忌:飲食生冷、 辛辣煎炸
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Eat right to relieve constipation
Most people think constipation is the inability to pass motion for several days, but the term can also be used to describe the symptom where individual has to exert force to excrete the waste. This is what Chinese physicians called ‘asthenic-type constipation’.
Asthenic-type constipation has to do with the disrupted functions of internal organs such as the liver, spleen, and kidneys. Hence, we need to focus beyond improving the bowel movements to relieve constipation. There are three types of asthenic-type constipation: yang-deficient, blood-deficient, and qi-deficient. Do you exhibit the symptoms below?
【Yang-deficient type】
Symptoms: mushy stools, might contain indigestible materials, cold abdomen, cold limbs, and soreness on lower back and knees
Causes: the lack of the yang energy in the body affects the movements in the large intestines causing constipation.
To do: drink dusk rice water; consume an appropriate amount of coarse grains such as sweet potato, sesame paste, ginger tea, and walnut
To avoid: raw, cold, deep-fried, and greasy food and drinks
【Blood-deficient type】
Symptoms: hard stool, difficult passing stool, dizziness and palpitation, dry skin
Causes: lack of qi, blood, and fluid in the body; unable to lubricate the large intestines causing constipation.
To do: drink red bean rice water; consume an appropriate amount of red bean, red date, sesame paste, and honey
To avoid: avoid raw, cold, spicy, and deep-fried food and drinks
【Qi-deficient type】
Symptoms: need to exert pressure to pass stool, soft stool; would sweat and experience shortness of breath after that; feel exhausted
Causes: the lack of qi in the body disrupts the circulation in the big intestines causing constipation.
To do: drink oatmeal rice water; consume an appropriate amount of ginseng and coarse grains such as sweet potato, white rice, and five cereals
To avoid: avoid raw, cold, spicy, and deep-fried food and drinks
✔ Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
Effects: Reduces water retention. Relieves abdominal bloating. Improves yellowish complexion.
Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.
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同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過80萬的網紅果籽,也在其Youtube影片中提到,中醫的便秘,指由於腸道積熱、寒凝氣滯、情志不暢、氣血不足等原因令大腸傳導功能失常,引起大便不暢通、大便艱難、無力排便、便質乾結、排便時間增加的症狀。 許多人遇到便秘情況,首先都會想到多吃蔬菜、水果以保持腸道暢通健康,但原來這個方法未必對所有便秘病人都有幫助的。先看看中醫對便秘的分類,一般會分為...
血虛便秘 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
燕麥 — 性平,能健脾益氣、止虛汗、降血糖,由於燕麥含大量纖維,有助紓緩習慣性便秘、多汗等症狀,適合產婦、嬰幼兒、老年人服用。 要注意因為燕麥含有大量纖維,過量服用或會停積成滯反而會引致便秘。
無花果 — 性平,有潤腸通便、健胃利咽、滋陰潤燥、催乳功效,對老年人、孕婦、小兒便秘有明顯療效,孕婦食用亦可預防痔瘡。惟其糖份含量較高,糖尿病患者慎吃。
蜂蜜 — 性平,有補脾潤肺、潤腸及解毒功效,可紓緩因肺燥引起的乾咳及腸燥便秘等問題;亦有除心煩、改善食慾不振、口瘡的作用,尤其適合氣虛、血虛、陰虛、陽虛及血瘀體質人士服用。
黑芝麻 — 性平,有補肝腎、潤五臟、養血烏髮、滋陰潤腸的功效,可改善早生白髮及皮燥髮枯的問題。但因為芝麻有補益效果,過量服用可引起偏熱症狀如口乾、喉嚨痛、暗瘡等。
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Ingredients to relieve constipation during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the expecting mother will usually experience various discomforts. Constipation or difficulty passing stool are two of most common symptoms. From the physiological structure, the fetal growth will press on the large intestine, which will slow down the speed of food residues passing through the intestine. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the body requires more qi and blood to nourish the fetus, and there is not enough to support the intestines appropriately which can lead to blood deficiency type constipation, and even hemorrhoids.
During pregnancy, mothers usually focus on their diet, and suffer from constipation quietly. They can actually appropriately consume ingredients with the effect of loosening the bowels to relieve constipation according to body condition, such as these following mild natured ingredients- oatmeal, figs, honey and black sesame. These are suitable for pregnant women with any body condition. Drinking oats rice water is also a good choice. Aside from strengthening spleen and stomach and stopping excessive sweating, it also can enhance digestion. Expecting mothers should develop the habit of drinking rice water every day to strengthen the spleen and nourish the baby.
Oats - mild in nature, strengthens the spleen and nourishes qi. Stops excessive sweating and can also lower blood sugar. It is high in fiber, can alleviate chronic constipation and excessive sweating. Suitable for pregnant women, young children and elderly people. But remember do not consume too much as it is high in fiber and may cause indigestion that leads back to constipation.
Figs - mild in nature, helps to moisten bowels to relieve constipation, strengthens the stomach, relieves sore throat, nourishes yin to relieve dryness and aids in lactation. It is especially effective in treating constipation in elderlies, pregnant women and young children. Pregnant women can also prevent hemorrhoids by eating figs. However, its sugar content is high, and those with diabetes should eat with caution.
Honey - mild in nature, replenishes spleen, moistens the intestines, and detoxifies. Alleviates symptoms related to dryness in the lungs such as dry cough and constipation. It can also relieve irritability, lack of appetite and canker sores. Honey is especially suitable for those with qi deficiency, blood deficiency , yin deficiency, yang deficiency and blood stasis body conditions.
Black sesame - mild in nature, can nourish the liver and kidney, moisten the organs, nourish blood and improve hair quality, nourish yin and moisten the intestine. It can also improve early appearance of grey hair and dry skin and hair issues. Since sesame has nourishing healing effects, over consumption can lead to heat-related symptoms such as dry mouth, sore throat, pimple.
✔Recommendation: Oats rice water (does not contain coix seed, suitable for pregnant women)
Effects: Improves excessive sweating, reduces water retention and relieves constipation
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血虛便秘 在 農純鄉 真實的第一選擇 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【當歸有什麼功效 ?對身體會有什麼幫助呢?】
血虛便秘 在 果籽 Youtube 的最佳貼文
1. 熱秘:過食辛熱、肥甘厚味致腸道積熱積滯,大便乾結,可伴腹脹腹痛,口氣口臭。
2. 氣秘:太多事情擔心、情緒抑鬱等使氣機混亂,導致腸道蠕動和液體不正常,可伴常常發噯氣、常常嘆息、胸脅滯脹。
3. 氣虛便秘:氣力不足,大腸傳送無力,排便困難,有無力感,患者多日間汗出嚴重、説話聲低不夠氣力、體力勞動後便秘加劇。
4. 血虛便秘:腸道失去濡養和滋潤,影響正常傳送功能,平素易頭暈,健忘、亦可見心悸、失眠。
5. 冷秘:寒性凝滯,血脈流動性減低,使腸道傳送失常,患者可見面色淡白、手足不溫、腰膝酸痛、夜尿頻密。
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