【到泰國駐港領事館示威 —— Protest outside Royal Thai Consulate-General in Hong Kong】
今日與許智峯 Ted Hui Chi Fung、何啟明 Ho Kai Ming Kalvin、陳堡明 Poming Chan、蘇逸恒、盧俊宇 (Cary Lo)、Mok Ka Han、曾自鳴 Tsang Tsz Ming Douglas、Figo Chan 陳皓桓和岑子杰 Jimmy Sham到泰國駐港領事館示威的行動,正是要求泰國政府必須正視抗爭者訴求,包括停止騷擾異見人士、總理巴育下台、解散國會及制定新憲法等。
1/ 4 years ago 羅冠聰 Nathan Law went to the Consulate to demonstrate while I was detained by Thai immigration. Today I returned to the same place in support of my friends in Thailand who are struggling right now.
2/ Courageous people in Thailand, having considered the dangerous consequences of carrying on the demonstrations with which the government declared illegal, decided to fight for the resurrection of liberties in ideas, speech and assembly that they can no longer enjoy under emergency decree.
3/ It becomes imperative for us to continue speaking out of them, until the day freedom there is resurrected and reclaimed. Walking in this longer darker night can be terrifying, but we are not alone.
4/ As we stand in solidarity with people in Thailand, the #MilkTeaAlliance, together we shall weather the authoritarian storm and reclaim our freedom, irrespective of the cost, the pain and tears ahead of us.
╞#存亡號召 #絕處逢生
2014 thai protest 在 時代力量 New Power Party Facebook 的精選貼文
在曼谷示威的同一天,由在台泰籍學生組成的Taiwan Alliance for Thai Democracy - 台灣推動泰國民主聯盟 也在台北車站大廳發起串聯聲援活動,希望能夠讓更多人了解泰國目前在軍政府統治下的所面臨的困境。時代力量亦於8/17(昨)日與台灣推動泰國民主聯盟成員座談,了解目前泰國情勢,以及8/16活動當天警方關切的情況。
On August 17, 2020 Taiwan Alliance for Thai Democracy (TATD) called at New Power Party in Taipei. Both sides had a fruitful and productive meeting.
The main purpose of the meeting was for TATD to share their thoughts on the demonstration currently widespread in Thailand as well as the gathering TATD organized at Taipei Main Station on August 16. New Power Party expressed its grave concerns about the protest and its support for Thai students in Taiwan in pursuit of human rights and democracy.
Taiwan has been considered a beacon of democracy in Asia for years. The Taiwanese society and its people have demonstrated staunch support for Hong Kongers during their fight against the ruthless Hong Kong government and the Chinese Communist regime.
What’s happening in Bangkok, Thailand is another brave fight against authoritarian rule. New Power Party urges the Taiwanese society to pay more attention to the protest in Thailand and voice necessary support for the vulnerable.
2014 thai protest 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文
【「停止政治檢控抗爭者 不要再拖延公平公開的民主選舉」
聲援泰國抗爭者之團結聲明 #MBK39 │Statement of Solidarity for the Thai pro-democracy protestors and youth’s call for free and fair elections, Call for dropping of charges against #MBK39】
亞洲民主青年連線(NOYDA)是一個由亞洲不同國家的年輕民主運動領袖及基層組織者的網絡。是此發表聲明,是要聲援泰國被政治檢控的民39位主運動戰友,特別是我們的朋友Rangsiman Rome 和Sirawith Seritwat。
上月27日,示威者於曼谷MBK購物商場附近集會,實踐他們合法的表達自由和和平集會的權利,要求軍隊結束軍政府下台及停止拖延大選。39名示威者隨即被控2015年「公眾集會條例」第七條及「國會和平及秩序命令3/2015」,兩條法例分別禁止皇宮150米以內集會、及禁止五人以上集會。39名被捕者當中,有9位再被加控煽動罪。兩日前,市民再次在市內民主紀念碑出集會,重申軍政府下台和本年內舉行大選的訴求。集會後,Rangsiman Rome 及三位示威者被以他們曾參與兩年前反對修憲的行動為由,被警方拘留。
亞洲民主青年連線(NOYDA) 強烈譴責泰國軍政府打壓民主,及無視泰國憲法及國際法賦予市民和平集會及表達自由的權利,政治檢控和平示威者。我們要求泰國軍方及警方撤消MBK39人的控罪,並停止一切政治檢控。
【Statement of Solidarity for the Thai pro-democracy protestors and youth’s call for free and fair elections, Call for dropping of charges against #MBK39】
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We, the Network of Young Democratic Asians (NOYDA), a collective of young pro-democracy leaders and grassroots activists from around Asia, express our solidarity with the pro-democracy activists and movement in Thailand, particularly our friends and comrades Rangsiman Rome and Sirawith Seritiwat together with the other 37 protestors composing the #MBK39.
In the last weeks, a series of peaceful protests have snowballed criticising the military junta for corruption, and calling for free and fair elections in Thailand.
Last 27 January, protesters gathered at the skywalk near MBK department store in Bangkok, Thailand, to urge the junta to step down and to stop postponing the elections. Shortly after, 39 activists were charged for this exercise of their freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, allegedly in violation of Article 7 of the 2015 Public Assembly Act, which forbids assembly within 150 meters of a royal site, and the National Council for Peace and Order’s (NCPO) Order 3/2015, which bans public gatherings of five people or more. Nine of them were charged with sedition. Again, on 10 February, a protest at Democracy Monument again called on for elections to be held this year and for the military government to step down. Soon after the protest, Rangsiman Rome, with three others, reported to and was detained by the police and military officials in light of an existing case against him and other pro-democracy activists two years ago, related to their Vote-No campaign and pamphleting during the referendum on the then proposed new Constitution.
We, in NOYDA, strongly condemn the Thai government’s suppression of democratic rights, and its prosecution of individuals who exercise their right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, which are enshrined both in the Thai Constitution and in international law. We call on the Thailand military and police officials to drop the charges against the #MBK39 and to cease its persecution of activists and the Thai people in their exercise of these rights.
We join the growing calls for the holding of free and fair elections as soon as possible, and for guarantees prohibiting the transfer of power to parties and individuals running on behalf of the military government, in order for the people to fully exercise and realise their right to self-determination.
Finally, we express our solidarity to the Thailand pro-democracy movement and the Thai people, especially the youth: we, the young generation, are not just the future, we are also here in the now. So we enjoin you to rise up and let your voices be heard now. We are with you in your struggle. Your fight for genuine democracy and justice is ours as well.
#About #NOYDA
Network of Young Democratic Asians (NOYDA) is an alliance of committed young individuals and activists in Asia, working to achieve a peaceful, equal, sustainable society through democratic process and people-oriented development. By confronting common challenges, we defend human rights, stand in solidarity with civil society and the oppressed in the region.
NOYDA founding members come from ten Asian states, including Burma, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet and Vietnam.
「停止政治檢控抗爭者 不要再拖延公平公開的民主選舉」
亞洲民主青年連線(NOYDA)是一個由亞洲不同國家的年輕民主運動領袖及基層組織者的網絡。是此發表聲明,是要聲援泰國被政治檢控的39位民主運動戰友,特別是我們的朋友Rangsiman Rome 和Sirawith Seritwat。
上月27日,示威者於曼谷MBK購物商場附近集會,實踐他們合法的表達自由和和平集會的權利,要求軍隊結束軍政府下台及停止拖延大選。39名示威者隨即被控2015年「公眾集會條例」第七條及「國會和平及秩序命令3/2015」,兩條法例分別禁止皇宮150米以內集會、及禁止五人以上集會。39名被捕者當中,有9位再被加控叛亂罪。兩日前,市民再次在市內民主紀念碑出集會,重申軍政府下台和本年內舉行大選的訴求。集會後,Rangsiman Rome 及三位示威者被以他們曾參與兩年前反對修憲的行動為由,被警方拘留。
亞洲民主青年連線(NOYDA) 強烈譴責泰國軍政府打壓民主,及無視泰國憲法及國際法賦予市民和平集會及表達自由的權利,政治檢控和平示威者。我們要求泰國軍方及警方撤消MBK39人的控罪,並停止一切政治檢控。