我27歲懷孕的時候,胎火旺盛,尤其到5個月後,臉上慢慢爬滿了斑 ,鼻頭上也漸漸出現雀斑,媽媽有經驗說這個要吃一點黃蓮才行,因為擔心小孩會有黃疸,台灣人體質黃皮膚,這是天生的遺傳。所以媽媽說要先退胎火,同時他希望我把baby生出來的時候不要像我皮膚那麼黑,懷孕五個月開始媽媽都會燉燕窩 加珍珠粉 每天給我吃。
﹡珍窩心 珍珠燕窩禮盒
剖腹產進補 在 My Little Biscuit 。by Purple C。 Facebook 的精選貼文
成日都聽人講坐月好重要,調理得好更可以幫助回復同改善體質💪🏻,無論打算開刀定順產,坐月期間都一定要好好進補,所以朋友就推介咗 🌟樂道 「月子28+2」🌟 俾我呢個準媽媽,話中醫診所都有賣,信得過。
1️⃣階段1首先有生化湯: 去惡露,排走瘀血。於順產後3-5天服用生化湯袪惡露;剖腹產者於傷口復原後開始順序服(剖腹產後約5-7天)
3️⃣階段3 第二湯:生產後要經常抱BB,容易腰痛,第二湯就有助補骨鈣、增強免疫力。(補筋骨成份:補骨脂、女貞子)
4️⃣階段4 第三湯:養烏髮、補腦養神。現代女性壓力大,已經容易出現脫髮,情況十分常見,而產後更大損元氣,通常大部分產婦會於3個月後出現脫髮,所以此湯可以預防和改善情況,提早進補補身。(養烏髮成份:墨旱蓮、核桃肉,整個處方大補血氣可以做到補腦養神的功效)
大補湯: 主要補身藥材:東北梅花鹿鹿茸、韓國高麗蔘
東北梅花鹿鹿茸 (最頂級的鹿茸)
韓國高麗蔘 (最出名係韓國)
準備卸貨的孕媽都不妨考慮 樂道 「月子28+2」呢份坐月恩物丫~❤️
▶️ https://www.noto28plus2.com/postpartumcare
▶️ https://www.chinesepharm.com.hk/
#華人藥業 #月子28加2 #月子四寶 #產後調補秘方 #生完都咁靚 #坐月好重要 #母乳媽媽安心飲 #真材實料 #頂級品質 #CSG調查報告市場第一 #使用方便 #坐月無難度 #養胎長胎 #媽咪補身 #BB生長
剖腹產進補 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
坐月常識Q&A - 飲食篇
A:喝米水是中醫的傳統智慧,以紅米、白米、薏米調配而成的米水能健脾胃,有助身體復原,而炒米水健脾胃之餘也能暖胃袪寒。產婦產後即可飲用炒米水,先不用添加紅棗、陳皮或其他藥材,以免太熱氣。如身體有偏熱症狀如有痔瘡、口瘡、盜汗、喉嚨痛等則宜飲屬性平和的米水 。哺乳媽媽尤其需要水分才會有足夠的母乳,所以每天宜多喝暖水及米水。
✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:炒米水
✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:朝米水
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Confinement Month Q&A – F&B edition
Q:Are confinement meals meant to nourish the body?
A: An effective postnatal care is not just about nourishing the body. Chinese Medicine theories believe that women need to customize confinement plans based on their body conditions.
Before nourishing the body, it is important to strengthen the spleen and stomach first. A good spleen and stomach can only absorb the nutrients from the confinement meals and help moms boost milk production and recuperate faster.
Consuming nourishing ingredients without understanding their needs would only add on to the burden of the spleen and stomach. An over-nourished person would not only gain weight more easily but also cause heat to accumulate in the body, accompanying symptoms include constipation and dry mouth and tongue.
Q:What should we eat during confinement?
A: It is best to eat more meals. Five to six meals a day would be ideal. Eat light foods that are rich in nutrients, but do opt for ingredients that are mild in nature.
The best ways to prepare each meal are steaming, cooking, stewing, and simmering, as the spleen and stomach can better absorb the nutrients from the ingredients.
Avoid raw and cold foods as well as those that are cool in nature. According to the individual’s body constitution, add ingredients that can nourish qi and blood, such as dried citrus peel, glehnia root, polygonatum odoratum, codonopsis root, and pseudostellaria heterophylla root. Having soups that can strengthen the spleen and stomach is also good for mothers during confinement.
Q:Why should mothers during confinement drink fried rice tea/fried rice water?
A: The practice of drinking rice water comes from the wisdom of Chinese Medicine. Rice water made from red rice, white rice, and coix seed can strengthen the spleen and stomach and help the body recuperate faster.
Likewise, fried rice water can also strengthen the spleen and stomach. It can even warm the stomach and dispel cold from the body. Women who have just given birth can drink fried rice water immediately.
For those with heat-related symptoms such as hemorrhoid, canker sores, night sweats, and sore throat, it is best to drink rice water that is mild in nature. Mothers who breastfeed need to regularly hydrate the body to ensure constant milk production. Hence, it is best to drink more warm water and rice water daily.
Q:Does drinking soup cause edema during confinement?
A: Symptoms such as swelling on the ankles after delivering are due to excessive blood loss during childbirth. When the qi in the body is damaged and the spleen and stomach weaken, dampness can more easily stagnate in the body.
Other related symptoms include yellowish complexion and the swelling of the face, eyes, and limbs. You can drink herbal teas that contain poria, dried orange peel, and hyacinth bean coat to get rid of water retention. Red bean rice water could also relieve the symptoms.
Q:Besides giving ginger vinegar to friends and family members, can new mothers consume them?
A: Ginger vinegar can dispel wind and cold from the body and at the same time, invigorate the blood and clear blood stasis in the body. Likewise, Chinese Medicine believes that a woman’s body experience deficiency and blood stasis after childbirth.
Hence, new mothers who have gone through natural birth can start taking ginger vinegar after twelve days, whereas those opted for C-section can consume it after 20 to 30 days (or after the lochia discharge has ceased).
Ginger vinegar is suitable for new mothers with a cold body constitution, so individuals with a heaty body should avoid consuming it excessively. It is fine to take a sip of the vinegar but avoid eating the ginger.
✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Fried Rice Water
Ingredients: Fried White Rice
Effects: Warm stomach and dispel cold. Warm limbs.
✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
Effects: Reduces water retention. Relieves abdominal bloating. Improves yellowish complexion.
Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.
✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Edema
Ingredients: Chinese yam , hyacinth bean coat, poria, dried citrus peel
Effects: Strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness. Relieves bloatedness, lower-body bloating and eyelid swelling.
Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com
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#女 #孕婦