[PS4/Steam] Monster Hunter World: Iceborne免費遊戲更新(Ver.13.50)現已發佈,Master Rank「絢輝龍」👑和歷戰王「溟波龍」👾降臨Iceborne!
【Master Rank絢輝龍活動任務】「無終止的淘金記」現已登場!
與至今的「絢輝龍」活動任務不同,Master Rank「絢輝龍」登場的限時活動任務與一般活動任務一樣,為最多四人合作的單個任務形式。在這個Master Rank任務取得的素材可用以升級鑑定武器的武器性能!如果你仍未儲齊所有鑑定武器,就去參加同時開放的進階級「特別調查【絢輝龍】」任務吧,能獲得稀有武器的鑑定概率上升中哦!
特別調查絢輝龍 在 Capcom Asia Facebook 的最佳貼文
《Monster Hunter: World》多項消息發表!
《Monster Hunter: World》決定與《巫師3:狂獵》(CD PROJEKT RED開發)進行聯乘合作,配信日期預定為2019年初!《巫師》系列主人公傑洛特會來到調查團所在的新大陸。任務將會糅合《巫師 3:狂獵》的RPG體驗和《MHW》的遊戲系統,打造出前所未有的嶄新遊戲形式!還特別請來傑洛特的原版配音員獻聲錄製這次聯乘合作專用的語音!
為紀念《Monster Hunter: World》發售1週年和感謝全球獵人的支持,將舉辦星辰祭【感謝之宴】!除了大家熟悉的星辰祭內容之外,還有飽含了對1週年的感謝之情的特別任務。獨有的特別裝備亦會登場!
12月12日開始限時配信體驗版。能夠免費試玩《Monster Hunter: World》遊戲本篇(製品版)的早期劇情,包括各種故事、任務、生產和強化武器防具在內,直至HR4‧等級★3為止的遊玩要素幾乎都可供體驗!除了可跟遊戲本篇(製品版)的獵人們進行線上聯機之外,體驗版的存檔還能夠繼承到遊戲本篇(製品版)!
《Monster Hunter》系列將於2019年3月迎來15週年,已開設15週年紀念網站。
News from “Monster Hunter: World”
- MHW and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are teaming up!
Members of the Research Commission welcome Geralt of Rivia, the protagonist from the Witcher series to the New World. Enjoy brand new quests with a unique flavor, blending the RPG mechanics of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt with Monster Hunter: World's game systems to present a whole new gameplay experience to fans of both series.
- Take on Arch-tempered versions of Kulve Taroth and Nergigante!
Arch-tempered Kulve Tarot available for a limited time only from December 20, 2018! Arch-tempered Nergigante coming in Spring 2019!
- Appreciation Fest
It's been one year since the release of Monster Hunter: World, so the dev team wants to thank all of our fans by organizing the Appreciation Fest at the Gathering Hub. On top of quests from past fests, we've prepared some special event quests to celebrate this anniversary. More details coming soon!
- PlayStation®4 “Monster Hunter: World Trial Version”
Try out the opening section of the full version of Monster Hunter: World for free! Almost all of the story, quests, armor, and upgrades up to Hunter Rank 4 / 3★ assignments are available for free! Play online with hunters who own the full version! Moreover, your save data can be carried over into the full version!
From 00:00 on December 12 to 23:59 on December 17, 2018 (UTC).
- Monster Hunter 15th Anniversary Website Opened
Monster Hunter will celebrate its 15th anniversary in March 2019! The celebration is dedicated to all the hunters who have and continue to show their love and support for all things Monster Hunter. The festivities are fast approaching so stay tuned for more announcements!