麗塔・妲爾潔羅(Rita D'Arcangelo)畢業於義大利佩斯卡拉音樂院。同時也畢業於曼徹斯特皇家北方音樂學院、米蘭國際音樂學院,並在德國國立曼海姆音樂暨表演藝術學院主修管弦樂與獨奏。
妲爾潔羅於義大利及瑞士跟隨長笛大師詹姆士・高威(Sir James Galway)學習多年,於2008年獲得馬克・里奇基金會(Marc Rich Foundation)藝術成就獎,並由民眾投票成為第一名,贏得了Nagahara 14K金長笛頭。在許多國際大賽中,屢獲首獎,如:佩斯卡拉扶輪社長笛比賽、克雷莫納「龐吉耶利國際長笛大賽」、德國于爾岑「庫勞長笛大賽」、紐約「亞歷山大及布歐諾國際長笛大賽」。2011年10月,她於卡內基音樂廳舉辦她的第一場演奏會。
2016年7月她受邀至瑞士韋吉斯擔任「詹姆士・高威長笛音樂節」(Galway Flute Festival)客座音樂家。作為一位室內樂音樂家,她在許多國家協同演出合奏,包括歐洲、亞洲與美國。她在關西國際音樂學院擔任客座長笛教授,並在日本、韓國、臺灣、馬爾他、義大利、波蘭、斯洛維尼亞、西班牙、美國各大知名音樂學校教授大師班。
目前任教於布蘭登堡科技大學科特布斯校區音樂學院(State German University BTU–Cottbus)。
14k金長笛 在 呂承祐 York Lu, flutist Facebook 的最讚貼文
【Interview with Tatjana Ruhland】
1. 您受誰的影響最深?
In my opinion, the arts are a basic nutrition for everyone!
If it's poetry, literature, paintings, music - those art forms all has a tremendous impact as long as we let them influence our lives!
At a closer look, we find that the creators f.e. composers themselves were influenced by nature, by their time and also by their human surroundings. It's a fascinating "win-win situation" that I am very impressed by.
2. 你的樂器型號是?
我使用的是2007年製,Muramatus 14K金長笛,Tsubasa 的吹頭管。
I am playing a 14K all gold Muramatsu flute with a Tsubasa style headjoint. It was made in 2007.
3. 你有寵物嗎?
我跟我的丈夫(Christian Schmitt)都經常在外旅行演出,因此我們在家中沒有養寵物,因為他們可能經常會覺得很孤單吧。
Since my husband (www.christianschmitt.info) and me are traveling to concerts a lot, we don't have pets at our home. They probably would feel too lonely most of the time.
4. 你做些什麼運動?
I am one of the people who go to the gym at very late hours in the evening. Also while traveling I frequently take some time for a workout at the hotels gym, which is very convenient.
It's important to strengthen our back and to stay in good physical health. Also we should not forget to stretch our muscles since holding the flute is not symmetrical.
By the way: I recently discovered fencing to be a fantastic sport for right handed people. One has to twist the body in the other direction from flute playing - very good exercise :))
5. 如果不當長笛家,你想要做什麼?
I think I was lucky not to continue an impossible career as a ballet dancer already by the age of eleven :))
For me to be a musician is just what I always wanted to be. I am very happy and thankful for my life and profession.
I am pleased to share my music with the audiences at every single concert.
6. 在舞台上最難忘的經驗?
One of the most memorable experiences has been the concert in Rome for Pope Benedikt in 2007, with Gustavo Dudamel.
A DVD recording of this performance was issued on Deutsche Grammophon.
7. 你在學校中,最不喜歡的學科是?
I have to admit, that mathematics was not one of my favorites...
Most language classes including ancient Latin and Greek I liked much better.
8. 你最推薦哪個長笛練習曲?
I am a huge promoter of Taffanel Scales as an everydays exercise for every flutists life. Let's just make sure to add music to it.
Have fun by changing dynamics, rhythm, articulation, tempo and imagine different composers styles while practicing.
9. 請問您對年輕長笛家們有什麼建議,關於學習、準備考試,或任何事情上?
Be focused on developing your playing in quality, always respect the meaning of the music first, but also add individual style.
Know your playing level by listening to others, preferably listening to the best players of your peer group.
Be aware that as a musician it is our responsibility and our pleasure to give and to communicate!
14k金長笛 在 管樂保健室- 二手K金長笛托售品牌:宮澤MIYAZAWA FLUTE 規格 的推薦與評價
二手K金長笛托售品牌:宮澤MIYAZAWA FLUTE 規格:14K管身+銀純按鍵Open Key / Inline / Low B foot 狀態:良好,無明顯使用痕跡喜歡K金長笛音色,這有個入手的好機會, ... ... <看更多>