你聽說過南海路的美國新聞處嗎?你知道美新處的圖書館提供各式各樣與美國相關的訊息,服務了許多赴美深造學子,當年充滿美好回憶的圖書館,現在於AIT 內湖新館原汁原味的復刻了。
開放時間為每週二、三、四,上午9點到11點,每日僅限15位名額。 報名方式及規定, 請務必詳讀以下須知。
1. 網路報名https://www.accupass.com/event/1911290522161172126376
2. 現場排隊 地址: 台北市內湖區金湖路100號 https://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/education-culture-zh/american-center-zh/
進入美國中心的讀者,請詳細閱讀以下規定,並配合辦理。如遇違規,影響其他讀者, 或有破壞等情事者,美國中心將有權不允入內。
• 須年滿15歲。
• 不准飲食或吸菸。
• 不准攜入電子產品(包含手機、電腦、平版、隨身碟、行動電源等)。美國在台協會不提供置物櫃,讀者需自行處理不准攜入之物品。讀者手機可留至在大門安檢處,但不能攜入館。
• 私人物品如手提袋請自行保管,若有遺失, 本館概不負責。
• 讀者若造成館內設施或資料損壞或遺失,須予以賠償。
• 快閃體驗期間,不提供影印及借閱服務。
Have you heard of the United States Information Agency in Taiwan? The old USIA library on Nanhai Road used to provide a wide range of information about America and helped many young people pursue their American dream. You now have an opportunity to use these same resources (as well as new, modernized tools) in the new American Center at the AIT building in Neihu.
The American Center will begin a trial public access to the general public on January 7-9 and January 14-16 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. For registration and regulations, please see the following.
1. Visitors are encouraged to use the ACCUPASS online registration system https://www.accupass.com/event/1911290522161172126376 to reserve a space on a first-come, first-served basis. Registered patrons are required to report to AIT main gate no later than 9:15am.
2. AIT will maintain a waiting line outside the main gate https://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/education-culture-zh/american-center-zh/
After 9:15am, walk-ins are invited to fill unused or unclaimed reserved spots.
Anyone violating the regulations or being advised continuously without improvement will be asked to leave the library immediately, and will not be allowed entering the American center for the remaining day.
• Patrons ages 15 and older.
• No food; No drinking; No smoking.
• Items such as laptops, tablets, cameras, thumb drives, and other digital devices will not be allowed inside the American Center. Only mobile phones will be allowed to be stored at the MCAC, and there will be no lockers for contraband items.
• Library patrons will be responsible for any damage to lost or damaged library materials.
• All personal belongs including valuable items and handbags should be taken care of by the owner, as the library has no responsibility for any loss of personal belongs.
• Library loans and copying services will not be provided during the trial period.
「國資 圖 好young館」的推薦目錄:
國資 圖 好young館 在 Pobbi ♥ 波比 Facebook 的最佳解答
時間:2015/8/16 下午14:00 (13:30開放入場)
國小我的書單裡面都是小野與劉墉的書,理由是什麼我也不記得了,只記得當時國小圖書館裡面有留言問大家最想看的書是什麼,我還留言說[希望可以多一點劉墉老師的書!]這是我開始閱讀的起源;而長大後生活在這幾年,我開始選擇開始看詩集、短文等,相較於長篇小說,我確實喜歡較短篇的文字;而除了閱讀以外的改變大概就是大學時期開始接觸影像,喜歡電影;朋友帶我去了一次the wall開始喜歡上1976和地下樂團;因為喜歡看國片甚至到後期對於較非主流、非商業性電影的喜愛,從這些影像、音樂、文字開始拼湊我的生活,甚至改變了我自己,如同我曾經介紹過一本書[過於敏感](目前應已無販售此書),這可以說是改變我自己最完整的一本書。每本書、每首歌、每部電影,因為這些我們或他人的經歷都有可能讓自己有了新的感觸或想法,進而改變了自己,當然也可能改變我的或許不一定你也有所感覺,但我相信每個人都是一個有故事的人,我在8/16的下午要跟你說我的故事,如果可以,你也跟我說你的故事好嗎?
photo by U joy の 攝食學