黎到第三胎,真係Feel 到身體比之前兩胎差左,陀到第四個月就已經成日腰酸背痛,腳雖然無水腫,未有抽筋情況,不過行得多都會好攰!
由於要湊2個再陀1個,所以今胎就對自己好啲,去做 #孕婦按摩 💆🏻!當然坊間按摩店唔會幫孕婦做按摩,因為孕婦有好多位置都唔可以亂按!
最後我揀左 #Fairyland女性護理中心,個度有受過孕婦及嬰兒按摩專業訓練既孕婦按摩師,絕對信得過,每次都係由按摩師主理,幫孕婦解決孕期時水腫情況,同埋腰痠背痛、手腳腫脹抽筋,而所用既都係天然按摩油,適合孕媽媽們用架!
按完真係整個人放鬆哂,超級輕鬆🤩 之後又可以重新出發一湊二既生活!孕媽媽們真係要好好善待自己,舒緩孕期不適都係放鬆自己既一種呢!🥰
🌟 12週以上就可以開始孕婦按摩
體驗價 HK$680 / 45mins
FAIRYLAND 分為醫療中心及護理中心
備有 #計劃懷孕服務 及 最新推出既 #全層五星級月子中心!
• 計劃懷孕 (改善排卵,同時更容易著床)
• 婦科醫生及生育科IUI IVF人工受孕轉介
• 月子中心作產後調理
• 人工受孕前調理,增強卵子質素
• 平衡內分泌系統,調理賀爾蒙,調至易孕體質
• 改善宮寒,手腳冰涼
• 保養卵巢,增加子宮著床機會
• 調節荷爾蒙分泌,滋潤肌膚,延緩衰老。
• 減輕經期不適
• 改善月經不調、痛經、月經淋漓不盡
• 設有中醫醫學博士診証,註冊營養師,物理治療師
Fairyland HK
旗艦店地址:旺角彌敦道700號T.O.P. 707-708室
營業時間:中午12:00 至晚上8:00
電話: 852- 25281888
歡迎whatsapp: 852-69962626
#月子中心 #香港月子中心 #月子公司 #FairylandHK #Fairyland月子中心 #孕婦按摩 #按摩
月經淋漓不盡中醫 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
☐ 痛經嚴重
☐ 經期7天以上或月經淋漓不盡甚至不止
☐ 月經量多,每隔1至2小時要更換衛生巾
☐ 性交時下腹疼痛
☐ 不孕
☐ 未曾懷孕
☐ 曾流產、不孕或宮外孕
☐ 家屬曾患子宮內膜異位
留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
Don’t overlook menstrual pain
Do you belong to the chocolate cyst high-risk group?
Endometriosis is a common female disease. Every month, the endometrium will thicken and become richer in blood. If it is not fertilized by a sperm, then it will disintegrate. If the endometrium is grown out of its designated areas, for instance, the ovaries and other abdominal cavities, then it will turn into a blood tumor that is dark brown in color. Hence, the name chocolate cyst.
Patients with a chocolate cyst might experience mild abdominal pain and menstrual disorders. In severe cases, it might cause an individual to become infertile. In rarer cases, the chocolate cyst might even become cancerous.
According to Chinese Medicine, endometriosis is a type of pelvic cellulitis, and it is normally caused by visceral disorders, stagnation of the qi and blood, and cold coagulation. What then are the symptoms of the high-risk groups?
☐Severe menstrual pain
☐Period lasts more than 7 days or blood clots are found periodically
☐Large volume of menstrual blood; need to change sanitary pad once every 1 to 2 hours
☐Abdominal pain during intercourse
☐Unable to conceive
☐Never been pregnant
☐Had miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy
☐Family members with the history of endometriosis
You need to be more mindful if you experience three or more symptoms stated above. If needed, consult an obstetrician and gynecologist. Regular checkups are just as important. If an individual is diagnosed with a chocolate cyst, treatment will be customized based on the patient’s age, severity, and her pregnancy plan.
Chinese medicine practitioner, on the other hand, will carry out treatment that relies on Chinese medicine and acupuncture based on the patient’s body constitution.
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#女 #氣滯 #血瘀 #經期 #我有壓力
月經淋漓不盡中醫 在 Flow With Katie Facebook 的最讚貼文
1. 經期腰酸嚴重
2. 經痛不適或長期服止痛藥者
3. 經期不定
4. 經血量減少
5. 月經血塊多且大,經血色暗
6. 經前或經期情緒起伏大(易怒、焦慮、憂鬱...)
7. 經血淋漓不盡
8. 非月經期間出血
9. 經前或經期疲倦不堪
10. 經前或經期前後水腫
Flow with Katie X 何穎盈中醫師
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