「上戲接下戲 」+ 「講劇時辰到」兩台聯播:《2018港產片回顧》
主持:Heidi Siu ,江澄 ,Gary Wong , Benny Chau
#BubbleAir #上戲接下戲 #電影朝聖 #江澄 #GaryWong
Bubble Air 上戲接下戲 Movie and Then
garywong 在 黃梓謙 Gary Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文
Networking Dinner of the Jockey Club Incubation Programme for Social Innovation has successfully launched tonight. We had an enjoyable night with our Leaders to Leaders 2017 global leaders, Jasmine Lau Darren Tay Lina Khalifeh Arizza Nocum Gary Wong 黃梓謙,local Co-Creators and incubators. That was the time when local and global leaders shared ideas, thoughts and aspirations to each other. For sure it was a fulfilling night and yes… stay tuned because there are more cool time to come!
If you want to know more about the stories of global leaders, there will be Leaders to Leaders 2017 Kickoff Ceremony, details as below:
Date: 1 August 2017 (Tue)
Time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Venue: Auditorium, 9/F, The HKFYG Building
Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/cCGsPi8T4RE9GSXW2
📽️ You can also watch Live Broadcast on 1 Aug!
Leaders to Leaders 2017 Summer
1 August to 5 August
Website: http://www.leadership21-leaderstoleaders.com
#HKFYG #LTL2017 #JockeyClub #Incubation #SocialInnovation #HKFYG #LTL2017 #SocialInnovationCentre #LeaderstoLeaders2017 #LinaKhalifeh #SheFighter #DarrenTay #PublicSpeakingAcademy #JasmineLau #PhilanthropyInMotion #ArizzaNocum #KRISLibrary #GaryWong #InspiringHK
garywong 在 許復的邊界記事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
整起事件,其實始於我無心插柳把 黃梓謙 帶到新新聞現場,才引起一連串風波。不過,塞翁失馬,港台對話開啟,是大家之幸。請大家關注我在天下換日線的專欄對Gary做的專訪,讓他說更多他眼中的香港,台灣,還有港台之間的滴滴點點。
我們還特別加碼,為各位讀者送上我倆精心為柯P獻上的「柯 P 香港不無聊一日半遊」,市長室的朋友們趕緊存擋啊!歡迎有興趣的朋友找我和Gary 當伴遊 XD
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#黃梓謙 #GaryWong #民主思路 #港台本一家 #柯文哲 #立法會選舉 #香港新執政團隊 #牛津仔 #Oxbridge #天下雜誌換日線 #換日線 #台灣天下雜誌 Gary Wong 黃梓謙