・卵黄 2個
・グラニュー糖(卵黄用) 15g
・卵白 2個
・グラニュー糖(卵白用) 30g
・薄力粉 50g
・粉糖 適量
・卵黄 2個
・グラニュー糖 25g
・マルサラ酒(甘口) 40g
・マスカルポーネチーズ 200g
・グラニュー糖 50g
・ホワイトチョコ(お好み) 20g
・ザバイオーネ 全量
・マルサラ酒 お好みの量
・生クリーム 150g
・グラニュー糖 お好みの量
・マルサラ酒 お好みの量
・ココアパウダーやコーヒーパウダー 適量
1. 【サヴォイアルディ/180℃に予熱】ボウルに卵黄2個・グラニュー糖15gを泡立て器ですり混ぜる
2. 別のボウルに卵白2個を入れて白っぽくなるまで泡だて、グラニュー糖30gのうち半分を入れて泡立てる
3. ツヤが出てきたら残りのグラニュー糖を加え、角が立つまで泡立てメレンゲを作る
4. 卵黄の方にメレンゲの半量を入れてざっと馴染むまで混ぜ、薄力粉50gをふるい入れる
5. ヘラに持ち替えて粉っぽさが無くなる直前くらいまでさっくり切り混ぜ、残りのメレンゲを加える
6. あまり泡を潰さないように切り混ぜ、なめらかに混ざったら丸口金をつけた絞り袋に入れる
7. オーブン用シートを敷いた天板に棒状に絞り出し、粉糖を全体にふるいかけ、消えた頃にもう1回粉糖をふるいかける
8. 180℃に予熱したオーブンで20~25分を目安に、軽く色づくまで焼いて冷ましておく
9. 【ザバイオーネ】ボウルに卵黄2個・グラニュー糖25g・マルサラ酒40gを合わせて混ぜる
10. 鍋で加熱した沸騰しないくらいのお湯で湯煎にかけ、混ぜながら70℃程度まで温める(より殺菌を意識するなら80℃)
11. 温度が上がると泡が消えとろみつく、湯煎から外し好みでふんわり泡立ててもOK
12. 【ザバイオーネ・クリーム】ボウルにマスカルポーネチーズ200gをほぐし、グラニュー糖50gをすり混ぜる
13. 溶かしたホワイトチョコ20g・ザバイオーネをなめらかに混ぜ、好みでマルサラ酒も加え混ぜる
14. 生クリーム150gを軽く角が立つまで泡だて、↑に半量ずつ加えてなめらかに切り混ぜる
15. 【エスプレッソ液】エスプレッソor濃い目に作ったコーヒーに、好みでグラニュー糖・マルサラ酒を混ぜておく
16. 【仕上げ】容器にサヴォイアルディ(ビスケット)を敷き、エスプレッソ液を染み込ませる(もしくは染み込ませてから容器に入れる)
17. ザバイオーネ・クリームを入れて均し、エスプレッソ液を染み込ませたサヴォイアルディ→ザバイオーネ・クリームと重ねていく
18. 冷蔵庫で冷やし固め、仕上げにココアパウダーやコーヒーパウダーをふるいかけて出来上がり
↓using translation software.
Savoie Ardi (store-bought biscuits can be substituted)
・Two egg yolks
・Granulated sugar (for the egg yolk) 15 g
・Egg whites 2 pieces
・Granulated sugar (for egg whites) 30 g
・Cake flour 50 g
・Powdered sugar as needed
・Two egg yolks
・Granulated sugar 25 g
・Marusara Sake (sweet) 40 g
(You can also use other foreign liquors such as rum or amaretto.)
Sabaione Cream
・Mascarpone cheese 200 g
・Granulated sugar 50 g
・White chocolate (optional) 20 g
・Sabaione total amount
・Marsala Sake, as much as you like
・Heavy cream 150 g
espresso solution
・Espresso (strong instant or drip coffee can be substituted)
・Granulated sugar as much as you like
・Marsala Sake, as much as you like
・Appropriate amount of cocoa powder or coffee powder
[How to make]
1. [Savoie Hardy/Preheat to 180 °C] Mix 2 egg yolks and 15 g of granulated sugar with a whisk.
2. Add 2 egg whites in a different bowl and whip it until it becomes whitish. Add half of 30 g of granulated sugar and whip it.
3. Add the rest of the granulated sugar when it glazes. Whip it until it peaks to make a meringue.
4. Add half of the meringue to the egg yolk and mix it until it blends in. Sift in 50 g of weak flour.
5. Switch to a spatula and lightly mix it until the powdery feel is gone. Add the rest of the meringue.
6. Mix it so it doesn't crush the bubbles too much. Add it in a piping bag with a round cap when it mixes smoothly.
7. Squeeze it out into a stick shape on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Sift the powdered sugar entirely. Sift it once again when it disappears.
8.Bake it in the oven preheated to 180 °C for around 20 to 25 minutes until it lightly browns then let it cool.
9. [The Baione] Mix 2 egg yolks, 25 g of granulated sugar, and 40 g of marsala sake in a bowl.
10. Boil it in hot water heated in a pot until it doesn't boil. Warm it to around 70 °C as you mix it (80 °C if you want to sterilize more).
11. The bubbles will disappear and thicken when the temperature rises. You can remove it from the hot water and whip it softly if you'd like.
12. [The Baione Cream] Loosen 200 g of mascarpone cheese in a bowl and mix in 50 g of granulated sugar.
13. Mix 20 g of melted white chocolate and zabaione smoothly. Add marsala sake if you'd like and mix it.
14. Whisk 150 g of whipped cream until it lightly forms peaks. Add half of it at a time to ↑ and mix it smoothly.
15. [Espresso liquid] Mix granulated sugar and marsala sake to your liking with espresso or strong coffee.
16. [Finish] Lay out the savoie aldi (biscuit) in the container and let it soak in the espresso liquid (or let it soak then put it in the container).
17. Add the Xabione cream and flatten it. Layer it with Savoiardi soaked with espresso then Xabione cream.
18. Chill it in the fridge to harden it. Finish it off by sifting cocoa powder or coffee powder and it will be complete.
whipped coffee recipe with instant coffee 在 Chelsea Chiang 雀兒 Youtube 的最讚貼文
♡ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/chelsea.chiang
🌟S u B s C r I b E ! 👉https://goo.gl/XXnKD1
Hello everyone! I'm Chelsea!
it's my first Home cafe compilation
thank you for tuning in!
i'm a coffee addict
I love making my own coffee so much
coffee and matcha makes me feel so happy everyday
so i want to share my joy with you
hope you like my video and try my recipe :)
don't forget to leave a comment
and sub if you love my channel :)
have a good day! xx
Whipped coffee without sugar😍
make your own coffee at home!
it's so easy and healthy
helps you save money and calories :)
Today’s good mood is sponsored by coffee ☕️😌
☁️matcha powder : https://iherb.co/LLd8KWV
☁️stevia liquid sweetener : https://iherb.co/sUjKhGX
☁️Instant coffee : https://iherb.co/K6xsMEr
☁️oat milk:https://bit.ly/3vXM5O4
☁️almond milk:https://bit.ly/3gYITgC
#matcha #matchalatte #matchalover #dalgonacoffee #dalgona #coffeeaddict #layered #whippedcoffee #coffeetime #coffeelover #drinks#homemade #homecafe#homecafe
#aestheticvideo #aesthetictiktok #aestheticcompilation #aesthetic #coffee #drinks #compilation #homecafe #homecafeaesthetic #homecafecompilation #tiktok #tiktokcompilation
whipped coffee recipe with instant coffee 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a classic Italian sweet buns: Maritozzi Con La Panna, sweet buns with whipped cream.
Maritozzi are gorgeous and delicious Italian cream buns. It's a kind of soft and light brioche style bun which is sliced in half, then filled with whipped cream! You can easy to get one in Rome's pastry shops or coffee shops. Usually people enjoy it with coffee for breakfast. Or even for afternoon tea.
Maritozzi buns are originally found in the Lazio region in Rome and date back to the Middle Ages. They're made with yeast, flour, egg, sugar, butter, honey, salt, and orange zest. There is a tradition that a boyfriend or future husband gives his lover these sweet cream buns as a sign of his love, or hides a ring inside the bun. So romantic. If you love cream buns, you need to try it. Enjoy :)
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This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other version that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
How to make Maritozzi Con La Panna
Maritozzi Con La Panna Recipe
☞ Yield: Serve 5
✎ Ingredients
bread flour 167g
unsalted butter 25g
granulated sugar 27g
medium egg 2
instant yeast 2.2g
salt 2.3g
honey 7g
an half orange zest
milk 45g
✎ Instructions
1. In a large bowl, add milk (room temp), a teaspoon of the total quantity of sugar and instant yeast and 15g of the total quantity of flour together, mix well to create a smooth paste. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 30 minutes in a warm spot.
2. Then add egg mixture, the remaining of sugar, honey and orange zest into the bowl, mix to combine.
3. Add the remaining of flour and salt, combine the ingredients, incorporating the flour bit by bit.
4. Transfer the dough to the work surface, the dough will be sticky but try not to add too much flour, a little is fine, just knead until it becomes a ball, it should come together nicely. You can use a scraper to collect the dough.
5. Add the softened butter, press the dough out in a way on the work surface to help blending the ingredients together, then scrape the dough back into the center, and continue to press the dough again until fully incorporated.
6. Next, use the slap and fold method to knead the dough, just pick up the dough and slap it down, then fold it over, and repeat again, until the dough is smooth and soft. You can also use a mixer for this procedure.
7. Place the dough ball in a bowl and cover with a plastic wrap in a warm place for about 2 hours or until doubled in size.
8. Turn the dough onto a work surface. Divide the dough into pieces of 55g for each. Degas them gently, rolling each bun into a small round shape. Place them one by one onto a baking sheet with baking paper. Cover with a tea towel or plastic wrap loosely, let them rise for 30 minutes in a warm spot.
9. When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 200ºC, brush the maritozzo with an egg wash and bake for about 12~14 mins, or until golden on top.
10. Once baked, let the buns cool completely.
11. Cut the bread in half without cutting through. Open slightly and fill with fresh whipped cream, and dust with icing sugar.
12. Enjoy.
00:00 opening
00:32 Ingredients
01:25 yeast
02:46 Make the dough
05:07 1st kneading(about 4~6 mins)
05:50 add butter, and 2nd kneading(7~8 mins)
07:02 let rise until it doubles in size(about 2~3 hours)
09:23 2nd rise(about 30 mins)
09:40 egg wash, baking time and temp
10:41 Fill the maritozzi with whipped cream
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