話說,為什麼不在通告最底加返句sorry for 1999,咁樣比較襯返篇文啲~
若有緊急通話器啟動後但沒有回應,車站職員將登記求助乘客的 姓名 及 聯絡電話 ✍️
車務控制中心會於懷疑有人違反《香港鐵路附例》時,轉介 香港警察 Hong Kong Police 協助,屆時列車亦需稍作停留
乘客有權要求 查閱 或 更正其個人資料,請致函「九龍灣偉業街33號德福廣場港鐵總部大樓秘書及法律部保障個人資料(私隱)主任」收 📮
With immediate effect,
station staff would register passengers’ name and phone number if one made any emergency calls without response ✍️
The Operations Control Centre will seek for police's assistance if any violations of the Mass Transit Railway By-Law is suspected and trains will then be held for short while
You have the right to request access to and the correction of your personal data. For any enquiries concerning your collected personal data, please contact Personal Data Privacy Officer, Secretarial & Legal Department, MTR Corporation Limited, MTR Headquarters Building, Telford Plaza, 33 Wai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong 📮