【#臺灣獎助金 學人歡送茶會😊】
We recently held a farewell party for the 2018 MOFA #TaiwanFellowship scholars to provide a fitting end for their year of research in #Taiwan.
MOFA Vice Minister Miguel Tsao said that the #fellowship program is reflection of Taiwan’s enthusiasm to play host to academics👩🎓👨🎓 from around the world interested in research related to Taiwan and helps strengthen ties with the international community.
Find out more here 👉https://reurl.cc/ZbbDp
外交部前幾天舉辦了2018年 #臺灣獎助金 學人歡送茶會,為這一年來在臺灣研究與體驗的學人們,劃下了完美的句點🎓~ 曹立傑次長除了祝福他們,也歡迎全球對 #臺灣、#亞太區域、#兩岸關係 等領域有興趣的學人來臺研究 📚讓世界認識臺灣,讓臺灣走向世界!🌏
更多資訊 👉 https://reurl.cc/vWWrl
#臺灣顯學 🤓