今日整個泰式沙律,再講吓香港年青一代改嘅英文名 :)
Bizarre Hong Kong English names is the topic of the day, plus I'll be making a very common Thai dish: Beef Salad.
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牛腩肉250克/grams of beef brisket/Skirt steak
蘿美生菜半個/half of Romaine Lettuce
中國芹菜2條/stalks of Chinese Celery
香菜2棵/sprigs of Coriander
蔥1棵/stalks of spring onion
小辣椒2只/red chili
蒜頭2粒/cloves of garlic
薄荷葉2棵/sprigs of mint leaves
小番茄8個/cherry tomatoes
青檸半個/juice of half a lemon
洋蔥半個/half an onion
黑醬油1茶匙/tsp of dark soy sauce
蠔油2茶匙/tsp of oyster sauce
魚露1又1/2茶匙/1and1/2tsp of fish sauce
橄欖油少許/small splash of olive oil
糖1茶匙/tsp of sugar
白胡椒粉半茶匙/half tsp of white pepper
花生(隨意)/crunched peanuts (optional)
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