南 無淨光秘密佛,法藏佛,獅子吼神足幽王佛,佛告須彌燈王佛,法護佛,金剛藏獅子遊戲佛,寶勝佛,神通佛,藥師琉璃光王佛,普光功德山王佛,善住功德寶王 佛;過去七佛,未來賢劫千佛,千五百佛,萬五千佛,五百花勝佛,百億金剛藏佛,定光佛;六方六佛名號:東方寶光月殿月妙尊音王佛,南方樹根花王佛,西方皂 王神通燄花王佛,北方月殿清淨佛,上方無數精進寶首佛,下方善寂月音王佛;無量諸佛,多寶佛,釋迦牟尼佛,彌勒佛,阿閦佛,彌陀佛。
南無大明觀世音,觀明觀世音,高明觀世音,開明觀世音,藥王菩薩,藥上菩薩,文殊師利菩薩,普賢菩薩,虛空藏菩薩,地藏王菩薩,清涼寶山 億萬菩薩,普光王如來化勝菩薩,念念誦此經。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6,030的網紅王薀老師,也在其Youtube影片中提到,王薀老師親誦藥師佛心咒 莊嚴聖號 俱足一切福德 從心出發 自利利他|藥師佛 心咒 這次疫情對每個人帶來了身心靈上的影響,每個人對人生觀和價值觀都徹底重新省思,對於人生的道路也重新調整,透過藥師佛的慈悲願力,幫助所有有緣眾生滿「現世願、離苦樂」,此真言確為末法時代眾生得福祛災之靈符、離六道之妙...
藥師琉璃光王佛 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
《病態與變態》State of Illness vs Abnormality
(English version below)
When you discover discomfort in some part of your body, and your outward appearance rightly reflect so, it is a state of illness.
What is the origin of illness? Typically, illnesses are caused by bacterial infection, or the lack of caring for your body. These 2 hypothesis are both comprehenable and there is nothing wrong with them. But a more detailed and deeper explanation will be, the Yin and Yang energies in your body are out of balance, causing a violation in your body system.
The human life is born from the fusion of the Yin and Yang energies, and likewise, one’s death is decided by these energies. A person with dominant Yin energies will gravitate to the lower Three Evil Paths while a person with dominant Yang energies will ascend the Heavens. This is something that all of you cannot not know!
When a non-virtuous thought arises in your mind, and your behaviour deviates from the usual normality, this is a state of abnormality. The beginning of abnormality is linked to the seven emotions and six desires in human. If you can properly manage and control your emotions of joy, anger, worry, contemplation, sadness, fear and fright, and not let them run wild, then reasonably speaking, you are not considered abnormal.
An imbalance of the Yin and Yang, when not harmonised in time, then abnormality will be the first to debut on stage. And not to mention another important factor, that is our diet. With a proper diet, feelings of happiness, joy, success and being pleased with oneself can be clearly seen on the face. It's your face that I'm talking about, not Facebook! (laughs) The knowledge of diet is not a simple one and I am fortunate that I have acquired it.
I, Master Dai Hu, have been in this line longer than the number of years a young adult has lived. I have analysed and selected names for people and businesses, audited the Feng Shui of properties and residences of various sizes, analysed the Bazi and annual luck cycles of countless people.
In the people I have read, male, female, old and young, many of them have hidden illnesses and emerging state of abnormality. But these male and female, old and young sentient beings are a fortunate bunch as well. Why so?
To be able to get me, Master Dai Hu, to look, listen, ask and feel the pulse of their issues with seriousness, right knowledge and view. If this isn't good fortune, then what is it? Even more so given that I do not see many clients these few years.
As the saying going, when the pro makes his move, difficult problems get solved easily. They are truly indeed fortunate!
Be it illness or abnormality, they are all sufferings. These two types of sufferings will bring trouble to our family and friends around us. Simply put, these two conditions will sprawl out to hurt innocent ones. If you consider yourself a loving and kind-hearted person, how can you bear to be the root cause of such sufferings in others ?
In the beginning of this article and second paragraph, I have elaborated on what illness and abnormality are in simple and clear terms.
Now, I will teach everybody how to treat them. There is a Buddha named Medicine Buddha of the Eastern Pure Land, and another named Amitabha Buddha of the Western Pure Land. Get an accomplished
Look for an accomplished master to consecrate their statues, or thangkas. Everyday, confess your misdeeds to Them and repent sincerely and honestly. Do your utmost to recite Their holy names daily, and dedicate the merits to removing the obstacles you face.
藥師琉璃光王佛 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文
【你問我答Round 1】Part 1/3
My last Feng Shui workshop was in January. Since then, I had been laden with never-ending work.
It struck my mind that it has been a long time, since I go to the ground and interact with more people, apart from my occasional Lives and writings. My Grandmaster, Living Buddha Lian Sheng, does it every week. So does my Shifu. Hence, I decided to do a AMA, Ask Me Anything, in my previous post.
QUESTION 1: from Joan Toh-Lau
"Is there something small and simple to do everyday, to create merit that can be dedicated to someone else? Just thinking of someone who is at their end stage of life. May all beings be well, healthy and happy. Thank you for wanting to help all of us here with questions."
My answer:
For a dying person, repentance is key.
We spend a good deal of our lives planning how to live it up, and feeling deprived and dissatisfied when we don't. Only a few wise ones will live their lives according to how they want to die and where they want to go, after their time on Earth is up.
Nobody can say they live a life where they have done nothing wrong: Killing, Stealing, Sexual Misconduct, False Speech and Consumption of Intoxicants.
Repentance done from the heart will eradicate the sins we have committed from this and past lifetimes.
Repentance enables the patient to die as pain-free and graceful as possible, and accumulates as much positive resources as possible for his rebirth to the Pureland, or at the very least, a more worthy reincarnation in a good family.
If the person has a lot of merits, and a lot of negative karma at the same time, the heavy blockades of negative karma can obstruct the merits from coming to fruition.
A person who does not believe in repentance will never receive the blessings of Buddha, or any virtuous god for that matter.
Of course it is best done by the person himself/herself. But the more people helping the dying, the better.
[Step 1: 懺悔偈 (Short Repentance Verse) in Buddhism ]
The 我 can be replaced by the person's name, when you are doing it on the patient's behalf.
e.g. 李季謙昔所做諸罪業,皆有無始貪嗔癡,
Recite 3 times.
[Step 2: Supplement it with recitation of Buddha's or Bodhisattva's name or mantra. ]
e.g. 南無阿彌陀佛、南無觀世音菩薩、南無藥師琉璃光王佛 or 南無地藏王菩薩
21 times, 49 times or 108 times daily.
You can also choose to add on a recitation of a sutra.
[Step 3: Dedicate the merits to the dying.]
In《地藏王菩薩本願經》The Sutra of the Fundamental Vows of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, it clearly states that the person reciting it gains 70% of the merits, the recipient of the dedication gains 30% of the merits.
This is definitely a win-win solution.
There are of course other ways of generating merits like donations, sponsorships of temple-building, printing of virtuous books, giving away free medicine etc.
I consider this the most effective and simplest solution to Joan's question. Something that can be done daily. I have already simplified the repentance process. A more elaborate one will be more thorough and naturally eradicate more negative karma within a shorter period of time.
It's free. Small in effort needed, but big in power when done consistently with a sincere heart and steadfast belief. Even more powerful if you have taken refuge.
Please remember not to do your recitation in the bedroom. You can do it in your living room, study room, or in front of your altar, with your chanting beads.
If there is any merits from this writing, I dedicate it to your dying "someone".
May he or she be free from fear and pain.
May he or she let go of the attachments to this mortal world and be reborn in the Pureland. 🙏
Thank you for your belief in me to ask me this question, Joan.
藥師琉璃光王佛 在 王薀老師 Youtube 的最佳貼文
莊嚴聖號 俱足一切福德
從心出發 自利利他|藥師佛 心咒
一、 以信解心,信心清淨心 一心念誦,若有所求 皆得如願。
二、 常精進持誦, 若自誦,若為他人誦,能令自己及他人消災獲福。
三、 誠心念誦,能幫助自己及他人遠離病苦,延年益壽。
藥師佛心咒|Medicine Buddha's Heart Mantra:
爹雅塔 嗡 貝喀傑 貝喀傑 瑪哈 貝喀傑 喇雜 薩目 嘎爹 梭哈
Dayata Om Beikaje Beikaje Maha Beikaje Radza Samu Gaday Soha
#藥師佛心咒 #藥師琉璃光如來 #MedicineBuddha #消災延壽藥師佛 #大醫藥王佛 #藥師琉璃光王佛
藥師琉璃光王佛 在 藥師琉璃光佛- Home 的推薦與評價
藥師佛又稱藥師如來,全名藥師琉璃光王佛如來。俗稱消災延壽藥師佛、大醫王佛。經典記載,藥師佛通身透徹、藍色如琉璃,清淨無染出柔光,故以「琉璃光」爲功德名號;其 ... ... <看更多>