🔺 自訂-氣質爆棚雪紡排釦拼接下擺格紋魚尾長洋
恭喜妞妞 🎉李雅芬
🔺 自訂-排扣顯瘦水洗牛仔襯衫領洋裝
恭喜妞妞 🎉鍾曉晴
🔺 自訂-高質感細壓褶雪紡喇叭袖假二件吊帶附綁帶洋裝
恭喜妞妞 🎉昆昆妮
記得私訊我們 領獎方式 喲😍
鍾曉晴 在 赫本 Hep Burn Facebook 的最佳貼文
🔺 微鏤空拼接唯美蕾絲毛衣
恭喜妞妞 🎉 鍾曉晴
記得私訊我們 領獎方式 喲😍
鍾曉晴 在 Serrini Facebook 的精選貼文
This (前)學民girl could have made this an empowering sharing of body transformation fuelled by strong determination (exercise for health and eat clean for happiness and positivity). She could have inspired fellow young girls who have low self-esteem and become suicidal in this super repressive HONG KONG.
But instead, you gloriously show off your new lean body and how you can wear anything XS now for a gossip magazine, reinforcing the notion that happiness would be rewarded to those who conform to a certain body images celebrated by this society.
Nice job ignoring this hegemony.
【七個月勁減七十磅 學民𡃁妹大變身】
E WEEKLY | 【一書四冊 逢星期四出版】
#eweekly #鍾曉晴 #學民思潮 #減肥 #E週刊
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