【One Note Samba 驅走抗疫疲勞】
抗疫日子一路走來,宅在家中激發大家無窮創意與想像,而家係時候重新出發!無論你身在何地,識唔識彈奏樂器,都可以心連心,聽住One Note Samba,同Caspar局長、Harry哥哥及一眾年青藝術家一齊起動,打拍子,用音樂驅走抗疫疲勞,為生活增添歡樂!
A group of young people and local musicians joined hands with Caspar Tsui and veteran magician Harry Gor Gor to sing along a classic bossa nova tune. We hope that this music video can lighten up your day and bring in more sunshine to your life.
更多 <人人莫宅特> 精彩MV👇👇:
#只要肯發掘 #人人莫宅特
#疫境達人 #ChillEnjoy #屋企Chill豐富
#同心抗疫 #不要鬆懈 #OneNoteSamba #StayVigilant
#民政事務局 徐英偉 Caspar Tsui Harry哥哥 B Chan Pik Sum Yangqinist Bryan Lai Joyce Cheung Anna Fan 樊華 Johnny Yim #GordonLee Tan Cong Cellist #SteveCheung #吳森雋 #廖雲軒 #陳雋騫