From weight loss to clearing up your skin, sugarcane juice is widely used for many ailments in India. As hot as it can be in dry season in India, sugarcane, lime and peppermint are the best buddies. Sugarcane juice is alkaline in nature because of the high concentration of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and manganese, which helps prevent diseases like cancer, that cannot survive in an alkaline environment. It is also good for the well-being of the digestive system due to its high potassium levels which prevent stomach infections and constipation. Believe it or not, the taste of freshly pressed sugarcane, lime and peppermint juice is just as healing as it actually is.
生甘蔗搭配上萊姆和薄荷榨成汁,讓這款綜合飲品本身清熱解毒和利尿的功效發揮到極致,在炎熱的乾季喝上一杯真的是獲得解救般地頓時清爽了多。許多印度療法用甘蔗汁來解決廣泛的健康問題,包括潰瘍、發燒、腎臟病等,眼部疾病等。 在台灣,甘蔗常常先烤過增加甜度,搭配薑汁或檸檬,當然也是非常好喝。 至於烤過後本身的藥性是否跟著改變,是得請教更專業的人士了。甘蔗汁含有大量的抗氧化劑,包括苯酚和黃烷醇,可以避免自由基損害細胞,並且防止脂質過氧化,簡單的來說,甘蔗汁就是眾多抗氧化食物之一。 黃酮類化合物是一種天然的的抗增殖劑,所以也是減緩惡性細胞擴散。 除此以外甘蔗汁含有大量的鐵,加上本身是簡單的醣體容易吸收,所以補血、快速平衡低血糖很自然有效。 天然的尚好 as always~