
While he claims that the rumors of his I.Q. being north of 160 are exaggerated, his degrees in ... He almost killed Sylvester Stallone.
#91. Poznati s visokim IQ-om, među njima i jedna poznata hrvatska ...
Sylvester Stallone – 160. Mišićav, talentiran i inteligentan. Ovaj glumac je na ovoj listi s dobrim razlogom. Njegov IQ je 160.
#92. Nation's IQ higher than yours: Amit Shah tells Rahul Gandhi ...
Nation's IQ higher than yours: Amit Shah tells Rahul Gandhi over Rafale row ... Sylvester Stallone's family steps into the spotlight with ...
#93. Celebrități care se pot lăuda cu un IQ mare! - EA.md
Sylvester Stallone are un IQ de 160, la fel ca al lui Albert Einstein. Este un actor desăvârșit, dar are talent și la pictură.
#94. Schoolgirl, 13, has a higher IQ than Einstein and Stephen ...
Sury Ranjan, 13, has an IQ of 162 - the highest possible score ... Famous members include Sylvester Stallone, Carol Vorderman, Shakira and ...
#95. Stimmt es das Dolph Lundgren einen IQ von 160 hat?
War Sylvester Stallone ein Boxer? Ihr kennt ja sicher Alle Sylvester Stallone, Ich habe mir nun alle rocky filme Angesehen und ich dachte mir is ...
#96. Sylvester Stallone Calls His 'Rocky/Creed' Producers ... - Pajiba
He's also a sexual assaulter like Trump..... Feathers McGraw • 8 months ago. Hmm. He is a very rich older white male with an at best tepid IQ ...
#97. Relationships IQ: A hands-on guide to create relationships ...
It all sounds so high-flown but as Sylvester Stallone- Rockysaid, “People fade, looks fade, but loyalty never fades. You can depend so much on certain ...
#98. Topul celor mai inteligente vedete de la Hollywood: IQ-uri ...
Sylvester Stallone FOTO Guliver/Getty Images. Sylvester Stallone foto ap. Puţini oameni ştiu că starul filmelor de acţiune are un IQ de 160, ...
sylvester stallone iq 在 Sylvester Stallone has the same... - Daily Mail Entertainment 的推薦與評價
Sylvester Stallone has the same IQ as Einstein?! DAILYMAIL.CO.UK. Who is the most intelligent actor in ... ... <看更多>