<奪冠>:從排球看思維 (文/方婷)
「當你的判斷成為下意識的時候,你在賽場上,才能出現在正確的位置。下意識怎麼來?訓練來的,不是一般的訓練,而是千百萬次上億次不斷重覆的訓練,只有堅持下來,才能走到最後。」教練這樣對在場邊練習負重深蹲,十八歲剛進國家隊的朗平說。好些時候,我們默默耕耘,自以為經已很不錯了,可是還在苦苦等待機會。眼看別人在賽道上奔馳,我們仍在場邊熱身,不爽嗎?是你不知道那些在奔馳的,在比場前已比你多做了百倍千倍的準備。<奪冠>從改革開放描述中國女排一步步從刻苦和堅毅的訓練中,登上世界舞台,經歷過青黃不接的低潮期,到朗平回歸成主教練,成就2016年巴西里約奧運會中巴大戰之勝的故事。電影重整了30年中國排球訓練的變化,聚焦的三個時期包括由1981 年中國女排首奪世界冠軍到五連冠神話,2008年前後郎平擔任美國女排教練與中國隊對戰,以及2013年前後郎平重回中國國家隊擔任主教練。這不是一套歷史電影,但讓觀眾看到中國女排在時代變化下的蛻變史。
心理學Kasser和Ryan以外在動機和內在動機來形容人行為的動機。外在動機(extrinsic motivation)的產生不在個人喜歡活動本身,而是活動所帶來的正面結果,正面結果可以是物質上或心理上的,比如說小孩子完成功課後有糖果作獎勵。而內在動機(intrinsic motivation) 則是指對活動本身的享受,單單是參予活動就會帶來喜悅和滿足,這種動機由心而發,不受獎賞驅使。八十年代的中國女排,在沒錢沒科技的的環境下,拼的是刻苦。環境拼不過別人,就更加需要努力刻苦,金牌太重要,「美國人不會對你手軟,日本人不會對你手軟」。只有冠軍才算成功,得亞軍也是輸,顯然是較著重以外在動機去鞭策隊員。
當朗平在2013年回歸中國隊成為主教練時,提出了三項讓領導聽到「血壓都高」的改革,她決心讓她的團隊不只是優秀的運動員,還是一個優秀的人。 在她眼中,廿多年後中國女排拼的,除了刻苦,還有心態。「中國人為什麼那麼看重一場比賽的輸贏呢?因為我們的內心還不夠強大。」舊式教育和訓練則重結果,爭排名,爭第一。喜歡自己在做的事嗎?抱歉,這並不是個議題,也沒有人去關心。「固化心態」(fixed mindset),也就是贏輸大於一切、害怕別人看到自己的缺點、喜歡證明自己,這樣培養出來的孩子盡可能避免新挑戰,也害怕嘗試新東西。史丹佛大學心理學教授Carol S. Dweck所提出「固化心態」和「成長心態」,說明擁有「成長心態」的人相信人永遠有進步空間、比起別人的認同,你更在意自己有沒有進步,也更不需要透過和他人比較來獲取個人價值。朗平問隊員,「你為什麼打排球?」為父母?為超越別人?只有明白是為了自己,專注在內在動機並樂於接受挑戰和自我提升,才能真正打出自己的球。
Dweck, C. S. (2008). Mindset :the new psychology of success. Ballantine Books.
Sheldon, K. M & Kasser, T. (2001). Goals, congruence, and positive well-being: new empirical Support for humanistic desires. Journey Humanistic Psychology, 41(1), 30-50.
extrinsic and intrinsic motivation 在 IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS Facebook 的最佳貼文
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A critical ingredient in the success of hotels is developing and maintaining superior performance from their employees. How is that accomplished? What Human Resource Management (HRM) practices should organizations invest in to acquire and retain great employees?
Some hotels aim to provide superior working conditions for their employees. The idea originated from workplaces - usually in the non-service sector - that emphasized fun and enjoyment as part of work-life balance. By contrast, the service sector, and more specifically hotels, has traditionally not extended these practices to address basic employee needs, such as good working conditions.
Pfeffer (1994) emphasizes that in order to succeed in a global business environment, organizations must make investment in Human Resource Management (HRM) to allow them to acquire employees who possess better skills and capabilities than their competitors. This investment will be to their competitive advantage. Despite this recognition of the importance of employee development, the hospitality industry has historically been dominated by underdeveloped HR practices (Lucas, 2002).
Lucas also points out that 'the substance of HRM practices does not appear to be designed to foster constructive relations with employees or to represent a managerial approach that enables developing and drawing out the full potential of people, even though employees may be broadly satisfied with many aspects of their work' (Lucas, 2002). In addition, or maybe as a result, high employee turnover has been a recurring problem throughout the hospitality industry. Among the many cited reasons are low compensation, inadequate benefits, poor working conditions and compromised employee morale and attitudes (Maroudas et al., 2008).
Ng and Sorensen (2008) demonstrated that when managers provide recognition to employees, motivate employees to work together, and remove obstacles preventing effective performance, employees feel more obligated to stay with the company. This was succinctly summarized by Michel et al. (2013): '[P]roviding support to employees gives them the confidence to perform their jobs better and the motivation to stay with the organization.' Hospitality organizations can therefore enhance employee motivation and retention through the development and improvement of their working conditions. These conditions are inherently linked to the working environment.
While it seems likely that employees' reactions to their job characteristics could be affected by a predisposition to view their work environment negatively, no evidence exists to support this hypothesis (Spector et al., 2000). However, given the opportunity, many people will find something to complain about in relation to their workplace (Poulston, 2009). There is a strong link between the perceptions of employees and particular factors of their work environment that are separate from the work itself, including company policies, salary and vacations.
Such conditions are particularly troubling for the luxury hotel market, where high-quality service, requiring a sophisticated approach to HRM, is recognized as a critical source of competitive advantage (Maroudas et al., 2008). In a real sense, the services ofhotel employees represent their industry (Schneider and Bowen, 1993). This representation has commonly been limited to guest experiences. This suggests that there has been a dichotomy between the guest environment provided in luxury hotels and the working conditions of their employees.
It is therefore essential for hotel management to develop HRM practices that enable them to inspire and retain competent employees. This requires an understanding of what motivates employees at different levels of management and different stages of their careers (Enz and Siguaw, 2000). This implies that it is beneficial for hotel managers to understand what practices are most favorable to increase employee satisfaction and retention.
Herzberg (1966) proposes that people have two major types of needs, the first being extrinsic motivation factors relating to the context in which work is performed, rather than the work itself. These include working conditions and job security. When these factors are unfavorable, job dissatisfaction may result. Significantly, though, just fulfilling these needs does not result in satisfaction, but only in the reduction of dissatisfaction (Maroudas et al., 2008).
Employees also have intrinsic motivation needs or motivators, which include such factors as achievement and recognition. Unlike extrinsic factors, motivator factors may ideally result in job satisfaction (Maroudas et al., 2008). Herzberg's (1966) theory discusses the need for a 'balance' of these two types of needs.
The impact of fun as a motivating factor at work has also been explored. For example, Tews, Michel and Stafford (2013) conducted a study focusing on staff from a chain of themed restaurants in the United States. It was found that fun activities had a favorable impact on performance and manager support for fun had a favorable impact in reducing turnover.
Their findings support the view that fun may indeed have a beneficial effect, but the framing of that fun must be carefully aligned with both organizational goals and employee characteristics. 'Managers must learn how to achieve the delicate balance of allowing employees the freedom to enjoy themselves at work while simultaneously maintaining high levels of performance' (Tews et al., 2013).
Deery (2008) has recommended several actions that can be adopted at the organizational level to retain good staff as well as assist in balancing work and family life. Those particularly appropriate to the hospitality industry include allowing adequate breaks during the working day, staff functions that involve families, and providing health and well-being opportunities.
Các từ vựng nổi bật:
critical (adj): then chốt
superior (adj): tốt hơn
accomplish (adj): trọn vẹn
retain (v): giữ lại
by contrast: ngược lại
extend (v): kéo dài
emphasize (v): nhấn mạnh
investment (n): đầu tư
competitive (adj): cạnh tranh
recognition (n): sự công nhận
substance (n): cốt lõi
foster (v): thúc đẩy
constructive (adj): có tính xây dựng
managerial (adj): thuộc quản lý
potential (n): tiềm năng
turnover (n): nghỉ việc
compensation (n): lương
morale (n): tinh thần
obstacle (n): chướng ngại
succinctly (adv): súc tích
retention (n): sự duy trì
predisposition (n): khuynh hướng thiên về
separate (adj): riêng biệt
sophisticated (adj): phức tạp
dichotomy (n): sự lưỡng phân
extrinsic (adj): từ bên ngoài
intrinsic (adj): từ bên trong
align (v): sắp hàng
delicate (adj): tinh tế
simultaneously (adv): đồng thời
adequate (adj): đầy đủ
break (n): giờ giải lao
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🆙 動機——看懂行為背後的驅動力
中午吃飯的時候,陪(逼)老公把我昨天錄的提升內在動機的影片看一遍 😆
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Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation – What’s The Difference (And How To Get Motivated)
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Intrinsic motivation comes from within, while extrinsic motivation arises from external factors. When you are intrinsically motivated, you ... ... <看更多>
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