【去到燈位,後車停唔切畀佢「撞 Pat Pat」】
你有無試過好似 YanComic 呢個情況?我試過,我真係試過!
作為父母會特別擔心小朋友嘅安全,因為小朋友骨骼柔軟頸部好脆弱,即使係輕微嘅碰撞都可能會令佢地受傷。Volvo 好明白父母嘅感受,所以即使香港無立例規定小朋友坐私家車嘅時候一定要坐「兒童汽車安全座椅」(其實英國、德國、日本同新加坡都已經有法例規定),我地都好鼓勵父母咁做!
1973 年我地發明咗「逆向式兒童安全座椅」,可以喺正面撞擊時作充分緩衝,好似媽媽溫柔嘅手咁保護 BB;亦按唔同歲數 (0-9月、9月-6歲、6 - 11歲) 設計出多款唔同嘅「兒童汽車安全座椅」,畀到小朋友最全面嘅保護。
可見一直以黎,Volvo 對汽車上小朋友以及所有乘客安全嘅一份執著、決心,係不容置疑。
#兒童安全 #逆向式兒童安全座椅
【Got hit from the car behind at the junction?】
Have you ever experienced a situation like Yan's before? I did, I really did!
Parents are always concerned about the safety of their kids for their skeletons and necks are very soft and weak, they can get injured easily in car accidents, even a minor collision. Volvo knows what that means for parents, so we always recommend children ought to use an appropriate child seat on board even it's not legally required in Hong Kong (but in the UK, Germany, Japan and Singapore...)!
We invented the industry-first rearward-facing child seat in 1973, which can absorb the considerable force in a frontal impact collision as buffer, just like how mums protect the babies' heads when holding the babies. After years, we have designed several types of child seat to fit the needs of children at different ages (0-9mths, 9mths-6yrs, 6-11yrs), giving them the best all-round protection.
With no doubt, Volvo has been very determined in the safety setting for the children, and indeed every passenger on board.
#ChildSafety #RearwardFacingChildSeat