On Aug 11, 2019, The Hong Kong Police:
1️⃣ 以布袋彈彈射盲抗爭者右眼
Shot a protester's right eye with beanbag bullets causing permanent blindness.
2️⃣ 一米距離開槍掃射抗爭者
Fired tear gas bullets at protesters in close proximity (within 1 meter) .
3️⃣ 地鐵站內連環施放催淚彈
Bombed subway stations repeatedly with tear gas.
4️⃣ 扶手電梯狂毆推撞抗爭者
Pushed down and assaulted protesters who were leaving on an escalator.
5️⃣ 縱容黑社會毆打普通市民
Turned a blind eye on triad members who randomly attacked civilians on the streets.
6️⃣ 假冒前線抗爭者煽惑暴動
Disguised as front-line protesters to incite riot.
7️⃣ 賊贓嫁禍抗爭者被傳媒拍到
Planted weapons on protesters and got caught by the media.
8️⃣ 攻擊救護員 射至昏迷
Attacked a medical aid worker who became unconscious.
9️⃣ 攻擊記者 向天橋開槍
Fired tear gas bullets at the press who were gathered on a bridge.
🔟 暴力對待現場普通市民
Treated civilians at the scene with violence and aggression.
事實證明,香港警察就是恐怖分子 ‼️
The truth is clear - the Hong Kong Police Force are TERRORISTS !!!
時至今日,你若仍然撐警、仍然覺得雙方都有錯、仍然覺得抗爭者是暴徒 ⋯⋯ SORRY!! 你都跌左個良知!你是非不分!你助紂為虐!
** 圖:反送中文宣組
** 英文翻譯:Jackie