Day11 - 錄音
Recording is a Demon pot, dedicated to reveal the true face of the demons. it’s the most terrible Devil, revealing without mercy our inner world, the defects which we trying very hard to hide inside. We have no place to hide! However, recording is our best friend, the most severe mentor, and the purest mirror. It lets us be able to examine ourself by listening the recording, and find a way to rebirth, making progress and welcome to the next level.
#100daysofpractice #The100DayProject #flute #myrllinpracticetime #myrllinflute #practicewithmyrllin #百日練習計畫
Practice together:
聽到自己的音不準嫌惡的表情瞬間藏不住 在 小說專用網- 章之二暗處云云精靈的呼氣化為風-- 風捲動雲。 雲的 ... 的推薦與評價
羅提表面上不動聲色地沒說話,將注意力轉回這邊,卻聽到站在他身旁的艾洛德叫了他一聲 ... 難道西卡潔才是真正深藏不露的高手… ... 不准你誘拐小笛,不然我跟你絕交! ... <看更多>