【經貿✖️外交 讓數字踹共‼️】
今天小編就來公布今年 #第三季 #經貿外交 的成果~
在魔法部、經濟部 和 中華民國對外貿易發展協會 - TAITRA 的共同合作下,總計:
🔺 協助外商向我國廠商採購商機3.3億美元
🔺 促成外國對我國投資1.6億美元
🔺 協助安排雙邊業界互訪交流646次
🔺 辦理展覽、投資攬才說明會222次
🔺 安排經貿重要官員互訪150次
🔺 促成美國 🇺🇸、捷克 🇨🇿 友我經貿決議9案次
🔺 簽署 ✍️
─ 臺斐漁業合作備忘錄 🇫🇯
─ 臺荷科技合作備忘錄 🇳🇱
─ 臺法金融科技合作協議 🇫🇷
─ 臺貝(里斯)部份範圍協議合作意向書 🇧🇿
─ 臺聖(文森)打擊跨國犯罪協定及財政合作協定 🇻🇨
🔺 族繁不及備載之其他的請看圖... @@
In the third quarter of this year, MOFA worked with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council on trade diplomacy efforts as follows:
- Assisting foreign enterprises in potential procurement deals for local firms worth US$330 million
- Attracting foreign investment of US$160 million
Our offices overseas organized 646 exchanges between local and foreign businesses, as well as hosting 222 events, including trade fairs and investment information sessions, as well as facilitating vice-ministerial-level talks with several countries to spur trade cooperation and strengthen dialogue with our trade partners.
In #Q3 also signed the following agreements:
- MOU on fishing industry cooperation with #Fiji
- MOU on technological cooperation with the #Netherlands
- a cooperation agreement on #FinTech with #France
- a letter of intent on a Partial Scope Agreement on trade relations with #Belize
- agreements on cooperation in public finance and combating transnational crimes with #StVincentAndTheGrenadines
There have also been 9 trade resolutions in the #US and #CzechRepublic with respect to Taiwan!
辛辛苦苦做到快死掉 在 靜思語- 【改命故事】財富的福報怎麼來? 財富是一個果報 的推薦與評價
我們大部分人只知道財富的緣,好好學習、努力工作、辛辛苦苦做生意,這些都是財富的 ... 就像一棵樹沒有了根就會死掉一樣,看起來是因為太陽把它曬死的,其實是因為它 ... ... <看更多>