從小食咖哩就覺得配上印度煎餅是常識吧!一直以為媽媽太有本事,能夠在家中製作出牛油香味四溢、薄薄而且酥脆的印度煎餅🤤 後來才發現,原來它只是從超市買回來的急凍產品?!😧 (不過媽媽的廚藝依然了得,從來沒有質疑過她🤣) 就因如此,@tyjfood 的酥皮煎餅就一直伴隨著我的成長。
製作真的超簡單方便,用平底鍋輕輕煎一下就可以!咖哩方面,就跟隨自己喜歡的咖哩食譜,親自調配辣度🍛 甚至可以買錫紙包裝好的日式即食咖喱,用滾水翻熱即可,簡直是大學生恩物🤓
如果去follow第一家的FB專頁,還可以學到更多創意食譜。其中一個就結合了酥皮煎餅和第一家黑芝麻湯圓😳 製成了氣炸鍋酥皮湯圓!
For the longest time, I thought my mother was blessed with the talent of creating #RotiParatha at home. It was later on when I realised how easily purchasable these frozen goodies are from any local supermarket😧 Nonetheless, to me, mom is still a spectacular cook😆
It’s almost my natural instinct to pair curry with Spring Home Roti Paratha🍛 The flakey, buttery layers compliment just almost any curry😍 I sometimes even get pre-cooked Japanese-style curry (the ones you simply throw in boiling water to reheat), perfect even for the laziest college student🤓
You may follow Tee Yih Jia’s FB page for more recipes. One of them combines Roti Paratha with Spring Home Glutinous Rice Balls😳 Creative & mouth-watering!
@partipost #SpringHome #TYJ #第一家 #collab #Partipost #paratha #煎餅 #酥皮 #印度煎餅 #原味煎餅 #食譜 #hkfoodie #hkfood #hkfoodblogger #hkeats #香港美食 #食好西 #相機食先 #吃貨 #Tyjfood #TeeYihJia