【保護智財權 打擊數位侵權】
台美日三國17、18日透過 #全球合作暨訓練架構 (GCTF)舉辦線上國際研討會,與19國官員及專家討論 #智慧財產權保護及打擊數位侵權之新發展。外交部曾政務次長表示,台灣擁有完善的智財權保障制度、政策與法規,而隨著犯罪模式跨國化,保護智財權以及打擊網路犯罪必須透過全球合作才能實現。
A virtual Global Cooperation and Training Framework conference on new developments in #IP protection and combating digital infringement is currently being hosted online by #Taiwan, #Japan and the #US, following on from a workshop on a similar theme held last year. MOFA Deputy Minister Harry Tseng stated in his address at the event that in the wake of Taiwan’s transition to democracy, the smart technology sector has flourished, and #IPR has been a key part of the innovation driving Taiwan’s success in this field.
#GCTF #Innovation #Tech #RealFriends #RealProgress #AlwaysHere