These popular images of the “Wild Boars” coming home from the #ThaiCaveRescue have been posted extensively in recent days. My hope is that amidst this outpouring of concern for these young men, a few people will take a moment to reflect a little more deeply on these heartwarming images and the idea of “coming home”. Because home, safety and family are not concepts exclusive to human beings, and what this 2+ week ordeal has illustrated more than anything is that all lives are precious and sacred. Tonight i send out a prayer for a safe return home and freedom from harm for all “wild boars” and living beings alike! 🧒🏻❤️🐷
#เจ #วีเเก้น #ถ้ำหลวง #alllivesmatter #friendsnotfood #thamluang #safety #prayer #vegan #veganthailand #veganforeverything #veganfortheanimals #govegan