Undergrats, enjoy your U life 👍🏼
提自己上堂唔好嗑眼瞓?定係提自己記得Check Email 睇下有冇獎學金,有冇機會周圍去exchange?!
#入學獎學金 #只需DSE成績 #IB成績都得 #GCE成績亦得 #最高金額高於全年學費 #仲有資助去外國交流
【About Campus Life】
If you could travel back in time and speak to yourself from a year ago, what would you say?
“Stop dozing off during class”? Or perhaps “Check your email!” so you wouldn’t miss all the great scholarship and exchange opportunities?
Let’s hear what alumni Andy Leung and Hectar Pun would say.
CityU Scholarships for Hong Kong Talents: http://www.cityu.edu.hk/scholarship/
#EntranceScholarships #DSEScoresWouldDo #IBScoresWouldDo2 #GCEScoresWouldDo3 #CoverTuition #OverseasExchangeOpportunities
entrancescholarships 在 Entrance scholarships - University of Waterloo 的相關結果
Entrance scholarships are available if you're starting full-time first-year degree studies and are beginning university or college for the first time. ... <看更多>
entrancescholarships 在 Entrance Scholarships - Awards and Financial Aid 的相關結果
Entrance scholarships are offered for fall entry only. You may be offered a renewable entrance scholarship provided you are entering Carleton for the first ... ... <看更多>
entrancescholarships 在 Entrance scholarships for future undergraduates 的相關結果
McGill's Scholarships and Student Aid offers merit-based entrance scholarships to first-time university students entering a full-time undergraduate degree ... ... <看更多>