lilKrake小章章,章和穎,現居高雄的零花費全製作饒舌音樂人。主理個人工作室團體 Banana Kingdom 香蕉王國。
曾與朋友草創文藻嘻研社。為正修科大 / 高雄中學 嘻研社指導老師,並在尼亞斯舞蹈教室開授饒舌教學過。
lilKrake, a rapper/producer based in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, producing and mixing his own tracks with 0 cost. He's also the founder/manager of Banana Kingdom, a private music workshop in Kaohsiung.
Graduated from Wenzao University with a degree in Translation & Interpreting and a minor degree in Japanese. Had worked as a graphic designer and a document translator for a real estate firm.
He has spent five years writing novels, and also had the opportunity to officially publish the books. He loves hip hop music since in fifth grade, and has spent many years break dancing, working on computer graphics, self-teaching music production and post production in both music and films. To date, he has produced over 70 songs, including the collabs; he has mixed over a hundred tracks for other artists. He stands by the idea of making music with self skills and 0 cost.
lilKrake has participated in many performances over the past 4 years. He also created the Wenzao Hip Hop Club with friends, and teaching for the Hip Hop clubs at Cheng Shiu University and Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School, he also hosts rap lectures at Nias Dance Studio.
Toxik 同樣來自台灣高雄,能讓能饒,2020年後半年從美國回到台灣開始與小章章製作了一系列的 Emo 風格歌曲,非常高興能一起發布這張 Mixtape。他跟小章章對於這次不同往常的嘗試都非常興奮。
Toxik is a singer/rapper from Kaohsiung, Taiwan. He's been working with @lilkrake for quite some time and is very glad to release a mixtape with him. He and lilKrake are excited to try something different with this time.
.Asia Taiwan.
#mixtape #BananaKingdom #lilkrake #toxik
#hiphop #trap #rap #aisa #asian #taiwan #kaohsiung #song #musicvideo #music #officialrelease #stream #pop #melody #depression #emotions #emo #juicewrld #lilpeep #mood #88rising #visual #world #story #zerocost #producer
同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅Elaine Hau,也在其Youtube影片中提到,中文字幕請打開[字幕](右下方):) 如果仍然看不到中文字幕,請轉到“設置”(右下方),然後轉到“字幕”,然後“自動翻譯”,然後點擊“中文” Please turn on [CC] for English subtitles :) If you still can't see English ...
翻譯 degree 在 Robert Chang Chien Facebook 的精選貼文
English translation below
「 Narstalgia」(中文暫譯:獨角鯨之殤) 是我在RCA的畢業作品,也是一個我長期執行的藝術研究項目。從2018至2020,耗時1年的時間進行前期研究,額外一年的時間進行故事編寫、拍攝、錄音、採訪,與3D建模、動畫、剪接、調色、混音等後期製作,其計畫內包含實驗聲音作品、錄像裝置、實驗劇情電影短片、實驗動畫電影短片、採訪紀錄片與攝影集等一系列藝術創作與文本。其作品與研究圍繞著近年在北極地區發生的幾個重大議題。
Narstalgia一字為我根據此研究而發明的新字,是北極特有生物:獨角鯨(Narwhal)與鄉愁(Nostalgia)的組合字,用來形容在以格陵蘭與冰島為首的北極地區發生的一連串環境焦慮(Eco-grief)、環境悲傷(Eco-giref)與環境鄉痛(Solastalgia)現象,其中又以「格陵蘭有全世界最高自殺率」、「冰島為史上第一個因全球暖化而消失的冰河舉辦喪禮」這兩個現象為主要研究對象。 由於獨角鯨在古挪威語具有與人類死亡相關的特別含義,又其與格陵蘭、冰島等北歐地區人們的狩獵與航行傳統息息相關,因此我以此動物為隱喻,透過3D動畫結合我親自前往冰島實際拍攝、錄製所得到影音素材,製作成為系列作品。
配合RCA2020畢業展,與此期間我共展出兩件作品,分別是獨角鯨之殤(Narstalgia)實驗動畫電影短片、藍色浮游-消融之島(Blue Ephemera- Melting Island)動態影像與實驗聲音創作,至英國時間7/31(週五)前限時以輸入密碼的方式觀看。
建議觀影環境設定: 黑暗安靜的空間、良好的螢幕與音響(耳機)設備
● RCA2020 英國皇家藝術學院線上畢業展(我的作品頁)
● Narstalgia的作品研究介紹與觀看連結
● Blue Ephemera- Melting Island的作品研究介紹與觀看連結
「My latest film and artwork released for limited view by 31th July」
‘Narstalgia’ is my graduation production for the degree show of Royal College of Art, UK, and also an long-term artistic research project related to several significant phenomena of eco-grief, and solastalgia happening in Greenland, Iceland, and other places in Arctic, which is also a new word I coined based on my research concerning the meaning of the name of narwhal in Old Norse. The multi-medium project including an experimental animation film, a experimental moving image, a sound creation, a photography series, and more; it predominately points out two issues in Arctic: Greenland has the highest suicide rate in the world, and Iceland holds a funeral for the first glacier lost to climate change.
Recommended viewing environment : a dark and silent room, with nice screen and speaker or earphone
Check the links below:
● My page in RCA2020 Degree Show (until 31th July)
● Information of ‘Narstalgia’ on my website
● Information of ‘Blue Ephemera- Melting Island’
● RCA2020 Degree Show (until 31th July)
翻譯 degree 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文
如果你覺得放棄不就是 give up 這麼簡單
所以不要只學到 give up 就 give up 了!
可以說 I officially give up my master’s degree!
讓我們來增加語言彈性(language flexibility)
多學兩個字 renounce 和 relinquish
😓 renounce
formally declare one's abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession).
I hereby announce that I renounce my Master of Arts from National Sun Yat-sen University.
😓 relinquish
voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up.
However, the Kaohsiung-based university said that the Degree Conferral Act (學位授予法) has no regulations covering voluntary relinquishment of a degree.
就是 I quit 🤗
翻譯 degree 在 Elaine Hau Youtube 的最佳貼文
Please turn on [CC] for English subtitles :)
If you still can't see English subtitles, then go to "Settings", then "Subtitles/CC", then "English"
中文字幕请打开[字幕] (右下方) :)
Elaine Hau has been a part of the luxury fashion and beauty industry for many years. Her passion for all things beauty and fashion has led to her popular YouTube channel which promotes the luxury lifestyle. Her content primarily includes shopping hauls, unboxings and reviews of many brand name products in both industries. Elaine has been a handbag collector for many years. All of her handbags are “like new” since she has only used them a few times for content on her social media pages and special events. She loves to have the latest handbags because they complement her fashion style. Elaine also likes to stay up to date with the latest fashion trends. With her growing collection of luxury handbags just sitting in her closet at home, she has decided to share her collection with all of you. She has found a way to combine her passion for handbags and her interest in business. Elaine is committed to providing you with the best experience, from ordering online, to when your handbag arrives and when you’re ready to return.
Elaine has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Alaska Anchorage and an MBA from Pepperdine University. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Digital Media Design from Harvard University. Originally from Hong Kong, Elaine now resides in Los Angeles, CA.
Ever wanted a luxury handbag for a special occasion, event or outing? Handbags can be expensive and a big commitment to purchase. Or maybe your closet just doesn’t have the same amount of space it used to? What if there was a way to have the perfect handbag for a fraction of the cost or just save some extra space in your closet. That’s where we come in! Luxury Fashion Rentals offers you the option to rent the luxury handbag of your choice for as long as you’d like without having to purchase it outright. Now you will have the flexibility to enjoy the perfect handbag on your time!
Rent with Us:
**This video is not sponsored. I purchased the items with my own money.
Thank you for watching!!
For business inquiries:
記得follow我instagram @littleelainehau
Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @littleelainehau
记得跟随我instagram @littleelainehau
Snapchat: littleelainehau
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Red 小红书: Littleelainehau
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翻譯 degree 在 黃紫盈 Connie Wong コニー Youtube 的精選貼文
粵英普日 全方位主持|優雅時尚・活力百變 | Connie 黃紫盈
Follow Connie
黃紫盈 (Connie) 現為司儀、主持、影片監製及跨媒體自由工作者,活躍於商界及政府機構主辦的活動,為各類型公開活動擔任司儀(包括晚宴、產品發布會、頒獎禮、記者會和音樂會等),同時監製和主持旅遊、飲食及時尚生活資訊節目,包括《盈遊世界》、《尚駿生活》和《友飲友食》等。Connie 精通三文四語,包話粵語、英語、普通話和日語。在任職無綫電視新聞主播及記者期間,她曾主持 《香港早晨》、《立法會選舉特備節目》以及《311日本東北大地震一周年現場直播》等重要新聞環節。
Connie 畢業於香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院,曾留學英國劍橋大學修讀國際關係以及日本創價大學修讀日本文化研究。她熱衷於義務工作和戶外活動,曾獲得由行政長官頒發的「香港青年奬勵計劃 (前香港愛丁堡公爵獎勵計劃) 最高金章榮譽」。
興趣: 旅遊、行山、美容、烹飪、攝影
Connie Wong is a professional emcee, programme host and producer actively involved in multi-media work. She is experienced in hosting various events (such as gala dinner, product launch, press briefing, award ceremony, music concert etc.), as well as infotainment programmes covering travel, food and lifestyle, e.g. "Travel Smart" and "Chic Life". Connie is fluent in Cantonese, English, Mandarin and Japanese. Previously, Connie was news anchor at TVB where she hosted several key featured news programmes including Good Morning Hong Kong, Legislative Council Election, and 311 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami One Year Anniversary.
Connie holds a bachelor degree in Journalism and Communication from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She also studied International Relations at Cambridge University in U.K., and Japanese Studies at Soka University in Japan. She is active in voluntary services and outdoor activities. She has been awarded the Gold Award of the Hong Kong Award for Young People (formerly known as The Duke of Edinburgh's Award).
Hobby: Travel, Hiking, Beauty, Cooking, Photography
Tags: 中英日四語司儀, 大型活動司儀, 商場活動司儀, 發布會司儀, 晚宴典禮司儀, 婚禮司儀, 粵語司儀, 國語司儀, 英語司儀, 日語司儀, 普通話司儀, 日文司儀, 英文司儀, 中文司儀, 專業司儀, 星級司儀, 節目主持, 無綫電視, 新聞主播, 新城電台, 黃紫盈, Connie Wong, Emcee, MC, Host, TVB, News Anchor, DJ, Cantonese MC, English MC, Japanese MC, Mandarin MC, Putonghua MC, Annual Dinner, Gala Dinner, Award Ceremony, Product Launch, Grand Opening
#司儀 #主持 #主播 #中文司儀 #日文司儀 #英文司儀 #英語司儀 #日語司儀 #廣東話司儀 #粵語司儀 #普通話司儀 #國語司儀 #黃紫盈 #ConnieWong #HKMC #Emcee #MC #English #Japanese #Mandarin #Putonghua #Cantonese

翻譯 degree 在 黃紫盈 Connie Wong コニー Youtube 的精選貼文
粵英普日 全方位主持|優雅時尚・活力百變 | Connie 黃紫盈
Follow Connie
黃紫盈 (Connie) 現為司儀、主持、影片監製及跨媒體自由工作者,活躍於商界及政府機構主辦的活動,為各類型公開活動擔任司儀(包括晚宴、產品發布會、頒獎禮、記者會和音樂會等),同時監製和主持旅遊、飲食及時尚生活資訊節目,包括《盈遊世界》、《尚駿生活》和《友飲友食》等。Connie 精通三文四語,包話粵語、英語、普通話和日語。在任職無綫電視新聞主播及記者期間,她曾主持 《香港早晨》、《立法會選舉特備節目》以及《311日本東北大地震一周年現場直播》等重要新聞環節。
Connie 畢業於香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院,曾留學英國劍橋大學修讀國際關係以及日本創價大學修讀日本文化研究。她熱衷於義務工作和戶外活動,曾獲得由行政長官頒發的「香港青年奬勵計劃 (前香港愛丁堡公爵獎勵計劃) 最高金章榮譽」。
興趣: 旅遊、行山、美容、烹飪、攝影
Connie Wong is a professional emcee, programme host and producer actively involved in multi-media work. She is experienced in hosting various events (such as gala dinner, product launch, press briefing, award ceremony, music concert etc.), as well as infotainment programmes covering travel, food and lifestyle, e.g. "Travel Smart" and "Chic Life". Connie is fluent in Cantonese, English, Mandarin and Japanese. Previously, Connie was news anchor at TVB where she hosted several key featured news programmes including Good Morning Hong Kong, Legislative Council Election, and 311 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami One Year Anniversary.
Connie holds a bachelor degree in Journalism and Communication from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She also studied International Relations at Cambridge University in U.K., and Japanese Studies at Soka University in Japan. She is active in voluntary services and outdoor activities. She has been awarded the Gold Award of the Hong Kong Award for Young People (formerly known as The Duke of Edinburgh's Award).
Hobby: Travel, Hiking, Beauty, Cooking, Photography
Tags: 中英日四語司儀, 大型活動司儀, 商場活動司儀, 發布會司儀, 晚宴典禮司儀, 婚禮司儀, 粵語司儀, 國語司儀, 英語司儀, 日語司儀, 普通話司儀, 日文司儀, 英文司儀, 中文司儀, 專業司儀, 星級司儀, 節目主持, 無綫電視, 新聞主播, 新城電台, 黃紫盈, Connie Wong, Emcee, MC, Host, TVB, News Anchor, DJ, Cantonese MC, English MC, Japanese MC, Mandarin MC, Putonghua MC, Annual Dinner, Gala Dinner, Award Ceremony, Product Launch, Grand Opening
#司儀 #主持 #主播 #中文司儀 #日文司儀 #英文司儀 #英語司儀 #日語司儀 #廣東話司儀 #粵語司儀 #普通話司儀 #國語司儀 #黃紫盈 #ConnieWong #HKMC #Emcee #MC #English #Japanese #Mandarin #Putonghua #Cantonese