音樂 Music: Tobu - Sunburst / Tobu - Hope
車輛 Vehicle: CPI SM250/
Suzuki DRZ400 SM/
Suzuki Address125ss/
SYM 野狼 Wolf125/
Yamaha 大兜風 Glide100
攝影機 Camera: Sony Action Cam 運動攝影機
HDR-AS15 /
HDR-AS200V /
RM-LVR2 WiFi遙控器
後製軟體 Editing Software: 威力導演/ Final Cut Pro X
0. 通勤美景 Views in my commute
1. 超帥指揮交通法 Boss of traffic cop
2. 遠燈關閉教學 How to turn off Hi-Beam
3. 電動車無視紅燈+惱羞反蒐證 Electro bicycle jumps red and gets mad and films me
4. 卡車指認三寶 Truck honk idiot driver
5. 警察幫我照相 Police takes a photo of me
6. 剪線哥 Cut off
7. 白花很香 Good smell white flower
8. 戴口罩抽煙 Smoke with mask on
9. 兩位駕訓班同學 They're driving school mate
10. 他說沒看到 He said he didn't see me
11. 講電話請去旁邊 Pull over to use phone
12. 騎士救援失敗 Rider rescue fail