Bruno Mars膾炙人口的R&B歌曲《That's What I Like》,以全人聲的重新詮釋,再融合極具台灣傳統特色的MV取景,就是你現在看到的闊樂集全新力作!
什麼?你說炫富的歌詞配上菜市場的MV場景很突兀嗎?Nah, THAT is what we like!
Bruno Mars' popular R&B song "That's What I Like" is reinterpreted entirely using the human voice!
Incorporating elements of traditional Taiwanese culture, this music video is BroadBand’s newest project. What? Did we shoot it in a traditional market to contrast the lyrics which boast of wealth? Nah, THAT is what we like!
追闊樂集的IG ⏩ https://bit.ly/2SurLGl
追闊樂集的FB ⏩ https://bit.ly/3w572qs
導演 / Director:黃宇謙
拍攝 / Cameraman:Yawi Yungay(亞崴尤奈)
攝影助理 / Camera Assistant:Jigoku(阿麒)
剪輯 / Video Editor:黃宇謙
錄音 / Recording:孫諾 @聲諾音樂SoundNold
混音製作 / Audio Editor:孫諾 @聲諾音樂SoundNold
演藝經紀 / Agency:歐普思音樂藝術OPUS MUSIC ARTS
男高音(主唱)/ Tenor (lead vocals):賴浩軒
女高音 / Soprano:崔璀璨
男高音 / Tenor:張維麟
男低音 / Bass:黃宇謙
人聲打擊 / Vocal Percussionist:鄧愷威
詞、曲 / Lyrics and Song:Bruno Mars、Philip Lawrence、Christopher Brody Brown、James Fauntleroy、Johnathan Yip、Ray Romulus、Jeremy Reeves、Ray McCullough II
饒舌歌詞 / Rap Lyrics:張維麟
阿卡貝拉編曲 / Arrangement:Cameron Golinsky
#火星人布魯諾 #BrunoMars #ThatsWhatILike

thatswhatilike歌詞 在 中文歌詞翻譯Bruno Mars - That's What I Like 的相關結果
圖片來源 http://www.usalyrics.com/lyrics/bruno-mars/thats-what-i-like.html 建議大家用電腦版瀏覽.排版比較流暢也方便閱讀 ... <看更多>