【🔭Highlights from COMPUTEX Forum Day 1】
On the first day of the 2021 COMPUTEX Forum, several top speakers were among the lineup to deep dive into the future trend of #AIoT and #AI. Here is the recap of the key points mentioned during the forums.
📌 AIoT, combining #IoT and AI, is one of the best models of one plus one over two. The morning session outlined the blueprint of an intelligent future, widely from the infrastructure of data computing, next-gen AI processors to the prospect of AIoT. 🔍 https://reurl.cc/W33NV7
📌 The afternoon session focused on the AI technology which ignites the fourth industrial revolution and how the ubiquitous AI technology reframes and starts a new industrial form. Moreover, it also dug into the personal privacy and the security of enterprise issues under the circumstances of data-driven to explore the infinite potential of AI. 🚀 https://reurl.cc/KAAlLe
AI is changing the world, and with the maturity and diffusion of relative technology, we are all looking forward to witnessing more AIoT applications at COMPUTEX. Click the link if you want to know more about the COMPUTEX Forum.
【🔭COMPUTEX Forum 第一天重點內容精彩回顧】
2021 COMPUTEX Forum 首日,全球頂尖科技大廠們齊聚一堂分享了 #智慧物聯 和 #AI賦能 的最新趨勢,精彩又充實的內容就讓小編來幫大家重點回顧一下吧!
📌結合 #物聯網 與 #人工智慧 的智慧物聯(AIoT),可說是一加一大於二的最佳典範。上午的論壇從資料運算的基礎架構、劃世代 AI 處理器談到 AIoT 的未來趨勢展望,勾勒出未來智慧時代的藍圖 🔍https://reurl.cc/W33NV7
📌下午的論壇則聚焦點燃第四次工業革命的 AI 技術,看無所不在的 AI 如何重塑並開創全新產業型態;同時也探討在數據驅動的時代下,如何維護個人隱私與企業資訊安全,全方位探究 AI 的無限潛能 🚀https://reurl.cc/KAAlLe
AI 正在重塑世界,隨著相關技術的普及以及成熟化,小編也期待未來在 COMPUTEX 能看到更多元的 AIoT 應用落地。意猶未盡的粉絲們,趕快點擊連結了解完整的論壇內容,掌握引領未來的最新趨勢💡
#MicronTechnology #Intel #Supermicro #NVIDIA #NXPSemiconductors #Arm #DeltaElectronics #CheckPointSoftware
論壇lineup 在 BCG in Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答
#IWD2020 #WomenAtBCG #EachforEqual
台灣距離亞太主要城市皆在五小時航程內。有許多人立足在這片土地上,同時正在亞太和全球發揮自己的影響力。BCG的大中華區學習與發展經理Ivy Wu昨天有幸和一群非常優秀的女性齊聚CAREhER國際婦女節論壇,分享她在職涯一路上遇到的抉擇,以及如何善用台灣人溝通和找資源的長才,幫助自己游刃有餘地因應各種挑戰。比如,面對這次疫情,每位BCG顧問入職前必經的一週訓練課程無法如期在上海舉行,Ivy在短時間內借鑑各地同事的經驗,尋求各部門的協助建置軟體、重整內容、融入遊戲元素,將所有課程搬到線上,成功完成滿意度極高的入職訓練,也成為BCG其他系統紛紛取經的對象。
Yesterday BCG Greater China’s Learning and Development Manager Ivy Wu joined CAREhER at their International Women’s Day forum on “APAC Based, Globally Minded” along with a lineup of amazing female entrepreneurs, authors, mentors and leaders. With Christina, Facebook’s Product Marketing Manager, Ivy shared how she made conscious choices throughout her career, and how she, amid the coronavirus outbreak, pulled resources together to move our week-long Greater China orientation training online and gained high satisfaction scores nonetheless.
Our Women@BCG representatives Kimberly Chen and Angela Hsu also shared their takeaways from the day:
“Positive attitude, persistence, self-reflections and growth mindset. These were the simple but powerful messages the diverse panel of speakers at the CAREhER Women’s Day Forum spelled out. It was inspiring and encouraging to see from these female leaders how self-empowerment and grit play a key role in a radiant life and career.”
Photo credit: CAREhER
論壇lineup 在 Yourator數位人才媒合平台 Facebook 的精選貼文
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