Thank you so much for watching!
Thank you @prisha.wav for the first song ily
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Here's a video with more information about the restaurants we went to and the places we visited during a three-day trip! One of the best trips I've even went on :) Missing everyone x
Meichu Vlog link:
Cinematic Penghu Vlog link:
Time stamps
00:09 Day 1
01:12 Central old street 中央老街
01:31 Brown sugar cactus ice 黑糖仙人掌冰
01:36 Longmen beach 龍門沙灣
01:55 Moses' shop 摩西小舖
02:04 Moses parts the sea 摩西分海
02:46 intertidal experience 夜探龍宮 潮間帶體驗
04:34 Night view at Sanxian Pagoda 三仙塔夜景
04:53 Day 2
05:04 Dongyuping Island snorkeling 東嶼坪浮潛 南方四島國家公園薰衣草森林珊瑚礁
05:42 Blue Hole 藍洞
05:53 Dongji Island 東吉島
06:49 Aimen Beach barbecue 隘門沙灘燒烤
06:53 Firework festival 澎湖花火節
07:12 Day 3
07:23 Xingren diving center 澎湖興仁潛水訓練中心
07:38 Daguoye Columnar Basalt 大菓葉柱狀玄武岩
07:48 Erkan Historic Village 二崁陳家古厝
07:53 Whale Rock 鯨魚洞
Penghu is an archipelago of 90 islands and islets in the Taiwan Strait and is known as the pearl of Taiwan. Firework shows are hosted in the spring and summer. Snorkeling, scuba diving, and canoeing are all common activities found throughout the islands. It is easily accessible as you can arrive by boat or plane. Visit Penghu for its diverse marine ecology and its scenic beauty :))
澎湖是在台灣海峽由90個島嶼和小島組成的群島,被稱為台灣明珠。 每年春季和夏季會有花火表演。 浮潛,潛水和劃獨木舟都是島嶼上常見的活動。澎湖旅遊散散心可以看見多樣化的海洋生態和美麗的風景~
#澎湖 #澎湖旅遊 #TaiwanTravelVlogs #scubadiving #snorkeling