【H&M History + Movies】1891-JUL. 31 活動電影放映機
《電流大戰》The Current War 的真實故事
▶ YouTube 高清版:https://youtu.be/KoJkFf7MqEw
電影攝影機是一種透過快速連續拍攝的系列影像,利用視覺暫留原理,達到動態捕捉的一種攝影技術。1888年,美國發明家 湯瑪斯愛迪生率先提出這種連續拍攝的手法,在團隊的努力下於1891年成功推出了活動式電影攝影機,進而電影產業的發展。
#movie #history #電影 #歷史 #電影攝影機 #活動電影放映機 #愛迪生 #湯瑪斯愛迪生 #kinetoscope #cinema #thomasedison #edison
電影放映機原理 在 Daphne 探索生活趣 Facebook 的最讚貼文
萬國戲院在1968 年建立,曾經是大林鎮四間戲院之一,在繁榮過後沒落、淪落播放三級片場所、經營茶室、經歷過祝融肆虐成為廢墟等坎坷過程,終於在文史工作者江明赫經由地主同意後,重新整理活化,讓曾經在此度過快樂時光的人,找回深刻的時代記憶。
現在看起來稀奇珍貴的碳精棒電影放映機在在 1945-1960 於各大戲院是很普遍的設備,也曾流行於鄉下的露天電影與各地廟會。當年燈泡無法投射出範圍廣而巨大的強光,因此運作原理是以碳精棒通電後,正負極相碰短路,發出強光聚焦,經過滾動的電影膠片投射在大銀幕上。
重生後的萬國戲院讓人驚艷,用文化、藝術、歷史、影視力量,讓大林有全國能見度,不過在 2018 年一度因為籌措不到增設消防安全設備約 50 萬元經費而再度熄燈,考驗不斷。為了讓非營利性質的萬國戲院能長久營運,各位可多在販賣部購買產品,會比外面貴的幾塊錢,用來支持萬國戲院的營運支出。
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電影放映機原理 在 VOP Facebook 的最佳解答
各位觀眾,#高重黎 ~~~!!
●新刊發行 | New Release
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
Issue 22 : #高重黎專號
The Kao Chung-Li Issue
● 購書 | Order : http://bit.ly/2BOBXea
● 訂閱 | Subscribe : http://bit.ly/2tTlqn6
A spectre is haunting the island - the spectre of the imaging machinery.
Through experimental films, photography, animation, sculptures, image installations, visual toy inventions and even essays on visual imagery, Chung-Li Kao exemplifies the complex relationship between viewing, imagery and history, and has never stopped questioning and reflecting on imagery through diverse forms of creation that defy classification. Kao is indeed the most experimental and subversive punctum in Taiwan’s visual arts scene.
Acutely aware of how "image production" influences the development of the history of photography, Kao tries to look for a solution within the anemic visual culture dominated by a preference for "produced images" and the consumption of imagery, on this photographic island that possesses no means of its own to produce images and instead relies on inventions of the imaging machinery. He even transforms himself into a human imagery machine - his eyes a projector, his brain a negative, his mouth a loudspeaker. Using his body and putting imagery into practice, Kao attempts to overturn and surpass the seemingly unmovable power structure that is so deeply entrenched in the development of contemporary photographic history.
"What is photography? What are films? What is it to ‘see’?" Kao asks, his eyes wide. "Why do we not have our own cradle of photography, childhood, or golden age of movies? Why do we not have our own theories of visual perception and neurology? Why do we not have our own imaging machinery industry?" In this special issue, we attempt to answer these questions as we embark on this long journey of reflection, along the lines of Kao’s principles of creation.
In preparation for this issue, we visited Kao several times and compiled his vast and scattered collection of work which has accumulated over the years. We uncovered his earlier 8mm films, slides and manuscripts as we dug through his storeroom, filled to no end with all sorts of imagery machines. We also included in this issue never-before-seen photographs, animated drafts, working notes, objects from his personal collection and several of his essays.
In addition, we invited imagery researchers Shih-Lun Chang, Fang-Tze Hsu, Jau-Lan Guo, Yung-Hao Liu and Wei-Tsung Chen to discuss Kao’s imagery perspective and processes, and artist Ju Lin to talk about Kao and his work. At the same time, we also included the late author Ying-Zhen Chen’s commentary on modernist artwork and critical awareness through the lens of Kao’s works, as well as an in-depth interview with the artist himself.
It will always be a daunting challenge to us when it comes to preparing an artist issue. We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Chung-Li Kao for his trust, support and generosity, and for sharing his life of art creation with us without any reservations. With our limited capability, we are unable to put into print the entirety of the rich orientation of his art, but what we can do is to share with our beloved readers a record of Kao’s creations and the inspiration we got from the imagery reflections of an artist.
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲
電影放映機原理 在 老戲院新舞台- 萬國故事箱– 老物件開箱 碳精棒電影放映機 ... 的推薦與評價
運作原理是以碳精棒通電後正負極相碰短路發出強光聚焦經過滾動的電影膠片投射在大銀幕上。 因為當時的燈泡無法發出如此巨大的強光,那時代的燈塔也是使用這 ... ... <看更多>