Before Mia arrived, I, like all mothers, fantasized about all these wonderful moments:
first time she looks at you,
first time she laughs,
first step,
first time she calls me “mama”
But reality isn’t as wonderful as imagined:
there are those sleepless nights,
times when I have no clue what’s upsetting her, and non-stop worrying about her development.
People ask me if I’ve enrolled her for any playgroups or if I’ve decided which school for her to go to, the answer is no. Her health and well-being is my priority at the moment, and having Smart Cells making my baby’s health their priority as well relieves me of a lot of stress and anxiety.
Being the first company in the UK to release stored stem cells to treat children with life-threatening illnesses, Smart Cells has been with me since day one of my pregnancy until the day Mia arrived, and will be for 25 more years.
Before that, I never knew the stem cells collected from my baby’s umbilical cord can be used to protect my family from over 80 conditions and diseases, including Leukaemia, Anaemia, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Impaired Immune Systems.
Thank you Smart Cells Hong Kong 英國寶諾臍帶血庫 for safeguarding me and my loved ones.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅The Family UK,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Last night, Fatimah had an anxiety attack at 4am. At first, I thought she was just having a bad dream, so I told her to go back to sleep. She was qu...
anxiety uk 在 國家衛生研究院-論壇 Facebook 的精選貼文
關注疫情的消息可以理解,但是對許多人來說,這可能會使現有的心理健康問題變得更糟。英國一個關注焦慮症的組織「英國焦慮症協會」(Anxiety UK)代表尼基·利德貝特(Nicky Lidbetter)解釋,「害怕失控」和「無法忍受不確定性」是許多焦慮症患者的共同特徵。
心理健康慈善機構「Mind」的發言人羅西·韋瑟利(Rosie Weatherley)表示,許多焦慮症源於對未知事物的擔憂,等待著事情的發生,從宏觀角度上來說,目前的疫情符合了這些條件[1]。
■Covid-19全球大流行 5精神症狀你中了幾項?
►P (Prepared):預作準備並篩檢重要訊息。
►E (Enhance your safety):焦慮不安時,採取可以安穩身心的實質行動,好好照顧自己,提升安全感。
►A (Accept your emotion):面對未知的恐懼,我們需要先覺察自己的焦慮是否符合現實狀態,學習安撫與接納自身情緒。
►C (Change your behavior):調適壓力反應,改變自己的行為。
►E (Engage in your life):盡可能投入日常,保持生活的穩定性。
∎[1] BBC News 中文(繁體)「肺炎疫情:如何保持自己的心理健康」:https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/science-51906001
∎[2] (中華心理衛生協會 Mental Health Association in Taiwan)「安心手冊-新冠肺炎風暴如何調適自己的壓力」:https://bit.ly/3eXjO4I
∎[3] (元氣網)「新冠肺炎全球大流行 5精神症狀你中了幾項?」:https://health.udn.com/health/story/5964/4430762
∎[4] (台灣憂鬱症防治協會)面對新冠病毒安心防疫技巧與原則(作者:張家銘/林口長庚醫院復健暨社區精神科主任):https://bit.ly/2S1LYCK
∎前副總統 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 「瘟疫中的我」:
前副總統陳建仁說,他還記得在嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(SARS)流行期間,台灣的人心也是從初期的彼此猜疑(suspicion)、疏離抗拒 (alienation)、相互苛責(resentment)和汙名化他人(stigmatization);不斷地轉變為彼此同情 (sympathy)、相互感恩(appreciation)、反省向善(reflection)和自我奉獻(self-devotion),這就是台灣人在艱難困苦中,不斷淬鍊出來的美德。
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anxiety uk 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Semalam tak boleh lena, teringat kat anak anak suami & 6000+ cases yang battling with #covid & also the people in P. Children, women, pregnant women & OKUs yang pergi setiap hari really breaks my heart. Now the new Covid 19 variant from India, UK & Africa lagi lah menakutkan. Tiada symptom terus menyerang lungs / jantung. Scary 🥺
Overthinking sangat sampai tak boleh tidur, jam 4.30 pagi rasa nafas pendek, anxiety attack. Terpaksa bangunkan Aril, to calm me. Cepat lah sembuh & habis quarantine.. I cannot take this all alone in the other room @arilrazali 😭😭
anxiety uk 在 The Family UK Youtube 的最佳解答
Last night, Fatimah had an anxiety attack at 4am. At first, I thought she was just having a bad dream, so I told her to go back to sleep. She was quiet for a while, refusing to talk. But a few minutes later, she started to hyperventilate. Only then did I realise there was something wrong with her. The very first thing that I did was calm myself down, because if I panic, she will get worse. So I pulled myself together and told her to calm down. She started crying...
She then said, "I want Mamajee! I’m scared! Kakak Athisha is leaving and she won’t come back like Mamajee."
At that point, I understood that the cause of her anxiety attack was because Athisha was going back to Malaysia for the Christmas holidays. So now, I realise that separation seems to trigger her anxiety. She couldn’t make it to school, refused to have breakfast and she was crying on and off for a few hours. But luckily, we had some leftover lasagna - her favourite - so we finally managed to convince her to eat. After lunch, Mr Dad took her out shopping for a bit of fresh air. Alhamdulillah, she looks a lot better now and she said that she’s going back to school.
I’m sharing this to reach out to other parents out there. Anxiety is real. Anxiety exists. Not only in adults, but children too. Anxiety is not a sign of weakness. Anxiety is not attention-seeking. Anxiety is a common part of the grieving process. Please do not neglect your children’s emotional wellbeing. If you too are going through a similar experience, please know that you are not alone. Hang in there. Be strong. And if things get worse, please seek professional help.
Mrs Mom xx
?Thank you Kakak @athishakhan for picking up the phone in the middle of the night, and sorry for making you worried. Please don’t think too much - Fatimah is OK now. Enjoy your holiday. We’ll see you after the New Year.
?Thank you @drauntie.uk for always being ready to support us, no matter where you are. We miss you so much. Can’t wait to see you soon!
?Thank you Mama Love @noorkartini for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to Fatimah even though you aren’t well yourself. We pray that you’ll feel better soon.
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