雖然忙著工作跟新書,但還是擠出時間寫網誌👀 先前在非洲只給大家觀賞 York 在納米比亞高空跳傘的影片✈️ 這次跟大家分享完整版的故事,看看下次能不能也許挑戰「世界上最便宜的高空跳傘」😝 雖然便宜,但是跳傘教練的攝影品質可是比紐澳都好呢😍
有沒有想要跳傘,但都因為價錢💰的關係而退縮呢😨?有沒有想想要成功留下跳傘英姿,但怕照片拍不好浪費錢呢📸?如果是的話,那麼絕對不能錯過這篇唷👍 #我就是那個如果照片拍不好我就不想跳的人 #花那麼多錢犧牲那麼多當然照片要好才能秀給大家看啊
Ps. 英文版是 York 真正寫的第一人稱經歷唷😏↪️ https://wp.me/p5lkw8-1Fe ↩️
Have you ever wanted to try skydiving✈️ but it's always too expensive? Or have you ever wondered whether you pay this much for photography📸 and will the videos be up to standard😨? Well look no further, Namibia has you covered for this extreme sport😉 Not only it's the cheapest place for skydiving, the post jump video and photos are world standard 👍 Definitely better than ones from Cairns in Australia 😂 Read more @ https://wp.me/p5lkw8-1Fe for full story 😁