Feb 7, 2016 - Tocharian is an extinct branch of the Indo-European language ... The name Mkhedruli comes from the word mkhedari which means 'of horseman'. (. ... <看更多>
Feb 7, 2016 - Tocharian is an extinct branch of the Indo-European language ... The name Mkhedruli comes from the word mkhedari which means 'of horseman'. (. ... <看更多>
#1. List of Tocharian (Agnean-Kuchean) peoples - Wikipedia
Western Tocharians[edit] · Kucheans (Kuśiññe) / · Damnes – in Kuśi or Kucaññe or Kuca / Kucha (native name) Oasis, also known as Kuchi / Kucha, in modern Kuche ...
#2. Tocharian names
Names ; Arkwi, white, ar-kwi ; Erkent, black, er-kent ; Karweñe, stone, kar-wen-ye ; Kaum, sun/day, kaum.
#3. TOCHARIAN LANGUAGE - Encyclopaedia Iranica
Tocharian is the conventional name for two closely related Indo-European languages that were spoken in northwest China, in the north of the ...
phas , -antos 'elephant') and many other languages. Key words : historical-comparative linguistics, Tocharian languages, animal names, oriental borrow ings, ...
#5. Can you help me with Tocharian names ? | History Forum
Hello there, so as the title says, I've been looking for Tocharian names and despite the profusion of common names (for both Tocharian B and ...
#6. Tocharian languages - Encyclopedia Britannica
Tocharian languages, small group of extinct Indo-European languages that were ... The German name Tocharisch was proposed (see The “Tocharian problem”), ...
#7. Variation and Change in Tocharian B - 第 15 頁 - Google 圖書結果
O INTRODUCTION In this chapter, I will briefly introduce the Tocharian ... A' and 'Tocharian B', some other names were coined because the manuscripts, ...
#8. some ancient chinese names in east turkestan, central asia ...
SOME ANCIENT CHINESE NAMES IN EAST TURKESTAN, CENTRAL ASIA, AND TOCHARIAN QUESTION Author: Žhivko Voynikov Bulgaria (e-mail: [email protected]) 1 Content: 1.
#9. Tocharian languages - Wikiwand
Tocharian B texts use the adjective kuśiññe, derived from kuśi or kuči, a name also known from Chinese and Turkic documents. The historian Bernard ...
#10. Introduction to Tocharian - The Linguistics Research Center
The origin of the name goes back to the discovery of an Old Turkic (Uyghur) text Maitrisimit nom bitig, a translation of the Buddhist Sanskrit Maitreyasamiti- ...
#11. (PDF) Banti 2000 Tocharian and pseudo-Tochartian elements ...
... names of ordinary men and women in the documents shows that the local language or languages of Kroraina could not be Tocharian at that ...
#12. Tocharian C: its discovery and implications - Language Log
Tocharian B speakers occupied the northern edge of the Tarim Basin, ... On the basis of the Sanskrit name this language is sometimes ...
#13. 78. The lexicon of Tocharian - De Gruyter
Tocharian languages, we have somewhat more than 5,400 words attested once proper names have been subtracted (Adams 2013). Thus the attested Tocharian B ...
#14. An Overview of Tocharian Studies over the Past Thirty Years
Konow, argued that the name Tocharian should be applied to the Khotan-Saka language of the Eastern Iranian branch of the Indo-European language family.
#15. CEToM | kalyanamokṣe - Universität Wien
kalyanamokṣe Noun Name of a monk in monastic records ... The first part is only attested here in Tocharian names borrowed from Skt., ...
#16. The Tocharian Gender System: A Diachronic Study
由 A Tomba 著作 · 2020 — Tocharian is the name given to two closely related Indo-European languages, Tocharian A and Tocharian B, known from manuscripts discovered in the Tarim basin.
#17. Tocharian Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of TOCHARIAN is a language of central Asia known from ... The first known use of Tocharian was in 1926 ... Name that Thing: Flower Edition.
range via Kucha.2 Attention has also been paid to Sogdian proper names that ... SCHMIDT further indicated the borrowing of a Sogdian name in Tocharian.
#19. About: Tocharian languages - DBpedia
The Tocharian (sometimes Tokharian) languages (/təˈkɛəriən/ or /təˈkɑːriən/), ... This naming has remained, although the names Agnean and Kuchean have been ...
#20. On Tocharian B kents* and the origin of PIE *ǵhans - Archive ...
ADAMS (2011; 2013: 207) was the first scholar to identify and discuss Tocharian B kents*, the presumed name of the "goose". But a new discussion of this ...
#21. Points of Tocharian A grammar
The native name is ārśi-käntu 'Ārśi language'. Ārśi is probably identical to Skt. Agni and. Chin. Yānqí, denoting the ancient kingdom of Yānqí. 5. Tocharian B.
#22. What Does The Name Tocharian Mean?
What is the meaning of Tocharian? How popular is the baby name Tocharian? Learn the origin and popularity plus how to pronounce Tocharian.
#23. Indo-Europeans in Central Asia
In the etymological section new etymologies of Tocharian metal-names were proposed. They demonstrate very archaic relations to the Anatolian branch on the one ...
#24. Tocharian Loanwords in Chinese - Univerzita Karlova
While the name implies a single language, it is in fact at least two different. (possibly three, developmental stages aside) languages. In contrast to Tocharian ...
#25. The Reconstruction of The Name Yuezhi 月氏 / 月支 - DergiPark
Key Words: Yuezhi, Tocharians, Tocharian question, Turkic-Tocharian relations. 1. Introduction1. One of the most important problems of Central Asian history is.
#26. Tocharian Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Word Origin for Tocharian. C20: ultimately from Greek Tokharoi, name of uncertain origin. Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital ...
#27. The Sanskrit Udānavarga and the Tocharian B Udānastotra
This fact alone is quite interesting, since no competing tune names are yet attested otherwise in the Tocharian corpus: vilumpagatine is found only once, ...
#28. Three animal names in tocharian and indo-european
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Three animal names in tocharian and indo-european" by K. Witczak.
#29. The Tocharian Adjectives in B -tse A -ts
The names of profes- sions and agent nouns in Tocharian B-tse A-ts are in principle parallel to the Lyci- an nouns in -za-,8 except that they are not formed ...
#30. A Dictionary of Tocharian B - 第 1 卷 - 第 437 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Though the name looks very un-Tocharian, note that the final member of ... Buddhist Tocharian names and the first syllable might be Tocharian B po- 'all.
#31. Language and Meter - 第 331 頁 - Google 圖書結果
First, Tocharian A has borrowed native Tocharian B names, but not vice-versa; second, Tocharian A has marked names as specifically Tocharian A; and third, ...
#32. Tocharian languages - Google Arts & Culture
The Tocharian languages, also known as Arśi-Kuči, Agnean-Kuchean or ... This naming has remained, although the names Agnean and Kuchean have been proposed ...
#33. Niya Tocharian: language contact and prehistory on the Silk ...
Spelling mistakes as well as many non-Indian words and numerous foreign names even justify the conclusion that the Shànshàn people had a different mother ...
#34. TOCHARIAN | Meaning & Definition for UK English | Lexico.com
From French tocharien, via Latin from Greek Tokharoi, the name of a Scythian tribe (almost certainly unrelated to the Tocharians). Word ...
#35. Tocharian C. - languagehat.com
Tocharian B speakers occupied the northern edge of the Tarim Basin, ... On the basis of the Sanskrit name this language is sometimes ...
#36. Indo-European Daughter Languages: Tocharian - The History ...
The Tocharians are perhaps the most mysterious of all of the Indo-European ... Its ancient names were Rte among Indians (Indo-Aryan Hindus), ...
#37. On the Indo-European Origin of the Dual N-Marker in Tocharian
On the Indo-European Origin of the Dual N-Marker in Tocharian ... The Origins of Tree Names in Celtic. Gilles Quentel, Studia Celtica ...
#38. Najdawniejsze zapożyczenia chińskie w językach tocharskich ...
The Oldest Chinese Loanwords in the Tocharian Languages Cover Image ... They also took over Chinese names of measures and units that proved useful in trade, ...
#39. Tocharian - Oxford Reference
Name given to two languages, forming a separate branch of *Indo-European, attested by documents from Chinese Turkestan of the 6th to 8th centuries ...
#40. Tocharian definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Tocharian definition: a member of an Asian people with a complex material culture ... C20: ultimately from Greek Tokharoi, name of uncertain origin.
#41. The Problem of Tocharian Origins: An Archaeological ...
Distribution of Tocharian and Iranian languages in the Tarim Basin. On the other hand, the second ... personal names that can be analyzed as Tocharian.
#42. A secular document in Tocharian A kept in the Berlin collection
three personal names which are probably names of kings or names of members of the royal family of this kingdom, so far unattested in other resources.
#43. A Dictionary Of Tocharian B (Leiden Studies in Indo-European ...
It also contains a reverse, English-Tocharian B, index including a general index, and index of proper names, an index of names of meters, and an index of ...
#44. Can you help me ? I'm looking for Tocharian personal names ...
No they weren't Scythian, you're probably talking about the Saka. But if you can find names of Tocharian royalty and leaders, I'll gladly take them.
#45. Tocharian Douglas Q. Adams | Mate Kapović, Anna Giacalone ...
The speakers of the Tocharian languages enter history in the first century BC, when the Han Empire sent military expeditions into the Tarim Basin (what is.
#46. A Dictionary of Tocharian B: Volume 1 - Google Play
The overall approach is decidedly philological. All words except proper names are provided with example contexts. Each word is given in all its various attested ...
#47. Tocharian ethnotoponyms and ethnohydronyms in Xinjiang.
Tocharian place names. Tocharians Uighur place names ... problems and unknown aspects with regard to Tocharian-Turkic linguistic and ethnic relations.
#48. The Sound the Tocharian language (Numbers, Greetings ...
#49. A Dictionary of Tocharian B | De Boccard
All words except proper names are provided with example contexts. Each word is given in all its various attested morphological forms, in its variant ...
#50. Indo-European; Tocharian; Old Iranian; Historical Linguistics
Language Contact, Tocharian, Old Iranian ... References: the names and contact details (email addresses) of two persons whom we may contact ...
#51. The Sanskrit Source of the Tocharian 4x25-Syllable Meter
6 Tune or meter names ( kenes). Tocharian metrical passages are preceded by a term in the locative or perlative sin- gular, which is usually set off by ...
#52. Tocharian syntax - Lund University Research Portal
Name, Handbucher Zur Sprach- Und Kommunikationswissenschaft. Publisher, De Gruyter. Number, 2. Volume, 41. ISSN (Print), 1861-5090 ...
#53. The Oldest Chinese Loanwords in the Tocharian Languages
Tocharian tribes—of Indo-European origin—settled along the northern ... They also took over Chinese names of measures and units that proved ...
#54. 15236-tocharian.pdf - Unicode
4.3 Character Names. The characters are named in accordance with the UCS convention for Brahmi-based scripts, with the exception of the ...
#55. Molchanova plantilla - GenCat
resulted in the adoption of numbers of Altai names by the Russian people and of many ... Finno-Ugric, Yeniseian and possibly Tocharian.
#56. Genetic Landscape of Eurasia and “Admixture” in Uyghurs
Object name is gr1 ... We do not know the genetic constitution of the Tocharians, but if they were similar to western Siberians, such as the Khanty, ...
#57. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 17 - Bookshop
... Ching Chao-jung 慶昭蓉, "On the names of cereals in Tocharian B " 29; Ilya B. Itkin, "The tender ghost: Tocharian B lalaṃṣe 'tender' Tocharian A ?" 65; ...
#58. The Sanskrit source of the Tocharian 4×25-syllable meter
Tune or meter names (kenes). Tocharian metrical passages are preceded by a term in the locative or perlative singular, which is usually set off by double ...
#59. Tocharian Studies - Works 1 - Václav Blažek.pdf - The Swiss Bay
A Tocharian key to the etymology of the bird-name *srĝó-. “stork”. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 10 (2003),. 15-16. Tocharian A kuli, B klyiye “woman” ...
#60. tocharian | Etymology, origin and meaning of the name ...
Tocharian. in reference to an extinct people and Indo-European language of Chinese Turkestan, 1927, from French tocharien, from Greek Tokharoi (Strabo), ...
#61. Tocharian - The Free Dictionary
The language is recorded in two dialects, known as Tocharian A and Tocharian B. [C20: ultimately from Greek Tokharoi, name of uncertain origin].
#62. Tocharian languages
A body of loanwords and names found in Prakrit documents have been dubbed Tocharian C (Kroränian). These languages became extinct after Turkic Uyghur tribes ...
#63. Tocharian languages wiki | TheReaderWiki
Prakrit documents from 3rd-century Krorän and Niya on the southeast edge of the Tarim Basin contain loanwords and names that appear to come from a closely ...
#64. Center for Buddhist Studies - researchmap
are indispensable for the research into Tocharian Vinaya texts. ... with the Tocharian name of Aniya旬, which could have contained five syllables.
#65. Tocharian
Tocharian – Phonology, Part 3 ... Tocharian meter is purely syllable counting. ... NAME.LOC.SG kārpa nāṣṣa lyyāsa wrenta po laikāte descend.3SG.PRT.ACT.
#66. A Dictionary of Tocharian B by Douglas Q. Adams - Goodreads
A Dictionary of Tocharian B is the first major dictionary of either Tocharian language to appear. It attempts to include all known Tocharian B words, ...
#67. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 17 - Birgit Anette Olsen
... Adam A. Catt, "Tocharian B ly( )ptsentar: A new class VIII present" 11; Ching Chao-jung, "On the names of cereals in Tocharian B " 29; Ilya B. Itkin, ...
#68. Tocha - An insatiable appetite for ancient and modern tongues.
Alternative Names. Tokharian A, Turfanian, Karashahrian, Agnean, East Tocharian. Name Origin. Tocharian derives from Tokharoi, a tribe mentioned by the ...
#69. A Dictionary of Tocharian B - Douglas Q Adams - Bokus
Köp A Dictionary of Tocharian B av Douglas Q Adams. Skickas inom 10-15 vardagar. ... All words except proper names are provided with example contexts.
#70. Two Tocharian borrowings of oriental origin - Document - Gale
The Common Tocharian term for 'poisonous snake, viper' (Toch. A arsal, B arsaklo) reproduces exactly the Turkic name *arsala:n 'lion', whereas the Tocharian B ...
#71. Tocharians Names, Languages, Origins, Religion, Wikipedia ...
The name "Tocharian" was given to these languages in the early 20th century by scholars who identified their speakers with a people known in ancient Greek ...
#72. Variety Tocharian B - CLICS³
CLICS Form Concept Form in source Gloss in source aineye DEER aineye* DEER al GOAT āl GOAT arance HEART arañce HEART
#73. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 17 - Birgit Anette Olsen
Köp boken Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 17 av Birgit Anette Olsen (ISBN ... Ching Chao-jung 慶昭蓉, "On the names of cereals in Tocharian B " 29; ...
#74. In search of Agnidesa - The Week
A town close to the Gobi desert with a Sanskrit name might sound ... lexicon of religious terms in Tocharian languages comes from Sanskrit.
#75. A dictionary of Tocharian B
The Celtic words apparently reflect a Proto-Celtic *gāwā; the Tocharian might for Hilmarsson reflect ... name of a meter (4 X 25 syllables, rhythm 5/5/6/7)
#76. The Specific Features of Baltic, Tocharian and Sanskrit Verbs
In the opinion of many researchers, the system of the Tocharian verb ... Etymological Parallels in Baltic and Indoiranian in Names of ...
#77. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies vol.13
... the foreign personal names (kā)śyapi, puṇyavāni and mahiśvari to kāśyap, puṇyavāṃ and mahiśvar (TG§121). Both categories are neatly matched in Tocharian ...
#78. Names and nicknames for Tocharians - NicknameDB
The name "Tocharian" was given to these languages in the early 20th century by scholars who identified their speakers with a people known in ancient Greek ...
#79. Tocharian languages - Academic Kids
It consisted of two languages, Tocharian A (Turfanian, Arsi, or East Tocharian) ... The name of the language is taken from the Tocharians (Greek: Τόχαροι, ...
#80. List of Tocharian (Agnean-Kuchean) peoples - विश्व लेख पढ़ें ...
This is a list of the peoples that are called “Tocharians” (although now most scholars think it is a misnomer for them) also known by the name ...
#81. Tocharians - Dharmapedia Wiki
Müller called the languages "Tocharian" (German Tocharisch), ... The name of Kucha in Tocharian B was Kuśi, with adjectival form kuśiññe.
#82. Who were the Tocharian peoples? - Quora
Thus, Tocharian ancestry lives on in several modern Uyghurs. ... best place to begin with): Tókharoi or Tochari was a name for an obscure group of nomads, ...
#83. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies vol.14
... son') and personal names such as Klyotiśka, Caiytiśka, Priśka, Räknāśka, ... be a genuine Tocharian name, as is already evident from the initial Kṣ- ...
for the Tocharians in Ancient Chinese: dynasty chronicles and other texts. There existed a big debate in the scientific community that was only resolved in ...
#85. Tocharians - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
The Tocharians were the Tocharian speaking inhabitants of the Tarim basin, making them the ... Name. The term Tocharians has a somewhat complicated history.
#86. Tocharian language and alphabet - Omniglot
Tocharian is an extinct branch of the Indo-European language family spoken in what is now Western China until about the 8th century, ...
#87. Is Tocharian a Celtic language? - Raiseupwa.com
Similarly for both Italic and Celtic, Tocharian ranks in second place after ... Iranian plateau in the 22nd century BC and known only from personal names.
#88. Tocharian C - borderlessblogger
English, Tocharian B, Ancient Greek, Middle Persian, Portuguese, Proto-Indo-European. name, ñem, ónoma, nâm, nome, *h₃néh₃-m̥n.
#89. Tocharian alphabet - WIKI 2. Wikipedia Republished
The Tocharian alphabet is a version of Brahmi script used to write ... while Tocharian B could be called Kuchean (its native name may have ...
#90. Culture - CK3 Wiki
Heritage Culture Ethos Language Martial custom Architecture Fashion Coat of Arms Akan Akan Egalitarian Kwa Equal African African West African Akan Guan Communal Kwa Equal African African West African Akan Kru Stoic Kru Men Only African African West African
#91. Pin on Languages - Ignan - Pinterest
Feb 7, 2016 - Tocharian is an extinct branch of the Indo-European language ... The name Mkhedruli comes from the word mkhedari which means 'of horseman'. (.
#92. Is tocharian a celtic language? - Movie Cultists
Centum languages are mostly found in western and southern Europe (Greek, Italic, Celtic, Germanic). In that sense, Tocharian (to some extent like the Greek.
#93. tocharian a language - Savvopoulos Law Office
The Tocharian languages, once spoken on the Silk Road from Kuča to Turfan in ... A body of loanwords and names found in Prakrit documents from the Lop Nor ...
#94. Tocharian alphabet - PiPiWiki
... only Tocharian A may be referred to as Tocharian, while Tocharian B could be called Kuchean (its native name may have been kuśiññe), but since their ...
#95. Caucasian Tarim Mummies, Tocharians and other Indo ...
Caucasian Tarim Mummies, Tocharians and other Indo-Europeans of China ... I really think that the Tocharians should have a different name, ...
tocharian names 在 The Sound the Tocharian language (Numbers, Greetings ... 的推薦與評價
... <看更多>