【新舞臺藝術節 給你滿滿的大拉丁🎺】
MOFA has teamed up with the CTBC Foundation for Arts and Culture to invite two-time World Tango Dance Tournament winner Argentinean German Cornejo, along with his long-term dance partner Gisela Galeassi and their company of tango superstars, to showcase their dance moves on the Taiwanese stage!
還記得去年巴西「寇克舞團」,為臺灣帶來了拉丁風情滿滿的視覺饗宴嗎?今年外交部再度和中國信託文教基金會合作,邀請到來自阿根廷、兩度榮獲探戈舞蹈世界冠軍的耶爾曼.科爾內霍 (German Cornejo)來臺演出,帶給大家「南美巴黎」的華麗步伐和醉人律動~💃🕺
✅2017新舞臺藝術節 https://goo.gl/sii7z1
Oficina Comercial y Cultural de Taipei - Argentina 駐阿根廷台北商務文化辦事處