“K for Kids“
#kforkidsfoundation #kforkids #love #care #childrendsareourfuture #everyoneisspecial #愛❤️大使 #missS #Sforsarika #lotsoflovetogive #用愛影響生命 #❤️ #寄養家庭 #領養
[Knowing more about foster families]
The Social Welfare Department of Hong Kong has co-operated with other non-government organisations to promote the recruitment of foster families on a regular bases. They also offers a lot of support for foster families in conjunction with the foster care service in Hong Kong such as hosting regular training/workshops and seminars for foster parents. In addition, the application becoming foster family will not increase the family expenses, as there will be monthly allowance given to cover the child’s monthly living expense. There are also other allowances an support which will be provided.
However, there are a series of procedures that needs to be applied for to become a foster family. The Social Welfare Department of Hong and the non-government organizations providing foster care services will conduct an assessment and detailed investigation of the families background, living environment, child care experience and ability to whether the applicant is suitable for becoming a foster family.
As Kaye have said, it is not a burden but a mission, it is love! If you want to be part of this mission, please check with the Social Welfare Department and gather all the information to guide you through this magical process.
#KforKIDS #KforKIDSFoundation #ChildrensCharity #HongKongCharity #KidsCharity #FosterCareService
childrenscharity 在 Sarika Choy 蔡宛珊 Facebook 的最讚貼文
“K for Kids“
咁多問題,等 Kaye 同我地一一解答!
#kforkidsfoundation #kforkids #love #care #childrendsareourfuture #everyoneisspecial #愛❤️大使 #missS #Sforsarika #lotsoflovetogive #用愛影響生命 #❤️ #寄養家庭 #領養
寄養係為Out-of-Home Care嘅小朋友提供家庭式的照顧服務,比佢哋繼續過安定愉快嘅家庭式生活,令佢哋身心得以健康發展,直至佢哋獲得長遠嘅福利安排(包括回家團聚、獲領養或獨立生活)。
Difference between Foster Care & Adoption
“Foster Care" is different from "Adoption". Being a foster parents means that they are the guardians of the foster children; however, they do not have the rights of an adoption parents, nor do they have any parental responsibility.
The foster care system provides family-based care services for Out-of-Home Care children so that they can continued to live in a healthy, happy and family-like environment which will help with their body and mind development so the children could continue to grow healthily until they have obtained a long-term welfare arrangements such as going home, reunite with original family, adoption or independent living.
In conclusion, "fostering" is temporary and depending on the circumstances to determine the length of foster care. "Adoption" is finding a permanent family for the children.
#KforKids #KforKidsFoundation #ChildrensCharity #HongKongCharity #KidsCharity #Adoption #FosterCare
childrenscharity 在 Sarika Choy 蔡宛珊 Facebook 的最佳解答
有好多朋友都知道 Miss S 係 K for Kids 嘅「愛❤️大使」。咁大家又知唔知 “K for Kids“ 究竟係做咩?對象又係啲咩人?
【Out-of-Home Care 問答懶人包】
Out-of-Home Care Child並唔係孤兒,而係因種種緣故而缺乏父母照顧嘅兒童,例如虐兒個案、父母為精神病患者、智障人士、濫藥或入獄等。未能居住喺原生家庭嘅小朋友會暫時居於寄養家庭,直至可以同原生父母團聚或獨立生活為止。
根據資料,香港現時有接近4000個Out-of-Home Care嘅兒童,長期有400至600個兒童正在輪候住宿照顧,服務平均輪候時間長達31個月,輪候期間,佢哋仍然要住喺不安全嘅環境或者醫院入面。
其實,香港問題家庭因未能照顧孩子而要托付他人的情況並不罕見,有好多無家孩子等緊社會大眾幫忙,我哋K for KIDS都希望盡我哋所能,令佢哋可以健康成長❤
Children from out-of-home care are not orphans, however, due to many reasons such as being in jail, having mental health issues, being on drugs, etc, their parents are unable to take care of the them anymore, therefore, temporarily these children will stay at a out-of-home care unit until their parent can safely and individually take care of them again before they could go home.
Base on government data, there are approximately 4000 out-of-home care children in Hong Kong right now and at once, there may be about 400-600 children awaiting for a out-of-home care spot waiting to be taken care of. The wait for a spot could last up to 31 months, varies between situations. During the wait, the children may continue to stay at a unsafe environment and/or at the hospital.
In Hong Kong, the need for help to take care of children is very server and should not be a suprise for most people. It takes a community to help join hands to make a slight difference once at a time for these children. K for Kids Foundation will do all we can to see these children happy.
#KforKids #KforKidsFoundation #ChildrensCharity#HongKongCharity #KidsCharity